Topic: DPsFnshr.exe cannot find settings file!

How on earth does that executable detect its settings file? Yes I am tinkering with the whole setup, read my other topic about creating a seperate driver cd. I tried everything, placing the .ini file in the %SystemDrive% next to the .exe, passing the location as an argument but it still won't work.

Re: DPsFnshr.exe cannot find settings file!

Hmm I got it working, got a comment for the creator: make it more command-line friendly. Add a switch that disables all error dialogs and turns them into command-line stuff. And somehow it doesn't work for me. Manually letting Windows scan the driverpacks folder for drivers does work, running the finisher doesn't do a thing.

Re: DPsFnshr.exe cannot find settings file!

DPsFnshr.ini must be in the same directory as DPsFnshr.exe. All error dialogs of the Finisher automatically close after a number of seconds (2, 3 or 5, I don't remember).

Are you sure you've configured the .ini properly? Please post your .log (look in %Systemroot%) and your .ini.

Founder of —

Re: DPsFnshr.exe cannot find settings file!

Ok so I tried to post it here, but it seemed to be the logfile of a session where it couldn't find the settings file. Now I have placed that in the right directory and modified it as follows:

; DO NOT SET THIS MANUALLY, LET THE DriverPacks BASE DO IT FOR YOU! (may NOT contain any spaced, if it does, all exceptions must be adapted to be compatible!)
DPsRoot	= "C:\fini\DriverPacks"
KTD = "false"
; system variables supported (see remarks for a list) one location cannot be used as
; KTDlocation: the root directory specified in[Settings]\DPsRoot
KTDlocation	= "C:\fini\DriverPacks"
; system variables supported (see remarks for a list)
logLocation = "C:\fini\"
; enables/disables debug mode (enabled by default)
debug = "true"

I use the .exe in the following script:

@echo off
title Driver installation
set WORKINGDIR=%SystemDrive%\fini

:: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

echo Driver installation script, created using driverpacks and tools from
echo Location of logfile: %LOGFILE%
echo Script working directory: %WORKINGDIR%

echo Starting installation...

echo ::
echo :: Started @ %TIME% %DATE%
echo ::

set TAGFILE=\OEM\BIN\un7zip.exe
for %%i in (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y) do if exist "%%i:%TAGFILE%" set CDDRIVE=%%i:
echo Unzipping installation and driver files...
%CDDRIVE%\OEM\BIN\un7zip.exe %CDDRIVE%\OEM\DP*.7z "%WORKINGDIR%\DriverPacks"

echo Initializing...
::start %WORKINGDIR%\Mute.exe on
start %WORKINGDIR%\DSPdsblr.exe
%CDDRIVE%\OEM\BIN\DevPath.exe %WORKINGDIR%\DriverPacks

echo Copying driverpacks...
copy /Y %CDDRIVE%\OEM\bin\DPsFnshr.ini %WORKINGDIR%\
xcopy %WORKINGDIR%\Driverpacks\*.* %WORKINGDIR%\ /y /i /e /h

echo Installing drivers...
start %WORKINGDIR%\DPsFnshr.exe
taskkill /f /im DSPdsblr.exe
::%WORKINGDIR%\Mute.exe off

echo Installation completed.
echo Press any key to exit.

Am I using it right, and how do I get it working again?

Last edited by Jig (2007-06-28 00:59:29)

Re: DPsFnshr.exe cannot find settings file!

Btw I do note something strange in the finisher log:

2007-06-27 15:46:47 : <INIT> DriverPacks Finisher 7.05.2 initialized.
2007-06-27 15:46:47 : <INIT> Splash screen initialized.
2007-06-27 15:46:47 : <INIT> Detected platform wnt5_x86-32.
2007-06-27 15:46:47 : <INIT> Start logging of system variables available for use by the exceptions:
2007-06-27 15:46:47 : <INIT>     %finisherdir% = C:fini
2007-06-27 15:46:47 : <INIT>     %systemdrive% = C:
2007-06-27 15:46:47 : <INIT>     %systemroot% = C:\WINDOWS
2007-06-27 15:46:47 : <INIT>     %windir% = C:\WINDOWS
2007-06-27 15:46:47 : <INIT>     %programfiles% = C:\Program Files
2007-06-27 15:46:47 : <INIT>     %dpsroot% =
2007-06-27 15:46:47 : <INIT>     %dpstmp% = C:fini\tmp
2007-06-27 15:46:47 : <INIT> Start logging of the HWIDs for relevant devices present in this system.
2007-06-27 15:46:47 : <INIT> 1. ACPI devices

Note the bold lines, there is a \ missing in the finishing dir which is probably missing due to %systemdrive% not containing it.

Last edited by Jig (2007-06-28 01:26:46)

Re: DPsFnshr.exe cannot find settings file!


Re: DPsFnshr.exe cannot find settings file!

That seems like a bug. Quite strange though, bcause %systemdrive% is imported from the system variables of Windows itself. I wonder why %dpsroot% is empty though. I'll give this a look either tomorrow evening or the day after that, atm studying for the last exam.

Founder of —

Re: DPsFnshr.exe cannot find settings file!

I've got this same problem.  I didn't have DPsFnshr.ini in the same location, though.

When I did put the ini in the same location as DPsFnshr.exe, I still experienced the issue.

I am putting the finisher in $OEM$ on my install disk and I'm using cmdlines.txt to call the finisher in my custom finisher method (as opposed to guirunonce or runonceex).


Re: DPsFnshr.exe cannot find settings file!

Thanks for the input. That might help to narrow it down.

