Ahum... it's there?


XGI Volari V8/V8 Ultra    06/30/2005, [1.09.55]    YES    X\1
XGI Volari V3    05/26/2005, [1.13.11]    YES    X\2

Why didn't I see that? lol

Solved anyhow... topic closed.

Is this using version 7.04?

This is exactly the bug I've fixed in 7.04... And it was verified by 2 people already. Please post your DPs_BASE.log and DPsFnshr.log.


(19 replies, posted in Feature Requests)

Care to clarify? There's no extraction during KTD, so I'm not sure what you mean... you want a progress bar during compression?


(8 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)

BigBrit wrote:

Downloaded all the 7.04 files

Ryan VM 2.18 with Add-Ins
Ran the above with Nlite
Selected all driverpacks
Enabled KTD
Created ISO with Nlite
Nero 7 to create a DVD

Ran perfectly

Progress bar was perfect and accurate

You guys did it again !!!

I'm so glad that this long testing time wasn't in vain smile Thanks for the feedback!

The wrong version got uploaded, a last bugfix and the BartPE functionality were not included in the 7.04 that was online. If you've downloaded the DriverPacks BASE before April 5, 11:00 (that's 11 AM, yes) GMT, please download it again! Sorry for any inconvenience.

Ye be warned, this is a lengthy post, but I recommend you to go through it from beginning to end, there's a lot of new stuff you should know about! wink

Finally it's here! DriverPacks BASE 7.04 is around, with major internal improvements in the Finisher, an extraction progress bar for method 2 (contributed by SuperTibaldoKart) and initial BartPE support (DP MassStorage only so far). Bart PE support is coded by OverFlow, and he did an excellent job, but it would not have been possible without the patient, fast and accurate guidance by the UBCD4WIN developers (and especially you two, hilander999 and cdob)!

And then of course, the updated DriverPacks. Listing their changelogs would probably quadruple this post's length, so I'll refer to their respective changelog pages to get to know what's changed exactly. See the ever-handy overview page that links to all device lists, changelogs and download pages!
Credits go to muiz - who's done the most work, as has become usual. jtdoom has also done a large chunk.

I'd hereby also like to apologize to muiz in particular and jtdoom, OverFlow and the others for my absence during prolonged times. But it's hard to find a balance between school, personal life and this project. Whenever the balance tips to either school or DriverPacks, I of course choose school, for obvious reasons. In the very near future, you guys WON'T be held back by me, you will be able to decide yourself when to release a new DriverPack wink

To the translators: all your translations will give warnings because of the new entries for the BartPE GUI profile. Don't worry, just submit your new translations through the bugtracker as usual and they'll be included in 7.04.1.

DriverPacks BASE - 7.04

Finally it's here!

New in this release:
- initial BartPE support (OverFlow)
- per-Driverpack .ini's for exceptions (i.e. for the DriverPacks Finisher) (BashratTheSneaky)
- progress bar while DriverPacks are extracting (method 2) (SuperTibaldoKart)

- 0000359: [DriverPacks BASE misc.] Initial BartPE support: DP MassStorage text mode only (OverFlow)
- 0000360: [DriverPacks Finisher] Incorrect DriverPack .ini importing behaviour (BashratTheSneaky)

DriverPacks BASE - 7.03rc4
- 0000358: [DriverPacks Finisher] Cleanup of .ini's and mute.exe (BashratTheSneaky)

DriverPacks BASE - 7.03rc3
- 0000357: [DriverPacks Finisher] When multiple .ini's are imported, things just go *wrong* (BashratTheSneaky)
- 0000355: [DriverPacks Finisher] Mute during KTD (BashratTheSneaky)

DriverPacks BASE - 7.03rc2
- 0000354: [DriverPacks BASE misc.] UBCD4Win Configuration Utility added to the list of registered applications (BashratTheSneaky)
- 0000353: [DriverPacks Finisher] Bug in Finisher's INIT stage (BashratTheSneaky)
- 0000348: [translations] Spanish translation updated (ricktendo64)
- 0000352: [translations] Dutch translation updated (reported by muiz) (BashratTheSneaky)
- 0000350: [DriverPacks BASE misc.] Ability to automate the slipstreaming process (BashratTheSneaky)

DriverPacks BASE - 7.03rc1

Since we did not get 7.02 stable before the beginning of March, it's now retagged to 7.03.

- 0000345: [translations] German translation updated (Helmi)
- 0000347: [DriverPacks Finisher] Minor bug in the Finisher (BashratTheSneaky)

DriverPacks BASE - 7.02b1

In development, new features in this version!

- 0000342: [translations] Polish translation updated (dziubek)
- 0000336: [translations] Chinese (Simplified) translation updated (gskening)
- 0000346: [DriverPacks BASE misc.] Make nightly version comparisons less vulnerable (BashratTheSneaky)
- 0000341: [DriverPacks BASE misc.] Extraction progress bar for method 2 (thanks, SuperTibaldoKart!) (BashratTheSneaky)
- 0000329: [translations] "False" is not translated on the Overview page (BashratTheSneaky)
- 0000340: [DriverPacks Finisher] Split DPsFnshr.ini into per-DriverPack .ini files (BashratTheSneaky)


(3 replies, posted in Hardware)

I'm actually very sure this is not a driver problem, but a hardware problem. Never heard of a problem like this before.

