(Link killed)

INI Fixes by Overflow for server and windows 2000.
INI fix for Symmpi for XP.
INI fix for [N-6] by OverFlow

Silicon sections now in THREE blocks so that a user can easily move these around or remove these from INI.
Base-IDE RAID and RAID-5 (aka softraid)

S8A,  Silicon removed
V3, Via updated

that experiment with N-TM is no longer in
I have No fix for intel ACPI
happy testing. sad
Today I get some surgery.. sad

Well, the driver was called C-major.. and we have a member.. LOL..

This topic handles the request, and has a TESTfile.

this is the same driver C-Major requested.

I made a backup after the missing link post. I will look for an earlier backup.


(14 replies, posted in News)

I think we need standardised test reports more than ever.
We have had to hold back pretty cool ideas and the DriverPacks based on those ideas are promising.
Daydreams are not only about people you love. Daydreams can be about worthy ideas that are hard to implement.
Bâshrat the Sneaky has a future for us, and Overflow has cool ideas which are.. Well.. Really Cool.

In the meantime, we walk on trodden paths.
One of the cool ideas we started to implement was folder path shortening.
We recently learned that my handywork breaks KTD.

I did not know it, and released some of those optimized 'short-folder' packs.
I could, and maybe I should revert the edits what made shorter folders work in my tests.

On the other hand...
I could use automize and record the few commands I use to shorten path even further (to under 3900), and I could just as well record what I did to have the old paths (from approx 7000.) reduced to what we have released. (main packs in test have a path of approx 4500 in Method 1)

Mass storage DriverPacks.
I am not happy with what we have.
It is the best collection, it has a good load order (which can be changed quite easily) but it cannot have all of its contents working simultime.
(hence.. load order. If drivers was perfect and BIOSes were, then load order would not be an issue.)
Some drivers take the task when they should not take it, and that happens when we make them load later than the driver the machine should use. When you move the secction of driver it should use in the INI below the section of the "wrong one" and recompress.. they load in an other order.
It should not make a difference but it does. sad

We either educate and elucidate, or we drop some stuff what never worked together.
OR.. the brilliant coders make you choose.
We could then perhaps elucidate and tell a user that a01250 and Si3112r and megaIDE2 are mutually exclusive.
It is perhaps a daydream, but it may work. (after a hyllovvalotta work.)
> My personal opinion is that database driven driver selection with non filtered original drivers is never going to work because I saw what I saw.

this has been in public for a while.

What are the current issues?

we need an overseer or manager for REQuests in progress and have no systemised task sheduler.

Has this been handled yet?

Hi midiboy..
I am sure it was not just asking.
Your previous contributions and insights helped us help the community.
Welcome to one of the more interesting DriverPacks teams.

If you are going to TRIM  (aka prune) any of the DriverPacks, extract it in a separate folder because later on you have to repack its content along with its edited INI.

NEVER rename DriverPack_xxxxxxxxx_wnt5_x86-32.ini

You have to look at the content of the INI, because if you remove folders and do not edit the INI you will get a "file not found" error during slipstream.
Renaming a folder also results in "file not found" if you do not change the foldername in the INI.

An example:
In Mass storage, ALL folders have a corresponding section in DriverPack_MassStorage_wnt5_x86-32.ini.
The header [3-1] corresponds with D\M\3\1
Header [31] would correspond with D\M\31 and Header [3A-1] would correspond with D\M\3A\1

In Sound you could nowadays see D\SCR1 [SCR1] and in LAN you could see D\LNV3 [LNV3]
We reduced Method 1 path length about two thousand characters that way.
Some DriverPacks have NO INI.
These are, of course, the easiest to trim.

When you prune DriverPacks and remove folders from a pack's tree you must remove the corresponding sections in that pack's INI.

You can remove a section in the INI and leave the folder in the pack.
(you may wish to do that for troubleshooting)

This will not create an error during slipstream.

- - - -

You have to recompress the DriverPack.
DPs_base uses the driverpacks, not the extracted folders.
The name you give the repacked DriverPacks must follow the naming convention for a driverpack.
If you unpacked xxx8031, you could call it xxx8032 so as not to accidentally overwrite the original.
I figure you would want the original in case your modification was not succesful.
Its higher version number will be useful anyway.

An example:
I let 7zip unpack it to folder so it creates a new folder (which automatically gets the name of the driverpack..)
Then I rename that folder changing the version number to a higher version number.
An example, 803 (year/month) becomes 8031 (year/month/revision).
If it was 8031 to begin with it I change it to 8032.
(I think you don't want to call it 804.. We could publish a new one in april and that one would be 804.)

After that do what you want to do in that new folder.
(Examples:  remove sections because you deleted a folder, move sections to change load order, make it not skip a driver, disable a driver and keep it for PnP, and so on.).

When you are done you select the D folder and INI file so that both get highlited, and rightclick to use 7zip on selection.
It will automatically suggest the name of the folder, which you had already renamed to higher version..
Settings are: 7z/Ultra/LZMA/wordsize 256/compact.