Founder of —

Re: DPsFnshr.exe cannot find settings file!

The DPsFnshr.ini file that I put into the same directory as DPsFnshr.exe is all set to blank/default values.

I am manually setting the info now - despite the warnings not to manually set them.  heh - if I want to keep all of the drivers, what should the KTD value be set to?



Re: DPsFnshr.exe cannot find settings file!

So, any news? I'd really like to finish my driver CD.

Re: DPsFnshr.exe cannot find settings file!

I've got nothing...  I don't know what to give for the KTD value to keep them all...

Even still I put "false" in for testing purposes and DPsFnshr.exe still complains of the missing settings file.  I think it may have to do with the work directory - for example the windows installer may be working in the root of the system drive, and then it calls everything from cmdlines.txt explicity.  That is the only way I could see it not being able to find the settings file - maybe because it's looking in the work directory (system drive?) instead of the directory on the CD?



Re: DPsFnshr.exe cannot find settings file!

My post was aimed for Bashrat.

Re: DPsFnshr.exe cannot find settings file!

Figures.  Although, is Bashrat able to reproduce the issue?



Re: DPsFnshr.exe cannot find settings file!

I would really like to see Bashrat reply here.

Re: DPsFnshr.exe cannot find settings file!

i think the reason it is broken is obvious...

; DO NOT SET THIS MANUALLY, LET THE DriverPacks BASE DO IT FOR YOU! (may NOT contain any spaced, if it does, all exceptions must be adapted to be compatible!)
DPsRoot    = "C:\fini\DriverPacks"
KTD = "false"
; system variables supported (see remarks for a list) one location cannot be used as
; KTDlocation: the root directory specified in[Settings]\DPsRoot

KTDlocation    = "C:\fini\DriverPacks"

even though it is = "false"

you have combined methods here you are useing all the tools to KTD
and then you run the finisher which expects dpsroot will be deleted (your KTD folder) 
Also the KTD=false is contraditary to your goal
try changing the KTD folder value
and setting KTD = "paths:D"  (the "ALL" setting) Since you are in fact keeping the drivers

sample DPsFnshr.ini  that keeps all drivers
extracted to c:\ and "Kept" in c:\windows\DriverPacks

; DO NOT SET THIS MANUALLY, LET THE DriverPacks BASE DO IT FOR YOU! (may NOT contain any spaced, if it does, all exceptions must be adapted to be compatible!)
DPsRoot	= "%SystemDrive%"
KTD = "paths:D"
; system variables supported (see remarks for a list) one location cannot be used as
; KTDlocation: the root directory specified in[Settings]\DPsRoot
KTDlocation	= "%SystemRoot%\DriverPacks"
; system variables supported (see remarks for a list)
logLocation = "%SystemRoot%"
; enables/disables debug mode (enabled by default)
debug = "true"

When the finisher runs it probably blanks out the dpsroot entry in your log because of several conflicts.

check back. I can check the code too, if needed.

Last edited by OverFlow (2007-07-17 16:23:20)

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Re: DPsFnshr.exe cannot find settings file!

I now tried it with the tips you gave me. This is my autorunning cmd file, that initiates the whole process.

set WORKINGDIR=%SystemDrive%\fini

set TAGFILE=\OEM\BIN\un7zip.exe
for %%i in (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y) do if exist "%%i:%TAGFILE%" set CDDRIVE=%%i:
echo Unzipping installation and driver files...

:: devcon.exe needs to be in %SYSTEMDRIVE% dir...
move %WORKINGDIR%\devcon.exe %SYSTEMDRIVE%\devcon.exe

%CDDRIVE%\OEM\BIN\un7zip.exe %CDDRIVE%\OEM\DP*.7z "%WORKINGDIR%\DriverPacks"

echo Initializing...
start %WORKINGDIR%\DSPdsblr.exe
copy /Y %CDDRIVE%\OEM\bin\DPsFnshr.ini %WORKINGDIR%\

echo Installing drivers...
start %WORKINGDIR%\DPsFnshr.exe
taskkill /f /im DSPdsblr.exe

echo Installation completed.

And this is my DPsFnshr.ini:

; DO NOT SET THIS MANUALLY, LET THE DriverPacks BASE DO IT FOR YOU! (may NOT contain any spaced, if it does, all exceptions must be adapted to be compatible!)
DPsRoot	= "C:\fini\DriverPacks"
KTD = "paths:D"
; system variables supported (see remarks for a list) one location cannot be used as
; KTDlocation: the root directory specified in[Settings]\DPsRoot
KTDlocation	= "C:\fini\DriverPacks"
; system variables supported (see remarks for a list)
logLocation = "C:\fini"
; enables/disables debug mode (enabled by default)
debug = "true"

I can get it running, but it doesn't install the drivers. Attached is the DPsFnshr.log.
Maybe I should use the default folder locations, because the finisher is just crap with other folders then the default.


Re: DPsFnshr.exe cannot find settings file!

