OK. I've notice strange and unexplained activity on my install of the W8 Dev Preview x64 edition. And I trust y'all to help me get to the bottom of it.
I have noticed, on multiple occasions in the past three weeks of testing, unexplained CPU activity (5-7%) when the system SHOULD be idle, as well as excessive network activity on the order of 1.9Mb/sec uploads and 1.76Mb/sec downloads. Not abnormal, BUT I'M NOT DOWNLOADING ANYTHING.
LSASS.EXE is now consuming over 1,270,000KB of memory! That's 1.27GB, and it's been rising the whole time I've been monitoring it this evening.
RAM use for lsass.exe now stands at 1,295,000KB. All I can say is WOW! What the heck is doing this??
Other processes that are seeing activity are System and Svshost.
I really LIKE Win8 DevPre, as it seems more stable than W7SP1x64 (was getting F4 BSODs during idle times, like overnight). I ran W8DevPre for over fifteen days with no BSODs, then had to switch back to W7SP1x64 (because for the life of me I could not network the W8 box to a W7 system on the same LAN. Would never accept my user ID and password for the other system, and I tried it both ways, multiple times...) and I got the BSOD F4 withing 24 hours. Go figure.
LSASS.EXE now at 1,354,000KB and still rising, LAN activity staying the same.
OK, I'll bite. WTF, man??
Can anyone shed any insight? Is this Windows Update in disguise? Is this telemetry at work?
I would heartily appreciate your feedback, as I certainly respect your technical experience and skillsets.
Thanks for any time you can provide.
Best wishes from Atlanta, GA. USA.
P.S. - lsass.exe RAM at 1,390,000KB and STILL going up.
P.P.S. - Last time I looked, it was at 1,779,000KB and rising...