Yes, that's true, but nine 7zips totalling 282Mb are 9 big files, not over 8000 small ones.
At very low/zero compression, they would be over 1.4 Giga total. They would be very huge files.

M1 cabs them. I don't know if it cabs all 8000... (Still, we see it then adds over 500Mb of very small files.)
During installation, the cabinets get uncabbed.

I think M2 is the faster during setup.
(sorry for the edit.)


(17 replies, posted in DriverPack Chipset)


Chipset driverPack updated today.
The new HECI driver is included.


Fragbert, the new chipset with that heci will be available in 10 minutes or so.


Hi Fragbert.

This HECI driver "update" is so much "up to date" it has none of the old HWIDs.
There were a couple HP users telling us about a missing driver, and this one is the one they are missing.
You can expect chipset update very soon.

please change topic to IMPL.

the script with a "post install" finisher was pretty much useless when setup from a holographed original CD had finished.
It does not make windows detect new hardware.


(13 replies, posted in DriverPack Sound)

underdone wrote:

Good catch, ....
Is it possible to delete the files that were only in the version contained in the driverpacks? I'm not sure if this would break compatability in some way.

Yes, one can edit DriverPacks.
One can replace a folder with an updated version, and one can delete folders and add folders.

The drivers which need special attention (to install control panels, etc) have a section in the DriverPacks INI files, and after making changes to the DriverPack one has to include the INI in the DPxxx.7z.
(Not all DriverPacks have an INI.)
When one adds folders to Sound or Graphics, which have been split up, then you must really pay attention because the folder could already be used in another part of the split pack.
When you recompress, you should not combine the split packs into one, because split packs have their own INI.
(Well... One can if one really wants it. The 7z size would be a little less than the sum of the parts.)

Mass storage is a special driverPack.
Every TM driver has a section in the INI, which is used for TXTmode.
If you were to add a driver in a new folder and do not write an INI section for it, then it will not be used during TXTmode but it is available for PnP at a later stage.
Writing an INI section requires that you know what you are doing.
TXTmode is unforgiving.  A small error can render a driver useless, or make slipstream fail, or cause a BSOD..)
(I know I made several small errors. They always get found by members if they were not caught during testing.)


(17 replies, posted in DriverPack Chipset)

welcome to DriverPacks
It is by intel, but we do not have it.
What device is this? You ought to know, because you have it.

I looked at above HWIDs list, it is some sort of modem?

I did not look at the modem pack.

we are actually already doing that, because we still recognise the usefulness of M1.

You will see more shortened paths in the future.
Once Overflow gets back to coding, we will be able to make progress on a couple things that stopped us from doing major cleanup in chipset.
Jeff wants shorter paths. I too, matter of fact.


M1 decompressed the 7zips, then cabs them.
Last time I did that, it took well over 35 minutes to slipstream the DVD.
The Cabbed drivers are taking more space than the 7zip files.
To copy them during setup, will take (a bit?) more time than it  takes to copy the 7zips.

fully decrompressing them, that would use up to 1.5 Gigabyte on the DVD.
(more, if one also adds 3rd party)
Cabbing them all, well, you know that all drivers that were written to path in M1 and are beyond  the string lenght limit will NOT be used.
This is what has made M2 the preferred choice.
The Packs became too big for M1.

We will try shorten paths in the future.


(13 replies, posted in DriverPack Sound)

update folder 3 with that one.
the old HWIDs are in there as well.


(17 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)

you never mentioned this, but, if these laptops had VISTA pre-installed, and you want XP on them, then there could be a problem..

Read this.
It is about another model, but an eye opener none the less.


(17 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)


I looked at the drivers supplied by ACER, and the current DriverPacks should support this.

the ahci driver we have for this PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2829 HWID is newer.
(txtmode drivers in Acer download do not have subrevisions either.)

when you make a CD, include mass storage, chipsets, and for god's sake, turn QSC ON.


(27 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)

Groan, I had to upload a new 7101Xperimental.

The drivers for Sil Image witth BIOS 7.x.83 still had full list of HWIDs in them.
A user with an older BIOS could have seen windows loading the driver for later BIOS, and have a Blue screen.

The Experimental is, after all, also trying to get rid of the SFX_MiniPacks.

cf609ff055bde8455173118b1588661d DP_MassStorage_wnt5_x86-32_7103X.7z
7103X (update to EXPERIMENTAL 7101X) … 2_7103X.7z

(duplicate HWIDS for SiL Image BIOS 7x83 removed from 4\B\ and 5\B INFs)


(27 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)

7c008a94907ecb05ffb3e2846568fdc8 DP_MassStorage_wnt5_x86-32_710.7z … 32_7010.7z
nightly 710 has these changes (compared to 7092 released version)

3\1 3Ware 9000/9500/9650 updated to 12/04/2006,
3\1\o removed

ad\6 updated to 01/22/2007,
ad\6\c (INF renamed and moved into ad\6, overlap HWIDs removed from INF.)
ad\A removed

d\2 updated to 02/15/2007,

D\3 was added
DELL PERC 5/E 5/i 6/e 6/i & CERC 6/i RAID Controller 12/15/2006,

J\ was updated to 08/30/2007,   
(fix for issue raid/ahci. Instead of all HWIDs, only HWIDs from floppy for txtmode in INI.)