Hmm can't seem to attach anything.
Here is the log, I removed some exception listings to shorten it:

2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT> DriverPacks Finisher 7.05.2 initialized.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT> Splash screen initialized.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT> Detected platform wnt5_x86-32.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>  Start logging of constants used in this program:
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>  	$_DEBUG: True
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>  	$_DPSTMP: C:fini\tmp
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>  	$_LOGFILE: C:\fini\DPsFnshr.log
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>  	$_NF: not found
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>  	$_SETTINGSFILE: C:fini\DPsFnshr.ini
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>  	$_SPLASHSCREEN: True
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT> Start logging of system variables available for use by the exceptions:
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT> 	%finisherdir% = C:fini
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT> 	%systemdrive% = C:
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT> 	%systemroot% = C:\WINDOWS
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT> 	%windir% = C:\WINDOWS
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT> 	%programfiles% = C:\Program Files
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT> 	%dpsroot% = 
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT> 	%dpstmp% = C:fini\tmp
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT> Start logging of the HWIDs for relevant devices present in this system.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT> devcon.exe not present: no HWIDs can be logged.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT> Found .ini file for DriverPack CPU! ("C:\fini\DriverPacks\DriverPack_CPU_wnt5_x86-32.ini")
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>      $dp_exceptions = array(
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [0] => CPU
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>      )
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [CPU].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\\CPU" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing the full requirements for exception 1 of 1 for this driver.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     No exceptions disabled for this DriverPack.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT> Number of exceptions imported for this DriverPack: 1.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT> Total number of exceptions: 1.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>  exceptions[0][0]: 1
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>  exceptions[0][1]: 1
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT> Found .ini file for DriverPack Graphics A! ("C:\fini\DriverPacks\DriverPack_Graphics_A_wnt5_x86-32.ini")
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>      $dp_exceptions = array(
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [0] => A-1
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>      )
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [A-1].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\G\A\1" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing the full requirements for exception 1 of 2 for this driver.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing the full requirements for exception 2 of 2 for this driver.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     No exceptions disabled for this DriverPack.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT> Number of exceptions imported for this DriverPack: 1.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT> Total number of exceptions: 3.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>  exceptions[0][0]: 3
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>  exceptions[0][1]: 3
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT> Found .ini file for DriverPack LAN! ("C:\fini\DriverPacks\DriverPack_LAN_wnt5_x86-32.ini")
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>      $dp_exceptions = array(
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [0] => NV-3
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>      )
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [NV-3].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\L\NV\3" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing the full requirements for exception 1 of 1 for this driver.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     No exceptions disabled for this DriverPack.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT> Number of exceptions imported for this DriverPack: 1.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT> Total number of exceptions: 4.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>  exceptions[0][0]: 4
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>  exceptions[0][1]: 4
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT> Found .ini file for DriverPack MassStorage! ("C:\fini\DriverPacks\DriverPack_MassStorage_wnt5_x86-32.ini")
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>      $dp_exceptions = array(
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [0] => 3-1
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [1] => 3-1-O
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [2] => 3-2
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [3] => 3-3
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [4] => A-1
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [5] => A-2
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [6] => A-3
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [7] => A-4
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [8] => A-5
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [9] => A-6
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [10] => A-7
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [11] => A-8
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [12] => AD-2
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [13] => AD-3
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [14] => AD-4
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [15] => AD-5
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [16] => AD-6
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [17] => AD-6-C
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [18] => AD-7
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [19] => AD-8
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [20] => AM
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [21] => AR
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [22] => AT
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [23] => AU-1
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [24] => AU-2
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [25] => AU-3
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [26] => C
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [27] => C-1
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [28] => D-1
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [29] => D-2
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [30] => D-3
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [31] => E
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [32] => H-1
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [33] => H-1-R
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [34] => H-2
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [35] => H-3
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [36] => H-4
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [37] => H-5
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [38] => H-6
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [39] => H-6-2k3
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [40] => H-7
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [41] => H-8
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [42] => AD-1
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [43] => I-1
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [44] => I-2
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [45] => IN-R
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [46] => IN-3
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [47] => IN-2
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [48] => IN-1
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [49] => AD-A
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [50] => IT
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [51] => J
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [52] => L-1
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [53] => L-2
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [54] => L-3
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [55] => L-4
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [56] => L-5
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [57] => M
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [58] => M-O
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [59] => N-tm
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [60] => P-1
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [61] => P-2
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [62] => P-2-A
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [63] => P-3
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [64] => P-4
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [65] => P-5
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [66] => P-6
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [67] => P-7
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [68] => P-8
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [69] => P-9
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [70] => Q-1
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [71] => Q-2
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [72] => Q-3
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [73] => Q-4
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [74] => S-1
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [75] => S-3
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [76] => S-5
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [77] => S-5-A
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [78] => S-7
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [79] => S-7-A
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [80] => S-9
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [81] => S-A
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [82] => S-C
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [83] => S-2
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [84] => S-4
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [85] => AD-9
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [86] => S-6
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [87] => S-8
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [88] => S-B
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [89] => SI-1
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [90] => SI-2
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [91] => SI-3
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [92] => SI-4
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [93] => V-1
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [94] => V-2
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [95] => V-3
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [96] => V-4
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [97] => VM
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>      )
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [3-1].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\3\1" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [3-1-O].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\3\1\O" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [3-2].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\3\2" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [3-3].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\3\3" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [A-1].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\A\1" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [A-2].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\A\2" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [A-3].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\A\3" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [A-4].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\A\4" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [A-5].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\A\5" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [A-6].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\A\6" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [A-7].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\A\7" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [A-8].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\A\8" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [AD-2].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\AD\2" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [AD-3].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\AD\3" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [AD-4].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\AD\4" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [AD-5].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\AD\5" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [AD-6].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\AD\6" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [AD-6-C].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\AD\6\C" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [AD-7].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\AD\7" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [AD-8].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\AD\8" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [AM].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\AM" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [AR].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\AR" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [AT].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\AT" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [AU-1].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\AU\1" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [AU-2].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\AU\2" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [AU-3].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\AU\3" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [C].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\C" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [C-1].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\C\1" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [D-1].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\D\1" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [D-2].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\D\2" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [D-3].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\D\3" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [E].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\E" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [H-1].