Dear Gentlebeings,
July ended with DriverPack Sound A and B updates, which were considered routine jobs.
They were not anounced in a NEWS article.
August started with an unanounced server move.
Bâshrat the Sneaky had not been notified.
Users could not download the DriverPacks.
That was Bad news.
This was reason enough to write a News article..
The "locator" issue was fixed, and the server is faster.
That's good news.
More Good news.
Progress was made on Graphics A. … 42&p=1
The current TEST pack looks really promising.
The story behind that.
Nvidia released a new unified Graphics driver.
Team members were working on this, and we asked volunteers for testing.
The Nvidia mobility driver is also updated and some volunteers have already posted data we need to further improve the mobility drivers.
The good news here is that the unified driver will make the new release significantly smaller.
Do you want to help us?
Visit the Graphics Forum, and help us test these new Nvidia drivers.
While work was done on ATI's Catalyst Graphics driver, it got a few updates.
Back to the drawing board, right?
Mr Smartepants returned from his trip, and got the help he needs when RuudBoek also returned from his.
That's good news.
Do you want to help them?
Visit the Graphics Forum, and help us test the new Catalyst drivers.
Graphics A; Make sure you test Testpack 4
(it looks like a release candidate, but could get updated, so watch the first post in that topic..) … 42&p=1
There is also an Intel Graphics driver update, and therefore we need people to test Graphics B.
The newest driver seems to not work on older hardware with same ID, and there is a lot of overlap in HWIDs in the intel graphics drivers... We'll really need volunteers to find out which intel mix works best, because some of these intel drivers cannot stay in.
On August 21st, Mass storage and Sound A DriverPack updates got released.
JakeLD came aboard, he has looked at quite a few DriverPacks already..
He is good news.
LAN DriverPack was updated and released on the 23rd.
Chipset DriverPack was updated and released on the 24th
The last bit news is this.
We have finally made a start on gathering Hardware info from the INF files in the DriverPacks.
We'll need still better, workable, fast and reliable methods to sort out the duplicate lines in a single driver.
But, we made a start, and that's not bad news.
That's it.
You need us?
We need you.