L\4  updated to 01/27/2006,

Promise drivers, the fasttrak and ulsata required unique TAGNAMES for separate Operating systems (an INI fix.)

SIS 180/181/182 in si\1. Newest driver 01/11/2007,5.1.1039.2110 replaces si\1 si\2 and si\3.

V\4 Duplicate HWIDs removed for TXTmode. No excluded OSes (Enabled TXTmode for all.).



It has this (compared to 7092 released version)

3\1 3Ware 9000/9500/9650 updated to 12/04/2006,
3\1\o removed

ad\6 updated to 01/22/2007,
ad\6\c (INF renamed and moved into ad\6, overlap HWIDs removed from INF.)
ad\A removed

d\2 updated to 02/15/2007,

D\3 was added
DELL PERC 5/E 5/i 6/e 6/i & CERC 6/i RAID Controller 12/15/2006,

J\ was updated to 08/30/2007,   
(fix for issue raid/ahci. Instead of all HWIDs, only HWIDs from floppy for txtmode in INI.)

L\4  updated to 01/27/2006,

The Promise drivers, the fasttrak and ulsata required unique TAGNAMES for separate Operating systems (an INI fix.)

SIS 180/181/182 in si\1. Newest driver 01/11/2007,5.1.1039.2110 replaces si\1 si\2 and si\3.

V\4 Duplicate HWIDs removed for TXTmode. No excluded OSes (Enabled TXTmode for all.).
- - - - -

S\4 for bios 4.x.79 (SiL Image 3112, 10/23/2006,
S\4\B for bios 4.x.83 (SiL Image 3112, 04/13/2007,

S\5 for bios 4.x.79 (Sil Image 3112 Raid, 03/14/2006,
S\5\B for bios 4.x.83 (Sil Image 3112 Raid, 02/01/2007,

Silicon Image RAID drivers have &CC_0104 tagged to the HWIDs in INI.
The Silicon Image base mode have &CC_0101 tagged to the HWIDs in INI.

A first few tests were done, Method 2, QSC ON, DISC based installation for WINDOWS XP.
Windows 2003 and 2000 were NOT yet tested here.

This experimental testpack still has a number of files with same name.
Future experimental packs will attempt to get rid of duplicated names in driver info and systemfiles.

An observation:
Renaming files and editing the INF can make "some" driver fail.
(It appears some drivers have the drivername hardcoded in the SYS.)

work to do.

SiL 3132 has cards with FIVE different BIOS versions by now.
Several of those 3132 drivers which are meant for a particular BIOS have only one or two unique HWIDs in them, one of them has NO unique HWIDs. We have a problem if we only update to latest driver..

I do not want code tags.


(33 replies, posted in Other)

far as I know, there is a critical bug when you do NOT use QSC for method 1, and minor bugs when you use method 2 without QSC.


(17 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)

Hi Jamie,

you should be aware it is possible to modify mass storage to your needs.
Yesterday I did a small update to the released version, since I had discovered I made some errors in INI code for exception handling.
(some exceptions I had written for windows 2003 drivers had errors.)

I have been trying to make things work as well as they can for DISC based installations, and know that sysprep users require unique "everything".
Unique "everything" cannot be done by the "simple" tagname trick we do for DISC based install, and when two systemfiles /INF files have same name, the sysprep user has a problem.

I could make a personalised mass storage pack for you, with the driver you put on rapidshare, and if that one works, we at least find out that the driver for this acer is NOT standard.
(a subrevision, subversion, with a system file written for the OEM.)


(17 replies, posted in DriverPack Chipset)

the most current graphics B TEST pack with that 4864 version in it is available in the "testing forum"

the link is … 32_7094.7z

Erik, you also better check the latest nightly for this.
An if it is, give a yell if that is OK to release.
(I can do the releases tomorrow evening)


(17 replies, posted in DriverPack Chipset)

I searched again.. I did have the ID for Graphics in graphics B, and said so.
But, I must apologise.
I had it in an updated (not yet released) DP Graphics B.
When I had compared your driver INF to the INF that I had found in "our" DP, it had 100 percent HWID match,
Your version 06/05/2007,
My version = 4864
And 7.09.2 Grafics B pack, with version 4859, did a funny on us.

Graphics B 7.10 is in the works.


(17 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)

this was a version I never had, and it did not have "2850"

I looked better, and VEN_8086&DEV_2850 was found in chipset DP.
"2829" is is the mass storage DP, so that should work.

VEN_8086&DEV_2815 is also in chipset DP, so that should work as well.


(17 replies, posted in DriverPack Chipset)


chipset and graphics B DriverPacks have what you need.

sound B does not yet have the HWIDs your driver lists, and this SoundMax adi driver is in the queu to get included.


(17 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)


I will look at the chipset driver you linked to, and got the mass storage "setup" file for this machine as well

I cannot extract the files.
(my machine has a newer set than this, and it does not have the HWID.)
It won't extract in VirtualPC either. sad

I need iastor.inf iastor.sys iaahci.inf and from you.
Use rapidshare or something..


(17 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)

VEN_8086&DEV_2850 is not in any of our drivers?

We will want the driver, please provide a link.


(17 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)

what are SOE's?