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\H\1" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [H-1-R].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\H\1\R" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [H-2].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\H\2" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [H-3].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\H\3" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [H-4].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\H\4" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [H-5].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\H\5" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [H-6].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\H\6" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [H-6-2k3].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\H\6\2k3" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [H-7].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\H\7" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [H-8].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\H\8" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [AD-1].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\AD\1" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [I-1].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\I\1" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [I-2].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\I\2" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [IN-R].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\IN\R" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [IN-3].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\IN\3" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [IN-2].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\IN\2" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [IN-1].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\IN\1" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [AD-A].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\AD\A" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [IT].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\IT" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [J].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\J" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [L-1].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\L\1" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [L-2].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\L\2" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [L-3].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\L\3" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [L-4].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\L\4" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [L-5].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\L\5" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [M].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\M" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [M-O].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\M\O" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [N-tm].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\N\tm" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [P-1].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\P\1" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [P-2].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\P\2" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [P-2-A].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\P\2\A" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [P-3].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\P\3" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [P-4].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\P\4" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [P-5].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\P\5" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [P-6].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\P\6" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [P-7].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\P\7" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [P-8].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\P\8" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [P-9].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\P\9" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [Q-1].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\Q\1" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [Q-2].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\Q\2" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [Q-3].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\Q\3" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [Q-4].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\Q\4" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [S-1].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\S\1" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [S-3].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\S\3" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [S-5].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\S\5" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [S-5-A].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\S\5\A" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [S-7].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\S\7" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [S-7-A].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\S\7\A" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [S-9].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\S\9" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [S-A].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\S\A" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [S-C].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\S\C" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [S-2].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\S\2" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [S-4].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\S\4" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [AD-9].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\AD\9" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [S-6].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\S\6" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [S-8].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\S\8" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [S-B].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\S\B" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [SI-1].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\SI\1" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [SI-2].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\SI\2" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [SI-3].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\SI\3" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [SI-4].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\SI\4" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [V-1].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\V\1" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [V-2].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\V\2" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [V-3].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\V\3" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [V-4].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\V\4" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [VM].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\M\VM" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     No exceptions disabled for this DriverPack.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT> Number of exceptions imported for this DriverPack: 98.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT> Total number of exceptions: 4.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>  exceptions[0][0]: 4
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>  exceptions[0][1]: 4
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT> Found .ini file for DriverPack Sound A! ("C:\fini\DriverPacks\DriverPack_Sound_A_wnt5_x86-32.ini")
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>      $dp_exceptions = array(
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [0] => CR-1
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [1] => CR-2
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [2] => CR-3
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [3] => N
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [4] => V-1
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [5] => V-2
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>      )
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [CR-1].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\S\CR\1" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing the full requirements for exception 1 of 1 for this driver.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [CR-2].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\S\CR\2" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing the full requirements for exception 1 of 1 for this driver.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [CR-3].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\S\CR\3" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing the full requirements for exception 1 of 1 for this driver.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>             Could not find one or more of the requirement types for this exception! This exception will therefore not be processed!
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [N].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\S\N" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing the full requirements for exception 1 of 1 for this driver.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [V-1].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\S\V\1" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing the full requirements for exception 1 of 1 for this driver.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [V-2].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\S\V\2" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing the full requirements for exception 1 of 1 for this driver.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     No exceptions disabled for this DriverPack.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT> Number of exceptions imported for this DriverPack: 6.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT> Total number of exceptions: 9.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>  exceptions[0][0]: 9
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>  exceptions[0][1]: 9
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT> Found .ini file for DriverPack Sound B! ("C:\fini\DriverPacks\DriverPack_Sound_B_wnt5_x86-32.ini")
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>      $dp_exceptions = array(
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [0] => H-2
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [1] => S-U
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [2] => SI-1
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [3] => SI-2
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [4] => T-2
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [5] => T-3
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [6] => T-4
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [7] => T-5
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>      )
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [H-2].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\S\H\2" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing the full requirements for exception 1 of 1 for this driver.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [S-U].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\S\S\U" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing the full requirements for exception 1 of 1 for this driver.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [SI-1].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\S\SI\1" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing the full requirements for exception 1 of 1 for this driver.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [SI-2].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\S\SI\2" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing the full requirements for exception 1 of 1 for this driver.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [T-2].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\S\T\2" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing the full requirements for exception 1 of 1 for this driver.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [T-3].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\S\T\3" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing the full requirements for exception 1 of 1 for this driver.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [T-4].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\S\T\4" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing the full requirements for exception 1 of 1 for this driver.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     Processing driver exceptions section [T-5].
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing exceptions for this driver because the directory "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D\S\T\5" did exist.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>         Importing the full requirements for exception 1 of 1 for this driver.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT>     No exceptions disabled for this DriverPack.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT> Number of exceptions imported for this DriverPack: 8.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT> Total number of exceptions: 17.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>  exceptions[0][0]: 17
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>  exceptions[0][1]: 17
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <INIT> Processed settings.
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>  Content of $exceptions array: (custom array output)
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>      $exceptions = array(
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [CPU] = array(
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          )
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [A-1] = array(
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>             [tagFiles] = array(
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>                  [1] => %SystemDrive%\ATICCC.ins
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>                  [2] => %DPSROOT%\D\G\A\1\ATICCC.exe
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>             )
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          )
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [A-1] = array(
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>             [tagFiles] = array(
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>                  [1] => %SystemDrive%\ATICCP.ins
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>                  [2] => %DPSROOT%\D\G\A\1\ATICCP.exe
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>             )
