Topic: [NEEDS REPLY] Uninstall old drivers..... Install new Drivers

I have a Windows XP CD From a friend that have old Mass Storage Drivers packed in (5.10 in fact), but I want to update this version, how I could remove old drivers... I know that I need to remove all .cmds, and OemPNPDrivers in winnt.sif, but another thing I need to remove? sorry, I'm newbie, and thanks...

Re: [NEEDS REPLY] Uninstall old drivers..... Install new Drivers

It would be better to start over again... so you can slipstream the new updates too. Are you very sure you want to do this?

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Re: [NEEDS REPLY] Uninstall old drivers..... Install new Drivers

I opted to rebuild again, cause that version sents me a lot of errors to update, All errors reported are from new version from scratch.