jtdoom wrote:

Sherlock will have to go to Watson mode... and prepare a win2k for testing..

I recently DriverPacks-streamed 2003 servers editions, and will look at those, but I have not ever done a Win2k so this will take me a while. (I hope I find back the original Disc.)

Haha smile

Good luck!

In that case, there is indeed a bug. The strange thing is that this part has been untouched since August last year or so, and then it was definitely working. Very very strange. Will look into this as soon as time permits me to do so.

mr_smartepants, this is not fair to ask. Imagine that everybody would ask this... then we'd be busy all day creating custom packs wink As muiz suggests, create your own pack or modify one of the official packs.

Hm, that's a good idea. I considered it not necessary at the time, but that's because a tutorial should have been online shortly after that. Now we're months further and there still isn't a tutorial... So yes, it'd be a valuable addition.

And no, there is another way: extracting DP MassStorage, editing the .ini that comes with it and then compressing DP MassStorage again. Aside from that, updating the txtsetup.sif file is the only way.

Windows 2000 has a limited number of drivers that can be loaded at text mode setup. I believe the limit was somewhere around 2.7-2.8 MB (which is the total size of all .sys files added up you're trying to load), if you go higher than that, setup will throw errors. So I chose to comment the less frequently used drivers. BUT the Intel SATA RAID drivers should not be commented... I will look into this issue.

Oh and if there's someone experienced willing to give me some tips for the server config, let me know!

This is the full list of contributors to the VPS hosting donation action. A big thanks to everybody who donated!

David Healy $50.00
PG van der Ploeg $25.00
Jaak Doom $25.00
Declan Barry $20.00
Martin A Thomson $10.00
Jason Hart $25.00
Armando Azzol $3.00
Tanner Hart $5.00
Riccardo Coroneo $29.00
paulo daza $20.00
Max Lupton $20.00
Mary Gall $20.00
Christian DAOU of the International Organization for Migration $25.00
Dwayne Bakewell $5.00
Daren DiClaudio $50.00
Chris Reeves of KC TechHeads $140.00!
tony bennett $50.00
Chris Bradshaw $10.00
Eric Wood $5.00
Vincent Dotinga $50.00
Frank Vanderijdt $25.00
Frederik Uyttersprot $16.00
David Bradtberg $25.00
Daniel Moncada Garrido $20.00
Mr J R Richardson $20.00
Martin Helms $25.00
Chad Larson of NetWorks, Inc. $200.00!

Note: If your email had a domain name in it that also linked to a website, I've linked your name to the website. If you want me to add or change a link, contact me. If I exposed your name in the listing or in the comments below,  and you want me to remove it, contact me. Mail to: admin at driverpacks dot net.

And all comments:

Mr J R Richardson wrote:

Thanks for all your efforts and contributions - you've bailed me out more than once with this :-)

Daniel Moncada Garrido wrote:

Thank you for your DriversPack

Frank Vanderijdt wrote:

Glad to help you continu your wonderful driverpack project. c ya, rETi

Eric Wood wrote:

Just wanted to say thanks for setting this up, Bashrat.

Chris Reeves wrote:

Thanks for your hard work.

Dwayne Bakewell wrote:

Excellent work on your Driverpacks. I've been using them for quite a while now alongside the RyanVM Update Packs and I love it.. I'd donate more but my paypal is a little low on funds atm. Anyways, hope this helps out.

Max Lupton wrote:

I've used you stuff a few times and think it's well worth supporting. Thanks for your efforts. Max L.

Jaak Doom wrote:

I think it is useful. And will get better still.

I and the other contributors of this project would like to thank all of you for showing your support! This allows us to take this project to new levels! Watch out for 7.02 DriverPacks and BASE, when they will be released, you will be able to use any DriverPack version with any DriverPacks BASE version! It will also allow you to add your own exceptions without having to update them yourself each time you update the BASE!

The VPS was paid for the full two years, no problems occurred during the payment. I'm currently configuring the server (installing the newest Apache + PHP + eAccelerator + MySQL + Subversion, while optimizing performance by only keeping the necessary stuff in. Of course I'm also keeping an eye on the security). Only when I've tested the server thoroughly, I will move the website to the new server. As the Dutch saying goes: "Haast en spoed is zelden goed." The English equivalent: "Haste makes waste." I'm sure somebody will correct that though tongue.

