I'm afraid I don't completely understand what you're syaing, cHarOn... Could you elaborate?
Can you also post the filenames of the 3pdps you're trying to use?
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DriverPacks.net Forum » Posts by Wim Leers
I'm afraid I don't completely understand what you're syaing, cHarOn... Could you elaborate?
Can you also post the filenames of the 3pdps you're trying to use?
Any progress with this issue, Helmi?
Please mention next time in your first post that you're using a multibootDisc. That's a critical difference!
You slipstreamed all updates manually, perhaps? If no UpdatePack is detected, then the hotfix will be removed. Note that detection for the Russian UpdatePack is currently missing!
This was the same bug as the one described in this topic.
Topic closed.
To which mass storage controller is the SATA HDD connected?
You probably saved me almost a full day with this thread. Thanks so much. If I'm ever in your part of the world, I owe you a beer (that goes for you too Bashrat).
Considering your timezone, that won't be any time soon I guess
What is the exact laptop model? I need that if I want to fix this, but all I have to do is add this driver.
never mind, it's in the topic title.
This driver will be added in the next update of DriverPack Sound B.
Just tell me what motherboards those are... it's definitely some missing SoundMAX/Sigmatel drivers. When I add the necessary drivers, the BSODs will disappear.
Check this topic.
It seems that no work-around is possible, without removing the other Intel Chipset drivers from DriverPack Chipset.
Topic closed, please continue in the referred topic.
I'm sorry coucou, but if you did slipstream RyanVM's UpdatePack, then I don't see why it should not work. This might be an isolated issue.
If you don't want either of them to be installed, just remove the corresponding sections from the DPsFnshr.ini file! That way the Finisher won't even know that such exceptions exist
You say that you are using Sysprep. Then have you applied the appropriate changes? Did you for example extract DPsFnshr.7z to %systemdrive% and copy DPsFnshr.ini there too?
It would be better to start over again... so you can slipstream the new updates too. Are you very sure you want to do this?
Hm in the first post the problem is described as
the sigmatel control panel pops up to set headphone or speaker option for the green jack, will not continue until this is set
Fragbert confirmed that.
RogueSpear had another problem though:
2 open CMD windows
... and then another one by RogueSpear, describing the same issue, but with different drivers.
I do not see the link. And I do not see how 2 cmd windows could get started... that's very strange!
Confirmed minute 34
That's during the installation of drivers the, which does indeed lead to the conclusion (you were right, RogueSpear) that it's caused by the driver itself.
If there's no new version available soon, I will roll back to the previous driver.
Your HWID is supported, it should have been detected.
The relevant part:
2006-10-10 16:01:51 : <FLTR> Verifying requirements for exception [wnt5_x86-32__0005__D-G-A-5] (4 of 20 exceptions).
2006-10-10 16:01:51 : <FLTR> 1. tagFiles (ALL tagFiles must be found)
2006-10-10 16:01:51 : <FLTR> Found tagfile "I:\ATICCP.ins" (1/2).
2006-10-10 16:01:51 : <FLTR> Found tagfile "I:\D\G\A\1\ATICCP.exe" (2/2).
2006-10-10 16:01:51 : <FLTR> 4. +infFiles (ANY +infFiles must be matched)
2006-10-10 16:01:51 : <FLTR> ! Could not match any of the +infFiles.
2006-10-10 16:01:51 : <FLTR> => This exception will not be applied.
The one but last line shows that none of the .inf files could be matched. But that strange thing is that it did not list the .inf files.
If possible, could you please run the Finisher again, but now in debug mode? You can enable debug mode by adding the following line to the Settings section:
debug = true
You must indeed be doing something wrong. Could you please post the *EXACT* contents of your cmdlines.txt?
And if you choose 'custom' as the Finisher method, then all you have to do is add an entry, somewhere (anywhere), that starts %SystemDrive%\DPsFnshr.exe. You can add that entry to GUIRunOnce, to RunOnceEx, to WPI, to XPlode, to whatever you desire.
Please post your entire DPsFnshr.log, so we can confirm this was indeed tested on a system with a supported ATI GPU.
If I remember well, setting OemPreinstall = yes in your winnt.sif (which is desired and even necesssary depending on your settings), F6 will no longer be available.
EDIT: but what additional drivers do you need?
QSC is simply a cache from where the compressed drivers are copied into the \$OEM$\$1 directory. I do not see how that could affect the desktop.ini problem - though we must keep all possibilities open.
I think jtdoom is closer though.
No need for that harsh tone.
1) I do not touch the startup directory.
2) Not a single attribute is changed by the Finisher.
If things were that simple, they would have been solved already.
I'm sorry mikelm, but try to put yourself in my place: it's a bug that only popped up during betatesting, and even then it was not sure that it was caused by the DriverPack Sound B. And it's STILL only you, jtdoom, and some one else. There's no known way to reproduce it, and therefore no known way to remove the bug.
My best guess is that it's caused by the implementation of KTD: since the last versions it moves the directories instead of copying them. That's really the only true change since version 6.08.6 (apart from bug fixes, which certainly have not caused it). Now, if you move the C:\D\whatever directory to C:\WINDOWS\DriverPacks\, how do you think that would cause the desktop.ini file to be opened?
As I said, this problem is so obscure, that it will be very difficult to track the exact cause.
There's an antispam bot available, I may implement that in the future.
You can change your password in your profile!
Which controllers? It's important to note that in Windows 2000, there's a limit on the combined size of all drivers you load during text mode. That's why I've disabled the loading of some drivers by commenting them. Open your txtsetup.sif file and do a search for e.g. "si3112r.sys" and you'll end up in the section where you can enable/disable drivers.
There's no way to work around this limitation, I'm afraid.
EDIT: on which specific controller are you tring to install Windows 2000?
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