7c008a94907ecb05ffb3e2846568fdc8 DP_MassStorage_wnt5_x86-32_710.7z
http://dev.driverpacks.thesneaky.com/dr … 32_7010.7z
nightly 710 has these changes (compared to 7092 released version)
3\1 3Ware 9000/9500/9650 updated to 12/04/2006,
3\1\o removed
ad\6 updated to 01/22/2007,
ad\6\c (INF renamed and moved into ad\6, overlap HWIDs removed from INF.)
ad\A removed
d\2 updated to 02/15/2007,
D\3 was added
DELL PERC 5/E 5/i 6/e 6/i & CERC 6/i RAID Controller 12/15/2006,
J\ was updated to 08/30/2007,
(fix for issue raid/ahci. Instead of all HWIDs, only HWIDs from floppy for txtmode in INI.)
L\4 updated to 01/27/2006,
Promise drivers, the fasttrak and ulsata required unique TAGNAMES for separate Operating systems (an INI fix.)
SIS 180/181/182 in si\1. Newest driver 01/11/2007,5.1.1039.2110 replaces si\1 si\2 and si\3.
V\4 Duplicate HWIDs removed for TXTmode. No excluded OSes (Enabled TXTmode for all.).
It has this (compared to 7092 released version)
3\1 3Ware 9000/9500/9650 updated to 12/04/2006,
3\1\o removed
ad\6 updated to 01/22/2007,
ad\6\c (INF renamed and moved into ad\6, overlap HWIDs removed from INF.)
ad\A removed
d\2 updated to 02/15/2007,
D\3 was added
DELL PERC 5/E 5/i 6/e 6/i & CERC 6/i RAID Controller 12/15/2006,
J\ was updated to 08/30/2007,
(fix for issue raid/ahci. Instead of all HWIDs, only HWIDs from floppy for txtmode in INI.)
L\4 updated to 01/27/2006,
The Promise drivers, the fasttrak and ulsata required unique TAGNAMES for separate Operating systems (an INI fix.)
SIS 180/181/182 in si\1. Newest driver 01/11/2007,5.1.1039.2110 replaces si\1 si\2 and si\3.
V\4 Duplicate HWIDs removed for TXTmode. No excluded OSes (Enabled TXTmode for all.).
- - - - -
S\4 for bios 4.x.79 (SiL Image 3112, 10/23/2006,
S\4\B for bios 4.x.83 (SiL Image 3112, 04/13/2007,
S\5 for bios 4.x.79 (Sil Image 3112 Raid, 03/14/2006,
S\5\B for bios 4.x.83 (Sil Image 3112 Raid, 02/01/2007,
Silicon Image RAID drivers have &CC_0104 tagged to the HWIDs in INI.
The Silicon Image base mode have &CC_0101 tagged to the HWIDs in INI.
A first few tests were done, Method 2, QSC ON, DISC based installation for WINDOWS XP.
Windows 2003 and 2000 were NOT yet tested here.
This experimental testpack still has a number of files with same name.
Future experimental packs will attempt to get rid of duplicated names in driver info and systemfiles.
An observation:
Renaming files and editing the INF can make "some" driver fail.
(It appears some drivers have the drivername hardcoded in the SYS.)
work to do.
SiL 3132 has cards with FIVE different BIOS versions by now.
Several of those 3132 drivers which are meant for a particular BIOS have only one or two unique HWIDs in them, one of them has NO unique HWIDs. We have a problem if we only update to latest driver..
I do not want code tags.