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>             [commands] = array(
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>                  [1] => %DPSROOT%\D\G\A\1\ATICCP.exe -y -o%DPSTMP%
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>                  [2] => %DPSTMP%\Setup.exe /K
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>                  [3] => cmd.exe /c rd /s /q %DPSTMP%
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>             )
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          )
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [NV-3] = array(
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>             [commands] = array(
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>                  [1] => %SystemDrive%\devcon.exe update %DPSROOT%\D\L\NV\3\nvnetbus.inf "PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_00DF&SUBSYS_*"
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>                  [2] => %SystemDrive%\devcon.exe update %DPSROOT%\D\L\NV\3\nvenetfd.inf "{1a3e09be-1e45-494b-9174-d7385b45bbf5}\NVNET_DEV00DF"
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>             )
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          )
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [CR-1] = array(
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>             [tagFiles] = array(
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>                  [1] => %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\ha20x2k.sys
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>                  [2] => %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\Ctzapxx.ini
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>             )
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>             [commands] = array(
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>                  [1] => expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\*.* %DPSROOT%\CR\1
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>                  [2] => expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\common\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\common
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>                  [3] => expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\common\i386\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\common\i386
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>                  [4] => expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\lang\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\lang
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>                  [5] => expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\lang\i386\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\lang\i386
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>                  [6] => expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\win2k_xp\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\win2k_xp
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>                  [7] => expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\win2k_xp\data\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\win2k_xp\data
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>                  [8] => expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\win2k_xp\i386\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\win2k_xp\i386
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>                  [9] => cmd.exe /c del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\*.??_
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>                  [10] => cmd.exe /c del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\common\*.??_
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>                  [11] => cmd.exe /c del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\common\i386\*.??_
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>                  [12] => cmd.exe /c del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\lang\*.??_
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>                  [13] => cmd.exe /c del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\lang\i386\*.??_
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>                  [14] => cmd.exe /c del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\win2k_xp\*.??_
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>                  [15] => cmd.exe /c del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\win2k_xp\data\*.??_
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>                  [16] => cmd.exe /c del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\win2k_xp\i386\*.??_
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>                  [17] => cmd.exe /c copy /y %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\common\i386\CtCtlPan.cpl %SystemRoot%\system32\
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>                  [18] => cmd.exe /c copy /y %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\common\i386\CtPanel.exe %SystemRoot%\system32\
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>                  [19] => %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\CTZAPXX.exe /S
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>             )
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          )
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [CR-2] = array(
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>             [tagFiles] = array(
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>                  [1] => %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\ha10kx2k.sys
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>                  [2] => %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\ha20x2k.sys
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>                  [3] => %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\Ctzapxx.ini
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>             )
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>             [commands] = array(
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>                  [1] => expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\*.* %DPSROOT%\CR\2
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>                  [2] => expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\common\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\common
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>                  [3] => expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\common\i386\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\common\i386
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>                  [4] => expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\lang\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\lang
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>                  [5] => expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\lang\i386\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\lang\i386
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>                  [6] => expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\win2k_xp\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\win2k_xp
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>                  [7] => expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\win2k_xp\data\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\win2k_xp\data
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>                  [8] => expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\win2k_xp\i386\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\win2k_xp\i386
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>                  [9] => cmd.exe /c del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\*.??_
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>                  [10] => cmd.exe /c del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\common\*.??_
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>                  [11] => cmd.exe /c del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\common\i386\*.??_
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>                  [12] => cmd.exe /c del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\lang\*.??_
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>                  [13] => cmd.exe /c del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\lang\i386\*.??_
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>                  [14] => cmd.exe /c del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\win2k_xp\*.??_
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>                  [15] => cmd.exe /c del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\win2k_xp\data\*.??_
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>                  [16] => cmd.exe /c del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\win2k_xp\i386\*.??_
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>                  [17] => cmd.exe /c copy /y %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\common\i386\CtCtlPan.cpl %SystemRoot%\system32\
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>                  [18] => cmd.exe /c copy /y %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\common\i386\CtPanel.exe %SystemRoot%\system32\
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>                  [19] => %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\CTZAPXX.exe /S
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>             )
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          )
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [N] = array(
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>             [commands] = array(
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>                  [1] => %DPSROOT%\D\S\N\AudioUtl.exe -y -o%DPSTMP%
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>                  [2] => %DPSTMP%\Setup.exe -s -f1
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>                  [3] => cmd.exe /c rd /s /q %DPSTMP%
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>             )
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          )
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [V-1] = array(
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          )
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [V-2] = array(
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>             [tagFiles] = array(
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>                  [1] => %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\vinyl97.sys
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>                  [2] => %DPSROOT%\D\S\V\2\V_VINYL.exe
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>             )
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          )
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [H-2] = array(
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>             [commands] = array(
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>                  [1] => %SystemDrive%\devcon.exe disable =net
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>                  [2] => %SystemDrive%\devcon.exe updateni %DPSROOT%\D\S\H\2\wdmaherc.inf "PCI\VEN_1013&DEV_6003&SUBSYS_*"
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>                  [3] => %SystemDrive%\devcon.exe updateni %DPSROOT%\D\S\H\2\wdmaherc.inf "HERCULES\*"
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>                  [4] => %SystemDrive%\devcon.exe enable =net
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>             )
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          )
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [S-U] = array(
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>             [commands] = array(
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>                  [1] => cmd.exe /c copy /y %DPSROOT%\D\S\S\U\stlang.dll %SystemRoot%\system32
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>                  [2] => cmd.exe /c copy /y %DPSROOT%\D\S\S\U\stacgui.dll %SystemRoot%\system32
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>                  [3] => cmd.exe /c copy /y %DPSROOT%\D\S\S\U\stacgui.cpl %SystemRoot%\system32
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>                  [4] => cmd.exe /c md "%ProgramFiles%\Sigmatel\C-Major Audio\STACGUI"
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>                  [5] => cmd.exe /c copy /y %DPSROOT%\D\S\S\U\sttray.exe "%ProgramFiles%\Sigmatel\C-Major Audio\STACGUI"
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>                  [6] => cmd.exe /c copy /y %DPSROOT%\D\S\S\U\stlang.dll "%ProgramFiles%\Sigmatel\C-Major Audio\WDM"
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>             )
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          )
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [SI-1] = array(
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          )
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [SI-2] = array(
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          )
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [T-2] = array(
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>             [commands] = array(
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>                  [1] => expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\T\2\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\T\2
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>                  [2] => cmd.exe /c del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\T\2\*.??_
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>                  [3] => %DPSROOT%\D\S\T\2\Setup.exe /S
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>             )
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          )
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [T-3] = array(
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          )
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [T-4] = array(
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          )
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [T-5] = array(
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          )
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>      )
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>  Content of $exceptions array: (raw array contents)
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>      $exceptions = array(
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          [0] =>
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>              [0] => 17
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>              [1] => 17
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>              [2] => 
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>              [3] => 
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>              [4] => 
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>              [5] => 
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>              [6] => 
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>              [7] => 
2007-07-17 14:03:52 : <DBG>          )


