Topic: [SOLVED] DriverPacks with AutoImage..

Hi All,
  ive got a couple of issues.

1st, ROE.exe is writing to RunonceEX at the same time as I write to this registry key from my RunonceEX.cmd file. Whatever ROE.exe is setting up dosent run on the next reboot as my entries are entered first. Could I possibly remove ROE.exe & you give me the entries it enters & process it needs to run so i can add these to my runonnceEX.cmd

2nd im getting this error at 12mins.. anyone know why or is it because of the above issue..?

Line O (flie "c:\$win_nt$ .~ls\$OEM$ROE.exe"):

regwrite($a& "\"&$cmdline[1],"","reg_sz", "driverpacks Finisher")
rewrite($a& "\"& ERROR

Re: [SOLVED] DriverPacks with AutoImage..

If i use driverpacks as GUIRunonce instead will that work along side of my runonceEX without an issue?

Re: [SOLVED] DriverPacks with AutoImage..

Could you please post the content of your cmdlines.txt file?

And alternatively, you could indeed add it manually to your RunOnceEx.cmd file, but then you must choose 'custom' as your Finisher Method.

Founder of —

Re: [SOLVED] DriverPacks with AutoImage..

havent got it to hand until tomorrow.

it was something like

"regedit /s fixs.reg"
"ROE.exe, 090" (your know exactly what is entered here)

late friday I changed to using the GUIrunonce method. removed the line entered in the sif file & added this to my RunoncEX.cmd file.

If I chose the custom command do I just need to point & run the ROE.exe??

Re: [SOLVED] DriverPacks with AutoImage..

Remove the comma in the ROE.exe entry. I think you've put it there accidentally?

Founder of —

Re: [SOLVED] DriverPacks with AutoImage..

what I put was of the top of my head. the ROE.exe entry was something like that. you will know what gets added to the cmdlines.txt for this..
Im now using a GUIrunonce on the driver packs & removing the entry for GUIrunonce in the sif file & have put this in my runonceEX.cmd file.

If i go with custom do i just need to point to the ROE.exe..?

Re: [SOLVED] DriverPacks with AutoImage..

I really don't understand what the problem is that you're having.  Why is it that ROE.exe is not working for you?  I write all kinds of crazy things to RunOnceEx from cmdlines also and ROE.exe works just fine for me.

Re: [SOLVED] DriverPacks with AutoImage..

You must indeed be doing something wrong. Could you please post the *EXACT* contents of your cmdlines.txt?

And if you choose 'custom' as the Finisher method, then all you have to do is add an entry, somewhere (anywhere), that starts %SystemDrive%\DPsFnshr.exe. You can add that entry to GUIRunOnce, to RunOnceEx, to WPI, to XPlode, to whatever you desire.

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