I'm curious as to how the 'cards' work. I'm understand the difference between cards and routers, but in the case of routers I had to configure my linksys once before a clean dp install recognized it. In other news...I've had experiences where the cards that were not recognized were not connected to anything outside of the pc. But in the end, it'd be a good idea to have HWID on the root of the CD/DVD of the customers that you are servicing.
26 2006-09-08 10:33:53
Re: [SOLVED] Linksys wlan cards support. (10 replies, posted in DriverPack WLAN)
27 2006-08-18 12:38:53
Re: [SOLVED] 6.08.2 Updater still broken (3 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)
Yes...and my my base exe went bye bye. I miss it.
28 2006-08-09 14:24:11
Re: [SOLVED] Intel SATA RAID not recognized (10 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)
Well...REMing everything but iastor.sys was quite successful. Intel RAID was finally recognized. I'll go on ahead and do a full reinstall tomorrow. Hopefully there will be no issues with the full install. I'm much closer to identifying the conflict now. I just need to get more DVDs.
29 2006-08-09 13:56:57
Re: [SOLVED] Intel SATA RAID not recognized (10 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)
For my first trick...
The reason I'm REMing out everything is to be sure the conflict is, in fact, happening in [SCSI.LOAD] section (as opposed to bus extender). I also want to be sure that aliide nor atiide (bus extender) have anything to do with this. If they do, then I can expect the same error even with all drivers REMed out (with the exception of the iastor driver). If this works, then I can go further and make sure the rest of the driverpacks (other than massstorage) work on my system.
If all goes well, then I'll crank out the uaDVDs and unREM 5 drivers at a time til I error out...that way I can narrow it down to the offender.
30 2006-07-06 10:24:33
Re: [SOLVED] Intel SATA RAID not recognized (10 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)
I previously had this issue and fixed it by REMing out the JAHCI driver. I believe our intel sata issue can be solved in a likewise manner. Being since I currently don't have the time (or DVDs) to test, let me propose this:
REM out all drivers in the [SCSI.LOAD] section ONE BY ONE.
Insert a semicolon ; in front of each driver, test, remove semicolon and repeat on next line.
cpqarray = cpqarray.sys,4
;atapi = atapi.sys,4
aha154x = aha154x.sys,4
sparrow = sparrow.sys,4
symc810 = symc810.sys,4
aic78xx = aic78xx.sys,4
i2omp = i2omp.sys,4
dac960nt = dac960nt.sys,4
ql10wnt = ql10wnt.sys,4
amsint = amsint.sys,4
asc = asc.sys,4
31 2006-07-04 05:30:39
Re: [SOLVED] Intel SATA RAID not recognized (10 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)
Virtual PC does not have hardware support, hence driverpacks will show no effects.
32 2006-06-06 12:46:31
Re: OPEN: Automatic download function for new/updated driverpacks (28 replies, posted in Feature Requests)
Well then we both agree with the crap part. Otherwise...I was the one to mention 'getting rich', in which I do not mind parting with money to those that make things easier for me. Do you understand that what we have here are equal parts business and personal use. How are you going to charge someone that makes a disc for personal use...for future reference? Are you ready to cater to only those that do distribution? That makes their job easier? That is what I am talking about.
And being that I myself have d/led contributions made by yourself (and I thank you), my main concern were contributions that made software made by others, easier to slipstream. You can't expect to make a program that uses other ppls software to make a profit. Most of us here can do that for ourselves. Either through Integrator, nLite and whathaveyou. Your software makes things EASIER but they don't make things POSSIBLE. I have no qualms about donating to you. Again, I myself use some of your addons. I myself use nLite. But can you see what I am saying?
If you are asking what I contribute, no it is not money. It is my precious time in trying to track bugs...why nothing of Bashrat's recent release works for me. Do I blame him? No. Was I refering to him in my first post on this specific topic? No.
Do I contribute to topic after topic of how this has failed me or how I-am-not-you (inside joke). I blame my motherboard...and maybe nvidia too. I don't know how to code like yourself. I wrote a piece of s&&t (Hey Bash,..this board doesn't support censoring! LMAO) batch that makes renaming easier. I regularly post to the bugtracker.
