jtdoom: a banner is by definition quite large. If you want to have an animated one (animated GIF), then you're effectively storing multiple relatively large images, resulting in a relatively huge file. That'd slow page loads too much. But... we'll see I'm just saying that chances are slim this will be made.
202 2007-07-03 02:07:32
Re: You got confused by many updates? (5 replies, posted in News)
On the new site, my plan is to make test versions (let's call it "dev versions", which is more accurate) available to everybody. So whomever is having a problem, should give the latest dev version a try. Or anybody who would like to help us, of course.
203 2007-07-02 06:56:55
Re: New Project Started - Download and Install on Demand (10 replies, posted in Software)
You should use the correct algorithm for selecting the right driver for your system.... you can find details about that on MSDN.
nVidia's drivers actually do not require separate installers, ATI for example does for the CCC.
DevPath.exe == DevicePath.exe, google for that.
DPsFnshr.exe == the Finisher, this is written by me, it handles all the exceptions (mostly control panels), see the per-DriverPack .ini's for details
Yes the Finisher uses those .ini's.
save_hwids.exe is indeed just a devcon wrapper.
Well, *YOU* just need advice on .inf's. But *I* will have to take care of the server-side stuff - which would have to be automated. I want to make this reality, but have no ETA. So... no promises
204 2007-07-01 02:21:18
Re: New Project Started - Download and Install on Demand (10 replies, posted in Software)
The plan was already to provide something like this. The new website is phase 1 to get there.
Unfortunately, this is not something you can build overnight. It has to be built solidly, easy to adminster (or at least not superfluously difficult) and must be scalable. Definitely if hundreds (if not thousands) of computers will be accessing this directly like you are suggesting here.
I'm sure you know stuff like this costs a LOT of time to develop. So unless somebody steps up to sponsor the development of this, I will not even give an estimate for when this will be ready.
Comments on your current approach: it looks hacky, it is hacky, but it will work just fine. The DriverPacks themselves are hacky as well due to the nature of drivers (which again is due to the (lacking) possibilities and (lacking) requirements of the Windows NT5.x kernel driver architecture and probably even more so due to the management/driver programmers at hardware companies).
The most important question: why exactly do you need this? I'd love to see a reply to that one.
205 2007-06-28 20:56:10
Re: New site: status update (5 replies, posted in News)
@maxximum: I see what you mean. I may decrease the size of the avatars, then less screen real estate will get lost.
206 2007-06-28 03:48:06
Topic: DriverPacks.net slogan (26 replies, posted in News)
For the new site, we already have a new fancy logo (thanks Kaj ), but we also want banners. So we need a slogan. We have had a lot of ideas, but figured that it's better to let you decide: power to the people!
Post your suggestions in the comments!
207 2007-06-28 00:22:45
Re: DPsFnshr.exe cannot find settings file! (43 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)
DPsFnshr.ini must be in the same directory as DPsFnshr.exe. All error dialogs of the Finisher automatically close after a number of seconds (2, 3 or 5, I don't remember).
Are you sure you've configured the .ini properly? Please post your .log (look in %Systemroot%) and your .ini.
208 2007-06-27 06:02:13
Topic: New site: status update (5 replies, posted in News)
muiz and jtdoom pointed me yesterday to the fact that I hadn't posted a single status update publicly. Several folks who are helping with the DriverPacks.net project have tested some part of the site to make sure things are straightforward, that they really work and whatnot. But the other many thousands of users haven't gotten to see anything at all so far. I realize this is a big mistake and I apologize for it.
Now let's change that
First off: what the heck have I been doing the past months? Well... mostly school. I've worked a lot on the website, but there's projects and exams. The former requires quite some time, the latter demands complete exclusion from all things not school (if I drift off course once, it's really hard for me to focus on the exams again). Today I have made my first exam of this last exam series. Three more to come, but they're not too difficult anymore
Secondly: I'm building the new site using Drupal. This is a CMF (Content Management Framework) written in PHP, with an excellent architecture. The API documentation is great and the community even better. The various IRC channels are vibrant, with more than 100 members connected at any given moment during the day. When you add all this up, you get nothing but good stuff: good framework + good docs + good community = greatness!