2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <DBG>          [15] =>
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <DBG>              [0] => T-3
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <DBG>              [1] => %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\cmaudio.sys
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <DBG>              [2] => 0
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <DBG>              [3] => 0
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <DBG>              [4] => %DPSROOT%\D\S\T\3\*.inf
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <DBG>              [5] => 0
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <DBG>              [6] => %DPSROOT%\D\S\T\3\T_3.exe
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <DBG>              [7] => True
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <DBG>          )
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <DBG>          [16] =>
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <DBG>              [0] => T-4
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <DBG>              [1] => %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\TT1724ht.sys
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <DBG>              [2] => 0
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <DBG>              [3] => 0
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <DBG>              [4] => %DPSROOT%\D\S\T\4\*.inf
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <DBG>              [5] => 0
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <DBG>              [6] => %DPSROOT%\D\S\T\4\T_SSU.exe
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <DBG>              [7] => True
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <DBG>          )
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <DBG>          [17] =>
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <DBG>              [0] => T-5
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <DBG>              [1] => %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\dmxsens.sys
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <DBG>              [2] => 0
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <DBG>              [3] => 0
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <DBG>              [4] => %DPSROOT%\D\S\T\5\*.inf
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <DBG>              [5] => 0
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <DBG>              [6] => %DPSROOT%\D\S\T\5\T_DMX.exe
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <DBG>              [7] => True
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <DBG>          )
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <DBG>      )
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <FLTR> Collected the HWIDs for this system.
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <FLTR> Verifying requirements for exception [CPU] (1 of 17 exceptions).
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <FLTR> 	2. +hwids (ANY +hwids must be matched)
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <FLTR> 		! Could not match any of the +hwids.
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <FLTR> 	=> This exception will not be applied.
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <FLTR> Verifying requirements for exception [A-1] (2 of 17 exceptions).
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <FLTR> 	1. tagFiles (ALL tagFiles must be found)
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <FLTR> 		! Could not find tagfile "C:\ATICCC.ins" (1 of 2 tagfiles).
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <FLTR> 	=> This exception will not be applied.
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <FLTR> Verifying requirements for exception [A-1] (3 of 17 exceptions).
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <FLTR> 	1. tagFiles (ALL tagFiles must be found)
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <FLTR> 		! Could not find tagfile "C:\ATICCP.ins" (1 of 2 tagfiles).
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <FLTR> 	=> This exception will not be applied.
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <FLTR> Verifying requirements for exception [NV-3] (4 of 17 exceptions).
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <FLTR> 	2. +hwids (ANY +hwids must be matched)
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <FLTR> 		! Could not match any of the +hwids.
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <FLTR> 	=> This exception will not be applied.
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <FLTR> Verifying requirements for exception [CR-1] (5 of 17 exceptions).
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <FLTR> 	1. tagFiles (ALL tagFiles must be found)
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <FLTR> 		! Could not find tagfile "C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\ha20x2k.sys" (1 of 2 tagfiles).
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <FLTR> 	=> This exception will not be applied.
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <FLTR> Verifying requirements for exception [CR-2] (6 of 17 exceptions).
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <FLTR> 	1. tagFiles (ALL tagFiles must be found)
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <FLTR> 		! Could not find tagfile "C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\ha10kx2k.sys" (1 of 3 tagfiles).
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <FLTR> 	=> This exception will not be applied.
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <FLTR> Verifying requirements for exception [N] (7 of 17 exceptions).
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <FLTR> 	1. tagFiles (ALL tagFiles must be found)
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <FLTR> 		! Could not find tagfile "C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\nvapu.sys" (1 of 1 tagfiles).
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <FLTR> 	=> This exception will not be applied.
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <FLTR> Verifying requirements for exception [V-1] (8 of 17 exceptions).
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <FLTR> 	1. tagFiles (ALL tagFiles must be found)
