The raid driver we have is same as latest at the ITE site.
I doubt we need the ATAPI driver for txtmode.

kinda weird to see that has included iastor files with their ITE atapi driver.
I need to be convinced about the need to have this in for TXTmode.


(7 replies, posted in Feature Requests)


2k, win2K, or 2k3, win2k3 subfolders and files that are needed for those platforms are kept.
Windows 98/ME files can be referenced in an INF (Windows Driver Model), and just take space.
Removing them, could cause an error and (I, personally) do not think it is worth the time to edit all the INF files so that references to unused files are removed.
One error while manually doing so can ruin the driver.

There are still some driver folders where the process of feedback has not given the current team cause to look at them.
(we inherited some).
One of the more recent efforts is aimed at reducing redundant duplicates, and the way the team works is not really >Barny does mass, Fred does Lan, William does Modem, and Lucy does the noodles.

Feedback about errors is always welcome.
Tell us where, somebody will probably look.
If it caused a serious error, and you tell us, it will get noticed.

There is more than one team member with 'look up recent' or 'look up unanswered' in bookmarks.
(these links are also in the bottom of the forum page)

@ every body. Do NOT forget to subscribe to a topic you posted in.


(1 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)

XP won't use them, but 2k3 would.

I WAS thinking about a prize contest about the last bit news I mentioned.

We have made a start on gathering Hardware info from the INF files in the DriverPacks.
We do need better, fast and reliable methods to sort out the duplicate lines in a single driver.

I can upload a few raw gems which Jeff, Ruud and I consider to be worthy of further exploration, and maybe the people here make a motherload of useful data for real datamining out of it.
Get the raw nuggets, make them reliable, make them work for us.

I do not know what Bâshrat the Sneaky was doing for the driver database, but my viewpoint on this is really simple.
It is NOT going to be easy to get all data out of the drivers.

It is apparently not going to be easy to get correct, NON duplicated data about supported hardware out of a SINGLE INF.
We've made a start, and the files that deviate from "standard" INF writing get spotted.
We cannot blindly trust a script.
(commented out HWIDS, for instance, could appear as "supported" device.. dang.)

One of the gems I could upload can probably tell us what is in a non-slipstreamed install, and puts it in a searchable file.. We'd need some methods for real datamining. Easy methods. Not something that takes ten hours of work each time a fly dropped a dump on a TFT in tokyo.

the mass storage test version came timely then, eh? … 162#p13162


I've written it at the beginning after you told me that was the reason it sometimes failed.

I've personally come across an issue when I used SFC.
SFC apparently wants the i386\WINNTUPG folder to be there.
And, some people apparently use upgrade from within windows to repair windows.

either way, it does not hurt to remove setupold.exe, and this could also be done by the finisher (which I consider part of DPsBase.)


(5 replies, posted in DriverPack Chipset)


This has been reported to the code team.

Oh, there is a new testing version in that link.

the reason we disable for windows2000 is simple.
win 2000 has a memory limit, and if we do not do this, none work.

windows 2000 Users have to edit the INI, enable the driver(s) they need for 2000, and repack.
If the memory limit is breached, they have to disable a (few) other, and repack.


new link in later post.

tee hee.. spoilsport. I never get so many weeks off.

it got fixed.

Hi, welcome to DriverPacks
It is fixed.


(7 replies, posted in Other)

Q; volunteer thing? A: Yep. I'm not paid. I'm an enthusiast.
Q; How do you make time???  A: If I knew, I'd add some to my lifespan.
Q; How many hours a week do you devote to DriverPacks? A: Don't make me think about it. When I want to get an issue fixed, I'll work on it. Seems like at least 16 hours per week.

I have a short bio in my signature. tells you something about me.
No, a mecanic is not a rich guy. I work for a living.

Dear Gentlebeings,

July ended with DriverPack Sound A and B updates, which were considered routine jobs.
They were not anounced in a NEWS article.

August started with an unanounced server move.
Bâshrat the Sneaky had not been notified.
Users could not download the DriverPacks.
That was Bad news.
This was reason enough to write a News article..

The "locator" issue was fixed, and the server is faster.
That's good news.

More Good news.
Progress was made on Graphics A. … 42&p=1
The current TEST pack looks really promising.

The story behind that.
Nvidia released a new unified Graphics driver.
Team members were working on this, and we asked volunteers for testing.
The Nvidia mobility driver is also updated and some volunteers have already posted data we need to further improve the mobility drivers.
The good news here is that the unified driver will make the new release significantly smaller.
Do you want to help us?
Visit the Graphics Forum, and help us test these new Nvidia drivers.

While work was done on ATI's Catalyst Graphics driver, it got a few updates.
Back to the drawing board, right?
Mr Smartepants returned from his trip, and got the help he needs when RuudBoek also returned from his.
That's good news.
Do you want to help them?
Visit the Graphics Forum, and help us test the new Catalyst drivers.

Graphics A; Make sure you test Testpack 4
(it looks like a release candidate, but could get updated, so watch the first post in that topic..) … 42&p=1

There is also an Intel Graphics driver update, and therefore we need people to test Graphics B.
The newest driver seems to not work on older hardware with same ID, and there is a lot of overlap in HWIDs in the intel graphics drivers... We'll really need volunteers to find out which intel mix works best, because some of these intel drivers cannot stay in.

On August 21st, Mass storage and Sound A DriverPack updates got released.
JakeLD came aboard, he has looked at quite a few DriverPacks already..
He is good news.
LAN DriverPack was updated and released on the 23rd.
Chipset DriverPack was updated and released on the 24th

The last bit news is this.
We have finally made a start on gathering Hardware info from the INF files in the DriverPacks.
We'll need still better, workable, fast and reliable methods to sort out the duplicate lines in a single driver.
But, we made a start, and that's not bad news.

That's it.
You need us?
We need you.


(28 replies, posted in News)


the word acronym was abused, yes.
This initialism was part of the joke.

We are trying to contact the admin.

The files are there, but the scripts in front page cannot get to them.

from disc, or by way of sysprep after ktd?

maybe we ought to have a SYSPREP user forum ?


(28 replies, posted in News)

Bigger Better Banners Beautified by Big Boss!

Jeff's a Proud member of the AAAAA....American Association Against Acronym Abuse

One question.
which pack and version of it?

have updated title of topic.

just another of those weirdest of updates..

drops some HWIDs, adds some HWIDs, has a cartload of NODRV for XP.

We'll need info on the chip versions this is intended for.
A good link to the description page would be nice.
We may have to do an new/old
(That is, if at all possible.. if this is for a different BIOS and we find that overlappping HWIDS in new do NOT work for older BIOS.. Then we have yet another of those that cannot be in a pack together.)
I have misgivings on this one.

@ zookeeper

was there any reason you wanted the SYS files renamed?
I did not rename sys files.
we have this now..

ms_1_deviceName="LSI logic PERC 4e/Di/Si/DC 4/DC/SC 3/QC/DC/DCL/SC CERC TA100/4CH PowerEdge W2K"
ms_2_deviceName="LSI logic, PERC 4e/Di/Si/DC 4/DC/SC 3/QC/DC/DCL/SC CERC ATA100/4CH PowerEdge 2K3"

put in code tags