Or to put it another way: I'd recommend it to you any time.
Because Drupal is a CMF, not a CMS, there's a lot of fucntionality to be gained "for free" (without a single line of code) by installing more modules (of which there are hundreds by the way) and configuring them. Some are difficult to set up, some are not. The most difficult is not the configuration itself though, but choosing the right modules: module A is better than module B, but does not offer integration with module C, but B does. Which one to choose?
Things like this come up all the time. But again, this is not the hardest part. Again, the infamous 80/20 rule applies: the first 80% of your functionality is relatively easy to gain, the last 20% is the hardest. The last 20% would be the custom module development here.
You could say I have set five main goals for the new site:
1) it must be prepared for the future (mainly in terms of extensibility, in lesser degree scalability)
2) it must be as straightforward in use as possible, but still trying to let the user (as in: not a developer) do as much of the work as possible, without requiring prior knowledge
3) it must integrate the bug tracker into the forum
4) tools to collaboratively write online documentation
5) more features (private messaging, uploading files, inline images in the forum, ...)
These have been finished about a month ago. A lot more is yet to come though - of which I won't disclose any details to not disappoint if some of it doesn't make it into the final site. A very important speed boost will be achieved in the form of a JS aggregator, a functionality that will be in the next version of Drupal by default, but of which I have sponsored the backport to Drupal 5.1 (on which the site is built, Drupal 6 is still in development).
I think this summarizes the past months quite well. I've faded into the background of this project, as undoubtedly at least some of you have noticed. But my great successors are working at a pace I couldn't have kept up with when I was still doing this alone. The most important amongst them are muiz, jtdoom, OverFlow and recently also mr_smartepants. I'd like to thank these Four Musketeers in particular for their hard work!
And now last but not least: some links to the development website to show off parts of the functionality
1) A new frontpage (duh!).
Also click the login link at the top for some fancy effects. And see the User and Forum "blocks" at the right side.
2) Next: let's click on the "Recent posts" link in the upper right. Wait for the page to load... and especially note the "Status" column at the right. This column only exists for the topics in the various DriverPacks forums and the DriverPacks BASE forum.
3) Let's get a glimpse of the new forum. Click on that inline image to see it in preview size (and again some fancyness!).
4) Here's one of the most powerful new features of the new site: the Forum Filter. This allows you to narrow down the list of topics to just the ones that match certain tags. Please click "Chipset" and see the whole new array of further options dynamically appear.
5) Here's the shiny new beginners guide (written by mr_smartepants).
6) Google-powered search, which takes away some load from the server, but more importantly, allows us to keep the current forum searchable. (This forum will be closed, but kept online when the new site launches.)
You'll see a lot of small CSS bugs, much more missing content, but that's normal: it's a development site!
Looking forward to get some feedback in the comments!
209 2007-06-27 04:24:47
Re: [SOLVED] RSS update tracker broken! (2 replies, posted in Site & Forum Issues And Feedback)
Sorry, I completely lost track of this. School's been a real pain the past weeks.
It's fixed now!
210 2007-06-20 23:41:13
Re: Older drivers possible? (11 replies, posted in DriverPack Graphics)
Older nVidia hardware is supported by DP Graphics C, as you can see here: http://driverpacks.net/DriverPacks/devices.php?pag=gc. I guess you forgot to slipstream this DriverPack.
211 2007-06-20 23:39:38
Re: [IMPL] Mavell Yukon for Win 2000 (5 replies, posted in DriverPack LAN)
Marvell Yukon for Windows 2000 is supported. Please post your HWIDs, so we can verify that your HWID isn't supported by the current driver.
212 2007-06-19 05:33:13
Re: Multiboot and masstorage textmode drivers (1 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)
Try Siginet's Windows XP PowerPacker. I'm sure that will be easier. I have no experience with multiboot discs myself, so I'm afraid I cannot help you further here.
213 2007-06-16 02:14:20
Re: Chipset, Graphics_A, LAN, MassStorage DriverPacks updated! (9 replies, posted in News)
Topic killed
And I hardly should get any credit for the Catalyst Control Center problems, I barely helped with that! Kudos to mr_smartepants and muiz afaik!