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <FLTR> 		! Could not find tagfile "C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\envysens.sys" (1 of 1 tagfiles).
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <FLTR> 	=> This exception will not be applied.
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <FLTR> Verifying requirements for exception [V-2] (9 of 17 exceptions).
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <FLTR> 	1. tagFiles (ALL tagFiles must be found)
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <FLTR> 		! Could not find tagfile "C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\vinyl97.sys" (1 of 2 tagfiles).
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <FLTR> 	=> This exception will not be applied.
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <FLTR> Verifying requirements for exception [H-2] (10 of 17 exceptions).
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <FLTR> 	4. +infFiles (ANY +infFiles must be matched)
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <FLTR> 		! Could not match any of the +infFiles.
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <FLTR> 	=> This exception will not be applied.
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <FLTR> Verifying requirements for exception [S-U] (11 of 17 exceptions).
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <FLTR> 	1. tagFiles (ALL tagFiles must be found)
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <FLTR> 		! Could not find tagfile "C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\sthda.sys" (1 of 1 tagfiles).
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <FLTR> 	=> This exception will not be applied.
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <FLTR> Verifying requirements for exception [SI-1] (12 of 17 exceptions).
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <FLTR> 	1. tagFiles (ALL tagFiles must be found)
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <FLTR> 		! Could not find tagfile "C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\sis7012.sys" (1 of 1 tagfiles).
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <FLTR> 	=> This exception will not be applied.
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <FLTR> Verifying requirements for exception [SI-2] (13 of 17 exceptions).
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <FLTR> 	1. tagFiles (ALL tagFiles must be found)
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <FLTR> 		! Could not find tagfile "C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\sis7018.sys" (1 of 1 tagfiles).
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <FLTR> 	=> This exception will not be applied.
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <FLTR> Verifying requirements for exception [T-2] (14 of 17 exceptions).
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <FLTR> 	1. tagFiles (ALL tagFiles must be found)
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <FLTR> 		! Could not find tagfile "C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\FM801.sys" (1 of 1 tagfiles).
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <FLTR> 	=> This exception will not be applied.
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <FLTR> Verifying requirements for exception [T-3] (15 of 17 exceptions).
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <FLTR> 	1. tagFiles (ALL tagFiles must be found)
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <FLTR> 		! Could not find tagfile "C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\cmaudio.sys" (1 of 1 tagfiles).
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <FLTR> 	=> This exception will not be applied.
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <FLTR> Verifying requirements for exception [T-4] (16 of 17 exceptions).
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <FLTR> 	1. tagFiles (ALL tagFiles must be found)
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <FLTR> 		! Could not find tagfile "C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\TT1724ht.sys" (1 of 1 tagfiles).
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <FLTR> 	=> This exception will not be applied.
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <FLTR> Verifying requirements for exception [T-5] (17 of 17 exceptions).
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <FLTR> 	1. tagFiles (ALL tagFiles must be found)
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <FLTR> 		! Could not find tagfile "C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\dmxsens.sys" (1 of 1 tagfiles).
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <FLTR> 	=> This exception will not be applied.
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <FLTR> Finished filtering exceptions.
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <DBG>  0 exceptions have forfilled the requirements to be executed!
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <KTD>  [Settings]\KTDlocation setting invalid: KTDlocation canot be the same as DPsRoot! Default (%SystemRoot%\DriverPacks) will be used.
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <KTD>  System sound muted (to prevent annoying beeping when unsigned driver warnings pop up).
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <KTD>  KTD is enabled, in PATHS mode.
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <KTD>  Moved drivers inside "C:\fini\DriverPacks\D" to "C:\WINDOWS\DriverPacks\D".
2007-07-17 14:03:53 : <KTD>  Successfully created the "%KTD%" environment variable, it has been set to "C:\WINDOWS\DriverPacks". It will be available after the next reboot.
2007-07-17 14:03:54 : <KTD>  Successfully updated the DevicePath registry value!
2007-07-17 14:05:26 : <KTD>  Successfully created the .pnf files. KTD has been applied! It will be available after the next reboot.
2007-07-17 14:05:26 : <KTD>  System sound enabled again (mute cancelled).
2007-07-17 14:05:26 : <CLNP> Deleted "C:\devcon.exe"!
2007-07-17 14:05:26 : <CLNP> Deleted "C:\fini\DriverPacks\DriverPack_*.ini"!
2007-07-17 14:05:26 : <CLNP> Added new value to the RunOnce key in the registry: the DriverPacks Finisher itself will get deleted after the next reboot.
2007-07-17 14:05:26 : Program terminated.

