Some more comments on using all packs together.
When one has both sound packs, and also uses 3rd party modem and TV (tuner) packs, then one will most likely again find duplicated sound chip HWIDs.
Many Modems have sound functions, and old timers know that one could stare at a unknown device after the sound driver was installed, and when the modem was installed everything suddenly worked. We went like "hey? I have two sound devices now". The Serial Comms Sound device caused a "yellow flag or the unknown device Question mark" and it would often cause the real soundcard to not make a peep.. sad
TV-tuner cards will install some sound capability as well.

What I am saying is that it could be better to have ALL than to have too few.

Somebody posted this for bj2tall, and I mistook it for spam.

I thought it was spam (foodstuff vendor).. But it is aimed @ bj2tall whom is looking for that driver.

That driver has no HWIDs and I figure we cannot include this.
EDIT; oops, it has the HWIDS, but I cannot extract the rest of the setup files.

Hi Kevin, you can become a donator smile

a good few folders contain a secondary INF for pseudo device or NODRV, and several of these secondary INF had no unique names.

A handful primary INF have same name.
I will have a TEST pack ready in a couple minutes, in which all INF files have unique names.

the list shows the megaINTL and Sil3132 HWIDs.
\L1 had a non-unique NODEV.INF

Silicon had non-unique SIPPD.INF
Let's see if the INF renames help.

A comment on having all the packs together.

The recommendation to not use all at the same time they posted in other fora must have had a reason, and today that reason has little or no foundation because we groomed duplicated competing Hardware ID we found across different drivers pretty well now.
An example in Sound Packs; A Realtek driver could compete with an nVidia. We made a choice because we had to, and removed some competing files. When Sound A and B are used together, there is not a single competing HWID.. We may have made a wrong choice, or we may be missing a driver, but it is better than having the wrong driver chosen by windows.
In graphics, the packs complement another. Mr Smartepants and the other graphics pack gurus know what they are doing.

A quote from the other tutorial.

If all went well, then you can now use your slipstreamed and integrated Windows source and make an ISO file with nLite (Quite easy, and fast.) and use your Burning suite to burn the ISO.
You can also use the ISO to test the build in a Virtual environment (Virtual PC which is free, or VMWare).
Running it in a Virtual environment will show you whether the build works or not.
You can skip making an ISO and burn your slipstreamed and integrated source to a bootable Compilation (You will need a boot file and some know how.).
ISObuster is one of those tools that can get your boot files off the original source CD.
You'll use No Floppy emulation. The load segment of sectors (in hex) is 07C0 and sectors are set to 4 when you use your own boot file. :-)

Keep in mind that a virtual environment does not need special drivers, so even when a test in Virtual environment is successful, you will not know if it installs properly on real hardware. A PC with a hard disk you can format without fear for loss of data is a good test machine. You can perhaps use a spare hard disk for tests.

B...Y H...LL

I was not subscribed to this topic and just found it back.
You guys must have thought I was nuts?
I put together a Lan nightly 8022 pruned_test and I admit I forgot about this topic.
The LAN8022nightly_pruned test is based on last released LAN 802.1

The changelog is in testing forum, and worksheet are in nightly FTP.

Off the top of my head; in LAN we have NV7 replacing HWIDS in NV4* and NV5*
ALL NV\12 look obsolete, have no unique HWIDs. NV3 has all of its HWIDs, and I removed NV\12.
3 and renamed subfolders stayed
4 had a cleanup, some went in the bin.
5 and 6 stayed.
7 stayed.

I will have to look at this topic again (reread when I look at LAN), and see what I/we can do to make this thing go like "a goldmine"
I can hope for a smart helper whom will look at that nightly, and know test-Packs are in a turbulent flux, so I don't mind it one bit if what I did gets corrected, as long as I hear where I went wrong.
I am getting feebleminded, and think I used a "fresh view" when I started pruning in LAN.
((fretting about one merge))
I know I saw that original excell worksheet and hazed. "before" had over 15,500 HWIDS.

When I finished that build, I knew there are still duplicate HWIDS, and there is a  file I am fretting about has only three.. (there are more than three dupes left in there.)

Anyway, THANKS.
I had forgotten what was written here but some of it must have stayed recessed in an overworked mecanic's duffy brain..
I present my doodles in that nightly, and with what I see you can do I say it's your pot of lead you can turn to gold.

8022  is all yours.

You did not use both sound packs.

Can you use/or simply unzip the packs, and then use search in file manager (windows explorer) and find HWID  as TXT?
IF not found, we need a link to driver and a request topic. (YOU edit topic title.)

We figure we want to support the HWID.
Maybe it is in sound B.

