Be sure you've got the order right...
Slipstream a service pack if you need to (if you use nLite to do it, make sure you don't do anything else)
WMP11 slipstream (if you want it)
RVM Addon Packs (IE7, .Net 1.1, WGA, anything else really - although they're safe to add into the nLite step)
Other than that, I don't know what to say. It sounds like it could be a problem with the chipset/CPU drivers. Have you tried only integrating only a 3rd party pack (something like printers)? If you can get past it with a single 3rd party pack, then I'd start sifting through each pack determining which one is killing your install (use a CD-RW for this step).
Also, it's not usually the problem but try slowing down your burn speed (it's at least worth a try). Some CD drives don't like it when you burn over a certain speed. You'll definetly be okay with 4x, but 8x is usually fine. 12x and 16x have given me issues with CD players before, but only 32x and higher has given me problems on a computer's CD drive.