Re: [BSOD] 0x0000007B Error with MassStorage 7.12 (Si3112r, ATI SB450)
I have not made one for this..
Somebody ought to make a new Mass storage pack for that megaIDE request, but at the moment I am again working on WLAN.. I want to try finish work I started December 14, and what was stopped on December 17..
I just spent another seven hours on that pack.
(Jeff calls it grooming... The work done so far resulted in 71 removed folders.. And that should help M1 and people who hate duplicates.)
We had a test version with "mode tags" during those weeks in which I built at least 20 versions..
The mode tags could help in TXTmode.. Which is why I posted these two INI sections.
Anybody who wants can shuffle sections around in INI, or delete sections in INI.. and if he is good enough he can create new sections too... A good TXT was written by Ruudboek, and if you look for keyword "learning pains" you ought to find it.
Kind regards, Jaak.