Somebody will eventually search sound_a_B worksheet and find out where we had it in the packs we had when we still had many duplicates..
If we don't have it, we need link to driver.

couple months ago when DriverPacks sound A and B got looked at for duplicate hardware IDs we saw that Realtek and Nvidia claim same HWIDs, and their versioning system is disparative.
Woow. A 2008 driver could claim a 2005 HWID and be dead wrong, and the pruning I spent many hours on was (is) not perfect.

I hope that team members look at the worksheets, and find problem HWID of yours.
If we had it in an older pack, and current pack uses same version systemfiles, then we can fix this quite easily.

If we never had the HWID, then we must at least take notice of this helpful post.

this line = DP_MassStorage_textmode = "no"

You selected to NOT use TXTmode.
TXTmode is for hard disk detection and when you get to see/partition/format the HDD without help of DriverPacks mass storage TXTmode, then mass storage pack is not really needed?

On the other hand, a DriverPacks enhanced install disc with DriverPacks Mass storage TXTmode could detect your HDD with the txtmode driver intended for it, and later on, PNP would (in a perfect world) detect that same driver during PnP driver install.
(PnP=plug and play)
Nothing in the world is perfect.

What you did as a first time poster is world class.
You gave us detail, what means you probably searched how to do it.

Start fresh, use a new source copy without previously slipped mass storage, and Turn TXTmode ON, and get back to us. (Mass storage was recently updated, and it is a h*ll of a pack to get things working. It is NOT perfect.)

Goede dag, en welkom bij DriverPacks.

Als je in DriverPacks mass storage kijkt, dan zie je meer dan een folder met VIA txtmode drivers en die moeten wij allemaal tesamen met elkaar maken werken.
De meest recente update heeft enkele commentaren over VIA opgeleverd, en de consensus is eigenlijk dat die laaste update alle hard drives die in BIOS op IDE-modus staan, aanstuurt in RAID.

De mensen die dan wel een RAID array hebben (of die hun BIOS op RAID selectie hebben staan, ook als ze er een enkele hard disk aan hangen hebben.) vallen uit de boot als we die driver er uit doen, en die vorige versie was er in en had klaarblijkelijk geen probleem..

Je kan alle VIA folders die niet overeen stemmen met je floppy en alle niet corresponderende VIA secties in het INI bestand er uithalen, en het mass storage pack (D) met het edited INI terug 7zippen.
Geef het een hoger nummer. 8021 wordt 8022
Gebruik je fixed bestand.
Ik wil wel weten welke VIA driver dat mobo heeft.
Ik kan googlen, maar jij zou een link naar deze die voor jou werkt beter moeten kennen dan ik.
Je kan ook een andere instelling gebruiken in je BIOS.

There are more than one 3rd party packs main team had a hand in.
I noticed when it changed from 8 to 11, but missed that 11 was ten.

I hate to admit this, but group talk IM in systems like paltalk are not "my" thing. IM in itself is usually shut.
IMs kill concentration. (in MSN, I talk to Jeff, and anybody else can disturb me..)
I like public dissections in fora.
The advantage of fora is that what was written in a moderated forum is moderated.
In IM, it is out of public.
In fora it usually stays public but it can get collected, can get summarised, can get deleted/moved.
(if inappropriate/wrong/insubstantial/abusive/spam.)
In forum, a smart user can use "search" which can bring a big hit discovery for all to read long after.

whomever had a good idea discussed in an IM session and does not find DriverPacks relevant discussions in our fora should not hesitate to write about the discussion in a post. YOU could think that I will sit on it. He could think you will sit on it, and the entire community does not find the solution because you all sat on it. See what I mean?

Hi Catdog8

that megaIDE by Intel is in the current RELEASED version.


(76 replies, posted in News)

hi, top post has link to other topic.
That topic has the link and extra information.

edit; OOPS.. SORRY
I forgot the testing forum is not accessible to everybody.
It is accesible to applicants for testing team and all team members, and to donators.

Since OverFlow intended that this gets tested, the link to a working RC might be put back in public.
On the other hand, RC2 has been tested, RC3alpha was tested (and the work done in that RC3alpha shows us that new features are not easily implemented, that old flaws are not easily worked around.)
RC2 and RC3alpha is the basis of still newer work main team members have not yet pre-viewed..
So, I wonder. Should I link to a "old" version?
When a new Release candidate can be tested in a wider audience, I think OverFlow will put it up in public for testing. This could be in an existing public forum, a new "public testfiles" forum (Name not fixed, it does not exist yet), or here. He will decide.

I just came across some interesting reading, involving maxtor drives and sil 3512a.

My thinking is that this staggered spinup is messing with you, (what could be the case if you use a maxtor), you should consider another model or another brand.

