what Major says about duplicated Hardware-IDs is true, and to finally get rid of duplicate drivers and conflicting drivers, we have to see logs.
We do not have a hwID database yet, so by those reports we see only the tip of the iceberg.
an example?
Following the example set by Overflow, I made a spreadsheet of the files in WLAN.
Once I had this sorted, I saw dozens of duplicate INF and SYS files.
In Case you wonder why we are doing this, the answer is simply that we want to make it easier to create the BartPE plugin.
This was done for LAN (albeit I did not dare touch NVIDIA yet) and same sort of work will be done for WLAN and later on I want to get to grips with soundpack B.
Using the tools we used to compare drivers and HWIDs (just for the obvious dupes) took many hours.
I am sure that WLAN will need three times as many.
And sound? If I look at how many different soundmaxes there are, I want to hide in a deep hole and drop a lid on it.