You are requesting a driver download link. You're not requesting a new driver to be added to DP MassStorage. I'm not sure you understood the point of the DriverPacks wink

Per muiz' suggestion: try MSI's site. If you can't find it there, you will be able to find it on Intel's site wink

Topic closed.


(77 replies, posted in Site & Forum Issues And Feedback)

Since everything will be available to everybody in the future anyways, I've now made the Testing Team forum accessible for Donators. They cannot post new topics though.


(77 replies, posted in Site & Forum Issues And Feedback)

Helmi wrote:

Same here, seeing it clearly now smile

And congrats, we reached 100% already!

Yup smile

And now the ChipIn is centered again. I'll leave the widget online for at least another week.

srclient.dll & framedyn.dll errors are not DriverPacks-related. They're caused by an UpdatePack or by removing to many things with nLite.


(11 replies, posted in News)

Simply AMAZING smile

A big thank you to all donators wink smile


(77 replies, posted in Site & Forum Issues And Feedback)

It should be fixed now, please confirm.


(77 replies, posted in Site & Forum Issues And Feedback)

jtdoom wrote:

unpatched fired up, saw chippin on mforum page
soon as I looged in, it did not show up no more.

so, it is prolly the adsense

Must be then, will fix in a minute.


(77 replies, posted in Site & Forum Issues And Feedback)

Helmi wrote:
Bâshrat the Sneaky wrote:

And how is it going.... erhm? The progress widget is displayed on every single page of the main site and of the forum, just not on the bugtracker, you MUST have seen it tongue Perhaps your browser blocks it?

No, it is no longer being displayed, I'm afraid!
For me at least.

Only still works on the DP page, but on NO forum page anymore (it did work before, say 14 days or so...)

Now THAT is strange! It just shows up here... What browser are you using?

jtdoom wrote:


just a thing I notice?
You are going to use method 1, on all packs, and that will exceed the path length limit.
Like this, a large number of drivers are not going to work.

The eyes of a hawk.


(77 replies, posted in Site & Forum Issues And Feedback)

dnoiz wrote:

Added a bit to the big total... keep up the good work.


ps. 0cbdb4e038bfb717

Great, thanks!

But what's that HEX code? It's not HEX encoded text AFAIK... Quite mysterious tongue

Sm0k3r wrote:

Bash, want to donte towards the VPS but due to problems with PayPal I'm unable to use this method any more.  Any chance of an email or PM so I can get the left over euros I have forwarded to you.


Just send an e-mail to admin@driverpacks.net and we'll work something out!

BigBrit wrote:

Your PayPal payment by bank transfer to BashratTheSneaky@gmail.com for 25.00 EUR has been processed and automatically credited to the PayPal account of the payment's recipient. Thus, this transaction is completed.

Transaction ID: 0M4752767H743524N

Like to get rid of the AsenseBot thing

p.s. How is the Virtual Server fund going

Thanks! I'll dededuct this from the VPS goal. -> Does not apply anymore, see the edit.

And how is it going.... erhm? The progress widget is displayed on every single page of the main site and of the forum, just not on the bugtracker, you MUST have seen it tongue Perhaps your browser blocks it?

EDIT: @BigBrit: that was a donation in August 2006 then?

Erik, please add code tags to your post!


Are you very sure those paths are correct? Please verify them.


(7 replies, posted in Hardware)

Ok Helmi, no problem smile

Please post your DPsFnshr.log.

I have no idea why it would enter an endless loop: the logfile shows that it's almost at the end of its routine... Did you have this problem with earlier versions as well?


(7 replies, posted in Hardware)

If you want them as one DriverPack, then that would break with the methodology applied by DriverPacks.net, and thus it would break with the project's concept so far. If you want to do things your own way, then you'll have to create your own DriverPack (which is of course perfectly possible).


(7 replies, posted in Hardware)

Please split your request into separate topics for each DriverPack, so we can process your requests properly.


This was a bug in one of the early 7.01.x versions of the BASE, it's all working again now.

Topic closed.

"Driver not intended for this platform"? I've never seen such an error :s yikes

Can you confirm that you did slipstream DP Graphics A and DP Graphics B?