I need to see you release something w'out bugs. I want you to contribute and be perfect. Then do a funny thing like charge the ppl that helped you out.
PS...I find your contributions priceless (yeah, really). And one of the things I was trying to convey was that the lot of you actually DO do this as a labor of love. So why keep it from the rest by charging...the rest being that use it as a one time thing.?.?
33 2006-06-06 08:26:25
Re: [SOLVED] 6.05.2 problems: KTD, Finishing, HD Audio, popups, CMDOW.EXE (22 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)
I've already posted this on a previous post. I notice a bit of a discrepancy in how Sneaky's HDA hotfix works. I too use my own through third party and integrate through nlite. DPBase detects this and thus will not apply HDA. However, I tried slipstreaming vanilla and Bashrat's HDA hotfix is superior to what I have. I have since suggested to Bashrat if he can force HDA slipstreaming as it is complete and actually works.
34 2006-06-06 07:51:46
Re: [SOLVED] A few issues with latest driverpacks (21 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)
What is newdev.dll? I'm having a hard time wondering why I don't know the answer.
35 2006-06-06 07:47:05
Re: OPEN: Automatic download function for new/updated driverpacks (28 replies, posted in Feature Requests)
Yeah, if you figure how to weed the 'leakers' and such...how to prevent ppl from getting their hands on any "pro" version well then you should get a job with any of the big corporations as I'm sure they would be interested in your airtight antipiracy packaging.
I'm just wondering how you can sit there and consider the practice that brought us to these forums anyway? I thought we all had a hand in building up these very helpful programs. You CAN'T take drivers made by manufactures and charge ppl for them by the way...and then where would Bashrat be if he can't even include these drivers with his program? This slipstreamer would be close to useless for those that use them on a large scale without them(drivers). What is the matter with how donations work now anyway? I know that there are ppl out there taking small developers like Bashrat for granted, then again, those that find it the most useful are the ones that have been donating and I bet Bashrat gets a kick doing this kind of thing (too bad it became so helpful and popular, eh?). By the same token, if you start charging for programs like these those that donate will be nothing more than consumers. I'm all for Bashrat getting rich off of us...he's gotten around the things that companies like Microsoft should have been doing for us in the first place! Cool. You can block ppl from forums and certain functions, but I dare anyone to charge for zipped drivers.
ppl should remember why they develop these programs in the first place (or are they just wasting their time?). In either case, I don't feel confortable reading this crap on a forum. I'd rather call your customer service department when I buy your product off the shelf.
36 2006-06-06 05:57:44
Re: [CLOSED] MCE issues (15 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)
I don't know what I did in one of my experimental unattends but I got drivers (nvidia specifically) to load but none of my included software show up. I then tried slipstreaming mass storage with previous (batch) dpbase, noted all changes and slipstreamed the rest with 6.06. I know 6.06 removes textmode drivers REGARDLESS so I moved those back to the I386 directory. I used 6.06 presetup, setup.exe...matter of fact I used everything from 6.06. I kept mass storage entries and drivers from previous. Everything seemed to work except after the 2nd reboot (towards the first logon) I get a bsod. I suspect this is nvidia, but then again it's just a guess. I use Acronis backup so I didn't weep like a child last night.
What is newdev.dll by the way? Sometimes it shows up in txtsetup.sif, sometimes it doesn't. Same with dosnet.inf. I also noticed a peculiar thing about HDA fix. It doesn't act upon i386 if it is detected...granted, but YOUR hda fix works while mine doesn't ALSO HDAPROP.DLL and HDASHCUT.EXE are missing from what 6.06 detects (only dpbase will install these)...I don't know. Can you just force HDA and screw the exist check? <shrug>
I'm trying, but I'm gonna walk away for the time being...my head is pounding...
37 2006-06-05 15:08:01
Re: DriverPack Graphics A 6.06 (7 replies, posted in DriverPack Graphics)
Hey Bashrat...I'd like to know in what way is G A 606 incompatible with older dpbase. Being that new dpbase does not recognize my setup, I'm trying to make my own packs to be backward compatible. I'm just stuck on this one. If you could help out, that'd be neat.