NEVER rename the INI.

Let us know what you had to fix, and how you did it.
Help us help you.

personally, I thought we should have a new topic for the next testpack ot "The RC.."

(The info in this topic covered quite a few test versions and some of these already got published... but the reader has to wade thru all the old info?).

But hey, it serves a purpose as well. The reader can get an idea about how difficult it can be to get it to work.
Erik deserved my respect long ago. I hope you realise how hard he worked for free.

funny that it fails on a win2000 file.
Let me guess?
Did you use DriverPacks on another OS (like 2000 or 2003) before you did XP?

if you did that, then you should clean the mass storage sub-folder in QSC.

IF you ran base to stream a new mass storage pack into a XP source you had already streamed an old mass into, you should start FRESH on a FRESH source that had NO mass storage streamed yet.
(the log actually shows you ran this over an older slipstream.. so I will advise to start clean slate, with a fresh source and mass storage deleted from QSC.).

We discovered this peculiar bug not too long ago.

Oh, you might as well read the tutorial you find in my signature.
The extra info mentions this peculiarity.

803D has one single "experimental" LNV4 folder, in which I try make L\NV4 "universal" rather than have us use three L\NV4x sets, two of wich should have been covered by LNV7.
It also has newest intel LAN drivers (most of them thrown in one folder.. since they share a LOT of identical files.)

803C had the old NON experimental NVIDIA (I restored old folders.) and the MC67 fix is still in. (of course)

I hope that 803D works for all your rigs with Nvidia stuff. This would be the preferred solution for sysrep.

links pulled.. (test files moved to \old )

Do you want me to make us a 803B testpack? (which would restore Nvidia folders I had deleted from the pack.)


(17 replies, posted in Software)

which is why I asked what I asked.. I suspected he had not slipstreamed DriverPacks.


(17 replies, posted in Software)

how long did your DriverPacks slipstream take?
I read you also tried method 1? how long did that take?


AHCI. sad
1; Was this a brand new hard disk when you started?
2; did you set AHCI mode in BIOS before you started the FIRST setup?

Hi Twig123..

@ Jeff.
Smart move.


(2 replies, posted in Dutch)

Welkom bij DriverPacks.

Ik lees dat je nero kan gebruiken.
Als je de ISO met Nlite aanmaakte is die toch opstartbaar?
Die ISO kan je met nero ook branden.
Alle open sessies in nero burning rom sluiten. Als je er meerdere branders hebt de juiste recorder kiezen,  dan keuze maken DVD of CD, dan nieuw, dan op openen klikken, die ISO selecteren, en branden.

Ook effen de BIOS instellingen van de machine waarop je wil uit testen bekijken. Boot van CDROM moet voor boot van hard disk staan.

Hi, welcome again.
Can you link to the driver?

I found Biostar T780G ver 6.0 and this could be the wrong one.

and is that screenie not a VISTA screen where the sidebar applet is white?

The package can be modified DriverPacks driver of the poor, hope to launch the production-driven tool kits, more user-friendly drive their own demand for customized package! This better!
2, the proposal will be integrated drive to the i386 directory configuration, as far as possible not to amend the original CD-ROM directory structure
3, the proposed increase DriverPacks BASE generated iso-friendly features direct Kepan everyone!
    English is not good, hope that the moderator can see, and to the development of the proposed staff, thank you!

It is impossible to see! ! You should be using English said, alas, I am not good in English.

Google translate.. sad

Anyway, Welcome both.
Please try English?

I use RVM when I want it integrated.
I don't use the addon when I don't want it integrated, and then I select the DriverPacks option that does not need it.

Hmmmmm, I cannot locate a link to this addon for English users. sad


(74 replies, posted in Vista-Tool)

If you was not aware or it, I will say it.
kernel 2008 is pure X64. It sits on the metal, or won't. Period.
(yep, period. ??? My understanding is that 2008 will not even TRY to install if the basic IO in hardware is not compliant.)

I will reword that...
The Kernel of server manager 2008 sits on X64 metal and the "driver repository" partition is at a higher level and can be populated with third party.
There is a X32 version of server 2008, but X32 won't have server manager.
X32 is more or less a client and can be remotely managed with the manager tool.
The manager is a "role" of server 2008 and that role cannot install if the machine is not fully 64bit compliant.

I will swear loudly.
I just lost ten minutes of thinking when the post went poof.

NEXT can be caused by the driver itself.
I don't want to make the choice for you.
The driver may have no default setting.

I have seen such drivers, and posted about my unwillingness to make choice in driver.
I can test something like that and edit that driver so it works for me, out of the box..
If we include that in the pack it may take ages before somebody complains. It may take ten minutes and an angry customer starts posting about a sizzling monitor..

Did you use monitor pack?
(some of those drivers had no default.)

Above is only a  hinting about what I wrote and lost.
It was a long post. dammit.

It gets Interesting. smile