Re: DPsFnshr.exe cannot find settings file!


; DO NOT SET THIS MANUALLY, LET THE DriverPacks BASE DO IT FOR YOU! (may NOT contain any spaced, if it does, all exceptions must be adapted to be compatible!)
DPsRoot    = "C:\fini\DriverPacks"
KTD = "paths:D"
; system variables supported (see remarks for a list) one location cannot be used as
; KTDlocation: the root directory specified in[Settings]\DPsRoot
KTDlocation    = "C:\fini\DriverPacks"
; system variables supported (see remarks for a list)

DPsRoot    = "C:\fini\DriverPacks"     and     KTDlocation    = "C:\fini\DriverPacks"


It states this in the two lines above the "KTDlocation    =" line
" location cannot be used as
; KTDlocation: the root directory specified in[Settings]\DPsRoot"

It probably should be on one line like...
one location cannot be used as the KTDlocation that is the root directory specified in [Settings] section DPsRoot =

There are quite a number of reasons for this... that don't need extensive details listed here.
but there are things that go on other than just a copy from one folder to another.

Last edited by OverFlow (2007-07-18 11:44:56)

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Re: DPsFnshr.exe cannot find settings file!

Jig wrote:

Hmm I got it working, got a comment for the creator: make it more command-line friendly. Add a switch that disables all error dialogs and turns them into command-line stuff. And somehow it doesn't work for me. Manually letting Windows scan the driverpacks folder for drivers does work, running the finisher doesn't do a thing.

The Finisher is not for installing drivers - that is not its function.
It puts the Finishing touches on Drivers only if installed from the DriverPacks and discovered by windows setup or if a driver were added through hardware upgrade wizard and discovered in the packs prior to running the finisher. it is for tweaking certain drivers (exceptions) and interacting with the final cleanup stages of a driverpacks slipstreamed install.  Since the finisher is wrriten to be pared with the driverpacks and was never intended to be run as a standalone i wouldnt expect any command line function, at all... ever.

it seems to me both of your thread are related to adding drivers to an existing system. i would liek to point out all of the things we are discussing expect that you are useing a system that was installed with the driverpacks slipstreamed already into the OS install but wtithout the KTD function enabled when the install was done.

on reading both of your posts i thought you wanted a drivers CD?   

"read my other topic about creating a seperate driver cd."

if you simply put the the extracted drivers on a cd then you could pop it in when you added a new device and it would find it on the cd from the "add new hardware wizard" and simply add teh one you need instead of all the drivers.

All the drivers can be good if you are running a test station and change the hardware daily otherwise is a waste of space. 

you seem to have asked for one thing and are seeming to want something else?

the best way to do KTD is to create your install disk that way and install your OS with that feature enabled.

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Re: DPsFnshr.exe cannot find settings file!

OverFlow wrote:

Since the finisher is wrriten to be pared with the driverpacks and was never intended to be run as a standalone i wouldnt expect any command line function, at all... ever.

I must be confused then...

How to for making a drivers-only disk?  I mean, I know it wasn't intended to be standalone...  But still...  It would seem that it's progressing to that end.

Last edited by TigerC10 (2007-07-18 14:36:24)


Re: DPsFnshr.exe cannot find settings file!

in order to create a drivers only disk

1. create a method 1 install and burn the $oem$ folder to a cd
2. You're Done.... its that simple. that cd IS a "drivers only disc"

that discusion has gotten way off topic ----  " [HOWTO] create a drivers-only disc "  (see above)

They are actually discussing trying to add KTD (Keep The Driver) functionality to an existing system.
Only a bench technician would find this useful - and a bench tech would have an extra drive laying around he could install with KTD enabled from the start. So very few people would need or want this if any at all. A drivers only disk (CD) and a KTD installation upgrade are not the same thing at all... not even close. so I am not suprized that you are confused.

many here have gotten the idea that the finisher magicaly will make unknown devices dissappear, and it wont.

an example of what the finisher does would be like the nvidia control panel shorcut and the taskbar icon.
that kind of stuff. the nvidia driver would be installed when you updated the device driver from device manager and told it to search your CD with the $OEM$ folder on it but non of the features would be available. (no control panel shortcut) [These types of things are normaly run from a hardware manufacurers driver installation program.] if you run the finisher it would see that you have the nvidia card installed and would associate the devices HWID with the exception that installs the stuff that is not part of the actual driver (the control panel icon and taskbar shortcut). Most of the drivers in the packs dont even have a single exception to be applied. As the name implies these are 'exceptions' both nvidia and ati are good examples of ones that do have exceptions. 

perhaps a simple way of putting this is "Many of the drivers in the packs don't even require the Finisher".

lets discuss why this could be a very bad thing. Suppose you installed without KTD and a Nvidia card and got the CPL icon and the Taskbar thing going on and switched to a ATI card then did the KTD upgrade with finisher now you would have the ati cpl and the nvidia cpl and both taskbar icons. if it doesn't crash. i belive you shouldn't run the finisher more than once per install -if you need to run the finisher again you probaly need to install again. lets say i were to upgrade a device or even two on a machine. If it were me i would just install the latest driver off the net rather than to fool with forceing the finisher to run on the entire driverpacks.

I have tried to explain this several times now without boring everyone to tears.

no it will never support the command line, it does exactly what it was written for - (which isn't what you think it does)
Im definately not going to code unneccessary garbage into it.
I am sure Bâshrat the Sneaky won't either. we cant eve get people to read simple instructions in the ini files ;P

Last edited by OverFlow (2007-07-18 16:45:49)

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Re: DPsFnshr.exe cannot find settings file!

The instructions in the ini files say not to set it manually because the base will do it.

Yet my settings ini file wasn't created on my disk.  So I had to make it manually anyway.  And I couldn't find a real clear documention on how to create the settings anyway.  tongue

I understand about the finisher not installing drivers but rather utilities.  It might then be a good idea to have the finisher check and set a registry value to ensure it only gets run once per install.  Or better yet, if the finisher is installing a utility that conflicts with another utility it would be wise to check for the conflicting utility before installing (though, that's FAR more work).

Last edited by TigerC10 (2007-07-19 06:35:36)


Re: DPsFnshr.exe cannot find settings file!

I think you need to get more familiar with what is going on...

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Re: DPsFnshr.exe cannot find settings file!

I definetly do. smile

So how should my settings file look if I want to KTD with everything?
