And what tagfile can I then use to detect Sereby's UpdatePack? I AM using 'Serepack.inf' as a tagfile.
1,701 2006-06-27 21:47:20
Re: SOLVED BUG: Sereby's UpdatePack not detected by DriverPacks BASE (12 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)
1,702 2006-06-27 21:35:18
Re: [SOLVED] using WPI to finish the installation of the DriverPacks (10 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)
Use the 'Custom' Finishing Method, and you'll be presented a dialog that explains you which files must be executed, to finish the installation of the DriverPacks using any other script or program (in this case using WPI).
1,703 2006-06-27 21:30:38
Re: CLOSED: DriverPacks BASE not able to slipstream Intel chipset drivers (8 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)
Which version of DriverPack Chipset are you using? You must be using the latest version, the old one isn't compatile anymore with the new DriverPacks BASE!
1,704 2006-06-27 20:17:29
Re: SOLVED: DriverPacks directories left afters setup (6 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)
OK, problem solved!
The problem was that mgadallah had compressed the DP_* directory instead of the 'D' directory and therefore it was extracted to the %SystemDrive%\DP_* directories instead of to %SystemDrive%\D.
He will be posting his experiences soon, he said to me.
1,705 2006-06-26 20:24:08
Re: SOLVED: DriverPacks directories left afters setup (6 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)
There are some cleanup issues, but those DP_* dirs cannot exist. That MUST be a mistake on your behalf. Could you please post a screenshot in which you show the content of both your 'DriverPacks' and your '3rd party DriverPacks' dirs? And your log file would be very handy as well.
1,706 2006-06-15 04:56:36
Re: OPEN: Windows keep restarting (15 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)
Please post yur HWIDs, check my sig for a tool!
1,707 2006-06-14 02:08:57
Re: SOLVED: MakePNF.exe hangs after reboot (4 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)
How long did you let it run? It CAN be running for quite some time...
1,708 2006-06-14 00:09:34
Re: SOLVED: modifying DriverPacks (8 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)
Oh yes, forgot to make that remark: DON'T MESS WITH DRIVERPACK MASSSTORAGE! Thanks, RogueSpear
1,709 2006-06-13 22:54:43
Re: SOLVED: modifying DriverPacks (8 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)
This is indeed possible
1,710 2006-06-13 01:05:54
Re: SOLVED BUG: Sereby's UpdatePack not detected by DriverPacks BASE (12 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)
This should work just fine. Just note that the following hotfixes will be unslipstreamed and then slipstreamed again by the DriverPacks BASE:
-KB883667 (monitor driver popup during setup)
-KB888111 (HDA)
-KB913425 (latest portcls.sys)
EXCEPT for when Sereby's or RyanVM's UpdatePack is detected.
1,711 2006-06-13 01:02:30
Re: CLOSED: A Chance to WIN US$30,000 with ease (7 replies, posted in Other)
Obviously spam indeed .
First ban ever lol. Topic closed.
1,712 2006-06-12 07:02:16
Re: [SOLVED] newdev.dll is missing (25 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)
Newdev.dll is the file necessary for KB883667 (Added in 6.06.) It's strange that the file doesn't exist... you did check for newdev.dl_, and not newdev.dll, I hope? And does anyone else have the same problem?
Your proposed solution will work by the way
1,713 2006-06-12 03:12:10
Re: OPEN: Auto ISO Creating (11 replies, posted in Feature Requests)
It will be implemented, was already on my todo list. It will be implemented nLite-alike, though without the progress bar probably... or perhaps not, I haven't had the time to look into that yet.
1,714 2006-06-11 20:38:34
Re: CLOSED: KB888111 + Windows 2000 results in error during setup (6 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)
Forgot to close this topic... the bug has been fixed, as you can see in that other topic covering the same problem. And I see you (the topic started) has already found it, so that shouldn't be a problem
Topic closed!
1,715 2006-06-10 20:26:50
Re: [CLOSED] Multiboot question (21 replies, posted in Installation Platforms)
It's been kinda postponed due to my pinched nerve in my neck.
I just had a shot in my neck the other day. It is supposed to trey to tone the pain down... but it hasn't helped yet. It actually made it worse. So I can't really stay on the computer very long at a time. Hopefully my neck pain will ease down a bit in the next couple days and I will be able to code for the next powerpacker beta. I've just been popping in here and there... but I'm only sitting at the computer for a few mins at a time.
I'm sorry, forgot about that for a moment!
Get well soon!
1,716 2006-06-10 17:41:12
Re: [CLOSED] Multiboot question (21 replies, posted in Installation Platforms)
Oh... just one more...
Any ETA for the new PowerPacker (beta?) yet?
1,717 2006-06-10 08:25:11
Topic: DriverPack Sound B 6.06 (0 replies, posted in DriverPack Sound)
-downdated Creative Sound Blaster Live! 5.1 (Dell) driver from 06/29/2004, to 09/22/2003,
-Conexant AMC Audio HP driver
-added another SoundMAX Dell driver
-Sigmatel HDA (universal driver) driver from 12/12/2005,5.10.4866.0 to 03/20/2006,5.10.4991.0
Known issues
1,718 2006-06-10 08:23:39
Topic: DriverPack Sound A 6.06.1 (0 replies, posted in DriverPack Sound)
-Realtek AC'97 driver from 03/17/2006, [3.85] to 05/19/2006, [3.89]
Known issues
1,719 2006-06-10 08:18:21
Topic: DriverPacks BASE 6.06.1 (0 replies, posted in News)
-cmdlines.txt: "DPs_ROE.cmd" entry will now be inserted as the first entry.
