Here is an addition to above. (When you arrived here following a link, you might as well scroll up.)
If you are going to TRIM (aka prune) the Mass Storage driverpack, extract it in a separate folder because later on you have to recompress * its content.
(When finished, you make a new 7z archive.)
When you TRIM (in other words, when you want to delete folders from mass storage.) you will have to look at the content of the DriverPack_MassStorage_wnt5_x86-32.INI, because if you remove folders and do not edit the DriverPack_MassStorage_wnt5_x86-32.ini you will get a critical "file not found" error during slipstream.
Renaming a folder also results in "file not found" if you do not change the section header for its foldername in the DriverPack_MassStorage_wnt5_x86-32.ini.
In Mass storage, ALL folders have a section in DriverPack_MassStorage_wnt5_x86-32.ini.
The section header [3-1] corresponds with D\M\3\1, and [X-X-1] would point to D\M\X\X\1
Header [31] would correspond with D\M\31 and Header [SiS1] would correspond with D\M\SiS1
In short. When you are pruning folders from the tree you must remove their sections in INI.
You can, however, remove a section in the INI and leave the folder in the pack.
This will not create an error during slipstream.
(Disable by using MsCount=0 (zero), or commenting out all lines for the section has the same effect.)
- - - - - - - - - -
You can also MOVE around sections in DriverPack_MassStorage_wnt5_x86-32.ini.
You must have noticed the section at the bottom loads last during TXTmode.
You may also have noticed the INI sections are not in alphabetic order.
If you were to move the [3-1] section to bottom of DriverPack_MassStorage_wnt5_x86-32.ini, you would then see that it loads after VMware driver [VM] during the TXTmode part of windows Setup.
We can use this technique to load the driver we want after another of which we know it supports the exact same chip, or same type of chip, or same chip with different firmware.
(I will mention you sometimes simply cannot flash to latest firmware, and we included BIOS -aka firmware - specific drivers when we learned it was needed.)
We had to include drivers for different modi of a chip in the pack.
SoftRaid, RAID, and standard IDE mode are three control modi a chip can handle.
It is obvious that when we include a driver for each mode, we have one mode load later than its other mode.
The other choice was we don't include the other mode at all, and that was unacceptable.
The one loading later will sometimes be the one used for access to hard disk during TXTmode, even if you BIOS setting has set the chip to another mode.
(An example; This is what Silicon Image sometimes does. We fought a "sillycone Hyll battle" with help from some users.)
You may wonder why we did not alltogether drop drivers of which we know they sometimes "take load, when they should not".
Well, IF we did, you would not have the choice. Users have always been "allowed' to edit/prune/customise DriverPacks and we do our best to have minimum issue with maximum availability.
(consider for one second what a forced DriverPacks build control would do to you. You would not be able to fix. These txts here tell you that you can do, and how..)
If you want to see how the section placement in mass storage INI changed driver load order, you can look at/compare streamed source's TXTSETUP.SIF files in which you locate the [SCSI.load] section.
<very advanced> Some people edit this file and comment the offending driver... And then they also have to edit dosnet.inf <did I say very advanced?>
; tip for noobs, about commenting out ;
The ; character in front of a line comments out a line, ; it is not seen as "to be processed..".
It basically gets seen as a remark, and you can actualy find commented out information lines in the INI.
I will recommend you stream a new copy of a source.
Primo; it is best practice to work on a non-DriverPacks streamed source.
Secundo; This will make comparison possible.
TIP: keep a copy of each important stage.
That way you can have a copy you did not yet slipstream DriverPacks to available to you at all times.
A build that did not work for you should not be re-streamed with experimental work.
The end result of that would not be same when compared to a "clean" stream with the experimental..
We had a hard time figuring out errors users reported, and then we learned that re-streaming could introduce errors.
OverFlow has been working on a much better cleanup routine, which was released as DriverPacks BASE 805.
EDIT December 2008; However, in real life, nothing anybody can code is perfect.
All I am saying here is that a "re-streamed" build compared to a clean streamed build can show differences, and IF you don't tell us what YOU did, we find ourselves looking for an issue while put on the wrong foot. We are then perhaps looking for a solution in a DriverPacks INI while the coder should be looking in the DriverPacks BASE code.
OK, now you know a lot of what can be done.
* You have to recompress the Pack.
DPs_base uses the driverpacks, not the extracted folders.
The name you give the recompressed pack must follow the naming convention for a driverpack.
Suppose you unpacked xxx8041, you could call it xxx8042 so as not to accidentally overwrite the original.
I figure you would want the original in case your modification was not succesful.
Its higher version will be useful anyway.
However, if I were you I would use 804a because that will immediately show it is customised, and 804a will be higher than 8049.
(This behaviour is nowadays commonly taken advantage of when we upload testpacks.)
NEVER rename DriverPack_MassStorage_wnt5_x86-32.ini
I let 7zip unpack it to folder so it creates a new folder wich has the name of the pack..
Then I rename that folder, changing the version number to a higher version.
After that I can do what I want to do in that new folder.
(Examples: add a driver and its section, move sections to change load order, prune unwanted drivers, make it not skip a driver, disable a driver and keep it for PnP and so on.).
When you are done you select the D folder and INI file so that both get highlited, and rightclick to use 7zip on selection.
It will automatically suggest the name of the folder, which was already renamed to higher version..
7z, ultra, max dictionary, 273 word size, LZMA, SOLID.
Let us know what you had to fix, and how you did it.
Help us help you.