38 2006-06-05 06:48:51
Re: [CLOSED] MCE issues (15 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)
Don't touch the sticky yet...I'm still tracking raid issues. And I still don't know how the rest of the driver packs are going to behave. Though, if muiz is doing fine, then I don't think I'll have a problem after the raid issue.
39 2006-06-05 03:59:55
Re: SOLVED: some 3rd party DriverPacks not recognized (7 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)
That's quite a list. I think you should scrutinize your driverpack names even closer. For instance, look at the filenames closely and try to make out the difference between Sound A and Sound B. Just have another look. Something must be missing or mispelled. The problem with your missing programs can go many ways. I had that issue a while back and for some reason it led back to legitcheckcontrol.dll (lack of rather). Believe it. Or not. But, for sure I know that some 3rd party packs have the same effect also. Especially on runonceex installs. For example, TV driverpack. That thing has driven me nuts before, especially since it's an intermittent problem. Remove that (if you have it slipstreamed) and see if you still get the problem.
Problem with checking which 3rd party pack is giving you grief is that the problems they pose are intermittent.
I'm currently using Broadband, HID, MISC and USB. Everything works fine cept when I add other 3rd party packs. Especially TV.
40 2006-06-05 03:21:38
Re: MISC: Bâshrat the Sneaky DP 6.5.2 Work Perfect (8 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)
Yeah...textmode won't work for me. but in a llttle bit I plan to slipstream old mass storage with old slipstream then use new base to slipstream rest. Need to see where that takes me. lol
Muiz...I really do wonder if it's because we use mce. I'm not sure though. It's the same thing with nvidia and being stuck on v81.98 because of mce.
And there's no way i'm going back to pro. mce is much faster.
41 2006-06-04 02:45:45
Topic: SOLVED BUG #60: ""Next" button on QuickStream Cache page doesn't g..." (0 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)
Title says it all. Next> button won't work at Quickstream Cache menu
42 2006-06-03 10:52:03
Re: [SOLVED] SiI 3112r controller doesnt work: 0x7B BSOD (102 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)
Same here...cept with Intel Sata Raid.
43 2006-06-03 10:49:17
Re: SOLVED: IP blocked? (8 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)
44 2006-06-02 15:27:04
Re: MISC: Bâshrat the Sneaky DP 6.5.2 Work Perfect (8 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)
Bashrat has released this version not 1 week ago? It will take a while for others to catch up with the nuances of the new slipstream. I believe the post scripts you're counting on are out of date (for the time being). Not only that, but I notice in your post that your script looks for 'DrP'...? It looks for WatchDriverSigningPolicy.exe AND WatchDSP.exe. Also it looks for RogueSpear personal packs. The batch you posted itself is very flawed.
Not for nothing...but this is a pretty new bashrat release and you can't expect things to work out perfectly when it comes to third party batches.
Especially with the release being so recent. With the bugs having not been ironed out yet.
45 2006-06-02 15:12:06
Re: Problem with latest DriverPacks, some things still remain "unknown" (7 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)
Well, I guess I didn't understand the initial post. Is marzsyndrome saying that the devices mentioned in the message are not being recognized?
I have a Hauppage PVR2USB that shows up as USB Device...?
Is there or shouldn't there be a central location for 3rd party packs? Just asking as I am interested.
46 2006-06-02 12:00:42
Re: Problem with latest DriverPacks, some things still remain "unknown" (7 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)
The screen shot is cryptic. Did you ever find out what those missing drivers are?
Are all the devices you mentioned in your post accounted for? Because your screenshot doesn't show.
47 2006-06-02 11:49:26
Re: MISC: Bâshrat the Sneaky DP 6.5.2 Work Perfect (8 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)
Well...there's always brew...
48 2006-06-02 10:03:39
Re: [SOLVED] 6.05.2 problems: KTD, Finishing, HD Audio, popups, CMDOW.EXE (22 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)
WOW. Yes on the DPs_fnsh.cmd. Still there.
49 2006-06-02 10:00:26
Re: 404 ERROR wile atempting download (44 replies, posted in Other)
Start Menu >> Control Panel >> Network and Internet Connections >> Internet Options
Clear Temp files, Offline files and History.