Fixed (bug ID's from bugtracker)
- 0000067: [slipstreamer] Windows 2000: when KB888111 is slipstreamed: hdaudres.dll entry is corrupted or missing (BashratTheSneaky)
- 0000065: [slipstreamer] M1, only DP M text mode: Critical Error: "Could not extract bin\finish.7z to $OEM$\$1" (BashratTheSneaky)
- 0000068: [slipstreamer] Windows 2000: QL2100.sys is deleted (BashratTheSneaky)
- 0000069: [slipstreamer] Files without extension crash (BashratTheSneaky)
- 0000066: [slipstreamer] DPS_fnsh.cmd: missing a "(" in the cleanup section (BashratTheSneaky)
- 0000064: [GUI] [OptionalSettingsOther] allways ATI_cpl = "CCC" (BashratTheSneaky)
- 0000061: [slipstreamer] ATI CCC/CCP selection: settings saved but not imported (BashratTheSneaky)
- 0000060: [GUI] "Next" button on QuickStream Cache page doesn't go anywhere (BashratTheSneaky)
- various small bugs
Known issues
-[GUI] When doing the following sequence: UpdateChecker -> Overview -> UpdateChecker, there's a GUI bug
-[slipstreamer] DriverPack MassStorage text mode doesn't work properly when using Windows 2000 (NTLDR missing error)
-[slipstreamer] multiboot support is not yet operational
-Documentation later! Just use it as-is now. It's all pretty self-explanatory...
-You have to rename the DriverPacks! An example: "DriverPack_Graphics_A_V603.7z" must be renamed to "DP_Graphics_A_wnt5_x86-32_603.7z". If you download any DriverPack now, they will already have the correct names.
-You should slipstream the new DriverPacks in a fresh source!
-This version may still contain bugs, but it should be VERY FEW!
1,720 2006-06-10 08:06:14
Re: SOLVED BUG #67: Windows 2000: when KB888111 is slipstreamed: hdaudr... (6 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)
I think I've found the cause. I add this line for KB888111 (and several others) in Windows 2000, XP and Server 2003:
hdaudres.dll = 100,,,,,,,2,0,0
The '100' means it's a file that was added by a ServicePack (ANY SP), and that it wasn't included in the RTM version. I didn't do any further investigation regarding this: I assumed this '100' value would work on all Windows NT 5 platforms. But it does not.
It seems that for Windows 2000, the value '2' is used. It's fixed in the next version of the DriverPacks BASE! So just for the record, what should be added when using Windows 2000 is the following:
hdaudres.dll = 2,,,,,,,2,0,0
1,721 2006-06-10 06:34:57
Re: OPEN: Windows Vista support [APPROVED] (88 replies, posted in Feature Requests)
That WILL be figured out Not the time for that now though (blame those useless exams
1,722 2006-06-10 06:00:20
Re: [CLOSED] Multiboot question (21 replies, posted in Installation Platforms)
No more spamming, Siginet! :lol
Well, inhib, as you may have noticed, the DriverPacks BASE isn't built by batch files anymore... so no more dumb .cmd file to provide partial multiboot support. There IS built-in support for multiboot discs, but there's three big BUT's:
BUT #1: it's not yet integrated in the GUI! It will be after my exams. Please check the docs\reference.ini file for details on how to use multi-boot mode.
BUT #2: it's not yet verified to be working (lack of multiboot users to test it).
BUT #3: it's not yet available for the regular users. Only for those calling the application in API mode (so far only Siginet's PowerPacker uses the multi-boot mode).
So I'm afraid you'll have to patient for a while, until Siginet is finished or until I've implemented it (after my exams, after June 22). Sorry!
1,723 2006-06-10 05:48:31
Re: OPEN: Automatic download function for new/updated driverpacks (28 replies, posted in Feature Requests)
@clubcj: that would require that you always have the previously used version. Or it would imply that I'd have to create incremental updates for all previous versions. Don't think so (if I'd do that, I wouldn't have a life left...). In the future (not the very close one) you will be able to select any particular driver, and therefore there won't be 'DriverPacks' anymore, at least in the current meaning of the word. Those DriverPacks would then simply be repackaged drivers, one by one instead of grouped by device type. And Siginet's remark is also very relevant. It'd really make things more complex than necessary.
1,724 2006-06-10 05:43:49
Re: OPEN: Windows Vista support [APPROVED] (88 replies, posted in Feature Requests)
Vista WILL be supported. But not just yet, first get all Windows XP platforms working
1,725 2006-06-10 05:41:50
Re: [CLOSED] MCE issues (15 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)
What is newdev.dll by the way? Sometimes it shows up in txtsetup.sif, sometimes it doesn't. Same with dosnet.inf.
It's for KB883667, which has been added in the latest version.
Is that with the same OS that it sometimes gets slipstreamed and sometimes not? It's a hotfix solely for Windows XP SP1 or SP2.