getting the above window apear during Bâshrat the Sneaky finisher 7015.

when I click OK the ati bits extract & it all completes as normal. Why does the window apear though..?

i get this error when using Bâshrat the Sneaky with autoimage but it only occurs when my image is installed to Dell GX620's. any other dell unit seems ok.

at line 5964 in d:\xps\base\boot\setup\setup.c.

getting this error after using new DriverPacks BASE 7.01.5 and DP MassStorage 7.01.1.

using driver packs with autoimage & these two packs are the only difference from my working ris image.

any ideas what the problem is..?

IE is set corretly. im on the internet but the update checker dosent function.

i recon it must be the authentication required by the proxy server.

can you possibly add proxy support as the update checker dosent know to go to my proxy & or it needs to be able to authenticate to pass through the proxy.



Cannot get the checker to work at my work..

intenet is working which goes through a microsoft ISA proxy on port 80 as usual. We do havve content filtering would it possibly be the URL the checker links to. Can somone give me the url so i can check i have access via internet explorer..

What is causing this error.

AutoIt Error(window title)

Line 0 (file "c:\autoimage\driverpacks\DPs_BASE.exe"):

guiCtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "makeDonation")

Error: Unknown function name.


(8 replies, posted in Other)

Is there any update on this..?

i have used a plugin before from but its not downloadable anymore & i didnt keep a copy. has anyone got a copy they can mail me?

Ive used all the latest packs & 6.05 for chipset & it works a treat with 520's & 620's.

is it confirmed that the 6.05 with all the other 6.08 driver packs works fine on the dell GX620's etc..?

if so can somone mail me the 6.05 pack.     
many thanks


I have the same problem with the dell gx520 & gx620.

Same problem with Desktop & tower versions

if its failing near mup.sys then isnt it an AGP/video driver issue..?

using latest driver packs with my RIS images. Only Driver packs & the use of Autoimage have changed but on the first XP boot after XP install the PC's freeze at the XP screen with blue(XP Pro, home would be green) status bar going scross.
  Anyone have an idea what is causing this..? I presume its a driver issue but I could be wrong.


(7 replies, posted in Other)

what I put was of the top of my head. the ROE.exe entry was something like that. you will know what gets added to the cmdlines.txt for this..
Im now using a GUIrunonce on the driver packs & removing the entry for GUIrunonce in the sif file & have put this in my runonceEX.cmd file.

If i go with custom do i just need to point to the ROE.exe..?


(7 replies, posted in Other)

havent got it to hand until tomorrow.

it was something like

"regedit /s fixs.reg"
"ROE.exe, 090" (your know exactly what is entered here)

late friday I changed to using the GUIrunonce method. removed the line entered in the sif file & added this to my RunoncEX.cmd file.

If I chose the custom command do I just need to point & run the ROE.exe??

im using it on 32Bit XP machines with ATA & SATA drives. some of the SATA machines have RAID options.. Do I need to use the mass storage driver pack for this or is it only for SCSI & other server sort of systems..?


(7 replies, posted in Other)

If i use driverpacks as GUIRunonce instead will that work along side of my runonceEX without an issue?


(7 replies, posted in Other)

Hi All,
  ive got a couple of issues.

1st, ROE.exe is writing to RunonceEX at the same time as I write to this registry key from my RunonceEX.cmd file. Whatever ROE.exe is setting up dosent run on the next reboot as my entries are entered first. Could I possibly remove ROE.exe & you give me the entries it enters & process it needs to run so i can add these to my runonnceEX.cmd

2nd im getting this error at 12mins.. anyone know why or is it because of the above issue..?

Line O (flie "c:\$win_nt$ .~ls\$OEM$ROE.exe"):

regwrite($a& "\"&$cmdline[1],"","reg_sz", "driverpacks Finisher")
rewrite($a& "\"& ERROR