214 2007-06-09 19:32:28
Re: [ALREADY IMPLEMENTED] Select .ini file from command-line (3 replies, posted in Feature Requests)
DPs_BASE.exe /settings:"C:/some/directories/some.ini"
215 2007-06-08 11:54:06
Re: Also add Bartepe Massstorage driver support (2 replies, posted in Feature Requests)
You've mixed up the two I think, Jeremy
216 2007-06-08 11:53:14
Re: Driverpack Finisher detected as Virus... (13 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)
@OverFlow: it seems DietCoke (welcome btw ) has the solution! And it's an easy one
217 2007-06-07 04:07:08
Re: 3rd Party DriverPacks - HOSTING provided by driverpacks.net (50 replies, posted in 3rd Party DriverPacks)
This ftp account was also exposed in the Dreamhost leakage of 3500 ftp passwords, and hence it was changed!
I've also upped the disk quote to 600 MB (from 400 MB).
218 2007-06-06 22:22:12
Re: [IMPLEMENTED] Update checker - proxy Support (20 replies, posted in Feature Requests)
I don't remember...
I'll look it up ASAP.
219 2007-06-06 22:21:29
Re: Autoit Error (6 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)
I've got no clue why you got this AutoIt error. Please post your DPs_BASE.log.
220 2007-06-06 08:51:57
Re: 64-Bits - Driverpacks (1 replies, posted in Feature Requests)
Not yet, because the BASE doesn't support it.
221 2007-06-06 08:51:13
Re: Re-using Driverpacks Finisher after ghosting ? (2 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)
You should use sysprep... it handles the device detection and all of that. Just google for it, it's a standard Microsoft tool.
222 2007-06-02 10:20:02
Re: DriverPacks Base 7.05.2 changed back to 7.05.1 ? (3 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)
jtdoom, muiz and overflow: what's going on?
223 2007-06-01 07:25:20
Re: Driverpack Finisher detected as Virus... (13 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)
Bâshrat the Sneaky wrote:My opinion - which you might just have to ignore - don't use an AV. When I was still on Windows, I used none for more than 2 years and never had a single virus. You only get viruses if you're 1) not behind a router (NAT FTW) or 2) if you're an idiot/noob.
While I do agree with you that it is highly unlikely to get infected if you use some common sense in the net, I'd still advise using some AV scanner.
Granted, you must not feel 100% save by using that because no software whatsoever can guarantee you that.
However, you may get files from someone else that you deem save and if they do not use a scanner themselves, these files could already be infected (for all you know is they may not be as careful as you!).
The only solution would be not to accept any outside files but that kind of defeats the purpose of the net as a whole.Also, a NAT FW is definately recommended BUT WILL NOT save you from any viruses!
While using a router makes any PFW (personal fire wall, such as Zone Alarm) obsolete (PFWs suck anyway because they can't protect you at all), this does not apply to viruses!
You will be save from worms but not viruses, trojans and other malware (UNLESS your router is one of these company-level models for some $10,000+).Just my €0.02 on that matter
Yeah okay, I've just had Yet Some More Bad Windows Experiences and can't stand even just looking at the OS, let alone talking about its many blatant failures, of which it's virus vulnerability is one.
P.S.: viruses that don't require user interaction (i.e. that exploit secholes in Windows or other apps) don't stand a chance if you're behind a NAT router (I don't care about the FW, it's simply that nobody can address a pc behind a NAT-router directly), at least in my experience.
224 2007-05-31 17:49:14
Re: Driverpack Finisher detected as Virus... (13 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)
My opinion - which you might just have to ignore - don't use an AV. When I was still on Windows, I used none for more than 2 years and never had a single virus. You only get viruses if you're 1) not behind a router (NAT FTW) or 2) if you're an idiot/noob.
And those pesky AV software writers should get their software right.... this is the third time already!
225 2007-05-30 21:35:25
Re: [SOLVED] DriverPacks BASE 7.05.2 not creating $OEM$ (2 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)
That's because you haven't chosen RunOnceEx as the Finisher method. You have chosen the default, which is GUIRunOnce. From your log:
2007-05-30 04:46:29 : <SLIP> Updated \I386\winnt.sif's GUIRunOnce section.