You could isolate the problem to your speakers or soundcard by attaching external speakers.

@jtdoom: I told you that by e-mail, I guess you must have somehow missed that. No problem, that happens to the best wink

I'll add this in the next version of the BASE then (7.04.x). But you'll probably have to configure it in the .ini.

Basically, these files contain everything that was contained in DPsFnshr.ini before. But now it's moved to the related DriverPacks instead.

The obvious advantage of this is that you don't have to update the BASE/Finisher to be compliant with an updated or new DriverPack! Which has a pretty cool consequence: as of DriverPacks BASE 7.04 and the 7.04 DriverPacks you will be able to use *any* DriverPack version (higher than or equal to 7.04) with *any* DriverPacks BASE (again, higher than or equal to 7.04)!


(13 replies, posted in DriverPack Sound)

Kees030, why would you want to delete unnecessary drivers? Then you should not be using the DriverPacks in the first place: their exact goal is to provide hassle-free driver support for as many different pieces of hardware as possible...

They're indeed not listed, hence I do not know by heart. They've probably been added by the DriverPacks Team and I must have forgotten to update the overview page. If you open the .ini in your text editor, you'll find the names of the devices supported.

Huh? I think that this means Both are allowed then... I've ALWAYS (in the past 4 years or so) used "no", and never had any problems with it...


(39 replies, posted in Feature Requests)

Implemented smile

- 0000355: [DriverPacks Finisher] Mute during KTD (BashratTheSneaky)


EDIT: included in 7.03rc3.


(39 replies, posted in Feature Requests)

I've already gotten a reply from him and we have received permission smile


(20 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)


What is this 'DriverPacks BASE'? Do I really need it?'.
It's an easy to use GUI to slipstream the DriverPacks into a Windows 2000, XP or Server 2003 source. Currently only the "disc" (CD/DVD) and "multibootDisc" platforms are supported.


(20 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)

Do a search in those files for "jahci", and you'll see that they are commented (i.e. there's a semi-colon in front of those lines). Uncomment them by removing the semi-colons.


(20 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)

The txtsetup.sif and dosnet.inf files can be found in the I386 directory of the Windows 2000 installation files.


(20 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)

You have to manually edit your txtsetup.sif/dosnet.inf files to enable this driver and disable another one of which the .sys file is about the same size as the one of the driver you're enabling.

Windows 2000 has a limit on the total size of all .sys files you're loading, and hence it's disabled there. I'd strongly advise to use Windows XP or Server 2003 if you don't want to modify this yourself.

The goal of this project is to provide an all-in-one solution, and adapt to most users' needs. And most users do want the control panels.

Now you can use grzesiek's suggestion, but in the next version of the BASE (7.03), you will have to use a different approach. All exceptions will be stored in per-DriverPack .ini's. This means that if you delete these .ini's before the Finisher gets started, you can simply prevent the Finisher from detecting them and thus not applying them.

Apply this command BEFORE the Finisher gets called:

DEL /F /Q %SystemDrive%/DP_*.ini


(39 replies, posted in Feature Requests)

I've contacted the author to request permission to redistribute mute.exe in the BASE. Waiting for the reply now.

Implemented since a while in the dev versions, and confirmed working. Will be available for everybody in the next public release. See issue #341 for details.


(11 replies, posted in Site & Forum Issues And Feedback)

mr_smartepants wrote:

I'd hate to sound like "me too, me too".  smile
Sir, it would be an honor for me to test for you.

Done. wink

networkmaestro wrote:

Quick question, is NOT FIXABLE the same as CLOSED or RESOLVED? Meaning, it is never going anywhere? The solution is to use the out dated driverpack chipset? I have a Dell OptiPlex GX620. I am experiencing the exact same issue as described in this thread. Also, this issue appears with Dell 5100 & 5150 Dimension series also. I am hoping this trend does not continue as the series number increases with the Dell branded Dimension and OptiPlex GX boxes.

You've misunderstood the problem.

The problem is that it only works with an older driver than the newest. So we have to either drop support for all new Intel chipset devices, or support all devices except the Dell GX620, which must containt a custom Intel chipset or something, since it's so far the only device that doesn't work well with the Intel chipset drivers.


(11 replies, posted in Site & Forum Issues And Feedback)

Siknight wrote:

Would it be possible for me to be added to the beta testers group?


theUtmost wrote:

Hi Bâshrat
I too would like to add my vote for proxy authentication. smile
We are using Web Marshal 2005, and it does not allow DP Base (or any other program) to connect anonymously.
ALL programs MUST provide user/pass.
Internet Explorer works fine as that is integrated with windows and remembers the Windows login details, so I don't have to provide user credentials each time.
But, I have no way to enter user credentials for your DPBase to connect with...


Bâshrat the Sneaky wrote:

I've coded the program so that it uses the same proxy as Internet Explorer does, and if that doesn't work for authenticated proxies, then I'm surprised. Are you very sure that doesn't work?