The link above was killed because that particular file was to test a solution for maverick, and it did not work.
The other fixes we discussed here are included in the 802 release.
For 802.1 release the mass storage INI re-introduced a load order for silicon RAID what we used before and it apparently worked best. However, when a user trying to remove a section to replave the folder and INI section with files he got in a SFXMinipack told me he did not find the section, I put them in alphanumerical sequence again. (That seemed possible because we was then thinking the &CC_010* tagging would fix that sort of misery.)
I thought of this after I put 802 up, and did not want to update this without people knowing there was a INI load order change. (Wouldn't want to do a silent update because of issue mentioned in the post about TXTmode file not found post.)

OH, and the maverick testfile gave no problem for you, that is good news.
That means I did not completely break the VIA Txtmode by editing the pack's INI. wink

you have the driver on floppy.
(Which version? can you post a download link?)

what can you try?
you can use nLite and integrate ONLY that floppy onto fresh copy of install CD.
Nothing else.
No DriverPacks at all.
Try to get running with that.


Mass, M.
Fixed name in device list (It was present, but in driver INF the name used was XX.)

Also fixed devicelist LAN.
The new devices were not listed. Fixed devicelist for devices supported in moved and deleted folders.
Fixed updated drivers version.

Mass storage sad
This update by marvel installs when IDE mode is used? sad

hehe, well, roughly thirty hours to find dupe weeds and prune them(some dupe HWIDs still exist)
(that includes roughly four hours to write changes in the PHP changelog/supported device file.)

Adding this one was fairly easy. And it had only two dupes in it.. smile
Of course, I did NOT include the utility setup.
Most owners of such stuff would not have it attached during setup, and if they do, it will probably function without installing the utility.

And THAT, that is something ygor.almeida  can find out for us.

Wlan 802_nightly

'11 Feb 2008',
'Foldername changed for shorter Method 1 path. All foldernames begin with W'.
'|Duplicate cleanup. Obsolete Folders removed'.
'|WA1 see WA2, WA3 see WSm7, WAC see WX2, WB5 see WB7, WBL1 see WRE'.
'|WCo2 see WEE, WCo5 see WR3, WCo6 see WR2, WD1 see WE6, WD3D see WD4M, WD3E see WD2F'.
'|WD4P see WD2F, WD5 see WD2F, WD6 see WD7, WD8 see WDeB, WD9 see WMI and WDA'.
'|WDC see WDB, WDcc see WDeB, WDD see WDeB, WDDB see WD7, WDE see WCR4, WDEC see WD7'.
'|WE7 see WX7, WEA see WE2, WEB see WE6, WED see WRE, WE3 see WE6, WE4 see WRE, WE5 see WE6'.
'|WEG see WR3, WEI see WR3, WEJ see WZ'.
'|WL3B see WB7, WL5 see WLB, WL6a see WL, WL9 see WB7, WLC2/WLC3/WLC6/WLCA see WLC4'.
'|WN4C see WM, WMT2 see WMT/WR3, WRE see WS, WS2 see WSm4, WS3 see WSi2u'
'|WSc1 see WBL3, WSc3 see WSc5, WSc4 see WD2D, WSc7 see WScD, WSc9 see WScD'.
'|WScA see WR3, WScC see WR3, WSE see WAtF, WSE3 see WAtF, WSE4 see WCo, WSE5 see WE6'.
'|WSm8 see WSm7, WSu see WE8, WSu3 see WE6, WSu5 see WX7, WSu6 see WSu8, WSu7 see WE8, WSu9 see WRE'.
'|WSuA see WSu2, WSuD see WZ, WSuG see WR3, WSuI see WSuC'.
'|WU8 see WU7, WU9 See WU6, WX see WZ, WX3 see WZ, WX5 see WSi2u, WX6 see WRE, WZ2 see WR2',
'[Wat]Encore ENLWI-SG (atheros), 01/20/2005,',

Well, I at least learned how to test the solution when it comes available

the Cache contains the mass TXTmode drivers and its INI, and that's the part what does not take long.
That's also the part that can mess you up.
You can delete that single folder from the cache.
Base will detect that it does not exist, it will detect that the others exist, and only creates the missing txtmode cache.
The big packs take much longer to create, and the content does not change between different OS, whereas the content for TXTmode is different for a different OS.

If you want to do all versions of XP, you keep that cache.
You kan keep the cache when you slip home, home sp1, home sp2 (sp3?), pro, pro sp1, pro sp2, MCE..
(If you wonder why one would possibly need all these versions, it is because the licence key of a home gold won't work in a home sp2 you buy. The key for a gold will work in a gold you updated to sp2 yourself, though. When you have these versions, you can work on machines with the key found on their COA sticker.)
I believe Jeff will code a solution for the mass storage cache.
The advice is valid "for the time being".

This is not a problem many have, but people using M1 (which currently requires you have QSC ON) and those that used M2 with QSC ON could be affected by this. The reports they posted made me spend a lot of time while I tried to fix, and later on the fix that worked here unglued itself? It was an undetected "feature" that did this to the poster. I am glad we found the reason.