I tried to update the lan device list but I couldn't find the php file.
326 2008-02-13 11:09:39
Re: Marvell 61xx RAID Driver - Where is it located? - Confirmed Problem (4 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)
327 2008-02-13 05:49:02
Re: Possible Filename Duplicate Issue for Network Drivers in BartPE (3 replies, posted in BartPE - UBCD4Win - WinPE)
I use a plugin in PE for Intel because for some reasons the "normal method" does not copy some sys file. If the files are identical, its no big deal. Plus in PE all you need really is your sys file. PROUnstl.exe is obsolete for sure too.
I merged the 3 folder toguether in the last release. http://driverpacks.net/DriverPacks/download.php?pag=l
328 2008-02-13 05:47:04
Re: [REQ] Intel 10/100/1000 LAN v12.4 (5 replies, posted in DriverPack LAN)
Roger that.
329 2008-02-13 03:00:27
Re: Marvell 61xx RAID Driver - Where is it located? - Confirmed Problem (4 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)
That device list was probably not updated...we will take care of it asap, priority #1 is to make the packs works.
330 2008-02-12 15:29:46
Re: [IMPL] IDT Sigmatel 92XX Driver (v5.10.5762, 12/14/2007) (3 replies, posted in DriverPack Sound)
Try this my friend: http://dev.driverpacks.thesneaky.com/dr … 2_80212.7z
The INI file will mostly be changed to reflect these changes...look in the testing forums youll know im talking about.
331 2008-02-12 12:22:25
Re: [REQ] How to extract Hp Quick Launch buttons driver (5 replies, posted in 3rd Party DriverPacks)
You can use http://www.drivermagician.com/ or http://www.siginetsoftware.com/forum/sh … d.php?t=34 or http://www.innovative-sol.com/drivermax/index.htm to extract the existing installed drivers of your PC.
332 2008-02-12 06:30:41
Re: [IMPL] IDT Sigmatel 92XX Driver (v5.10.5762, 12/14/2007) (3 replies, posted in DriverPack Sound)
I will take care of this one this week, I finally understood how the php changelog files works yesterday so I will finalize right away.
333 2008-02-12 06:24:36
Re: [IMPL] Encore WLAN USB Adapter ENUWI-SG (7 replies, posted in DriverPack WLAN)
wow that was fast Jaak
334 2008-02-12 05:23:57
Re: [IMPL] Encore WLAN USB Adapter ENUWI-SG (7 replies, posted in DriverPack WLAN)
Anything is possible my friend. Just give us some time, we will reply with a test pack asap.
335 2008-02-10 16:43:48
Re: FILE NOT FOUND in TXTmode (12 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)
The latest dp_base works flawlesly with sysprep
336 2008-02-09 04:07:19
Re: [fixed] I have a Blue Screen of Death by this 801 pack (41 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)
Thats good news Skeptik, good job Jaak!
337 2008-02-08 11:46:50
Re: [fixed] I have a Blue Screen of Death by this 801 pack (41 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)
@Jaak please when you edit the .ini make sure you don't leave blank lines. There is a blank line before V2 section.
338 2008-02-07 12:43:42
Re: Windows 2003 lan driverpacks (2 replies, posted in DriverPack WLAN)
I use a pe CD based on 2003 SP2 and I have no issues.
339 2008-02-05 11:32:11
Re: [REQ] MassStorage 7.12 not Detecting SATA Harddisk (51 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)
Please try this one http://dev.driverpacks.thesneaky.com/dr … 32_8024.7z
340 2008-02-05 00:20:28
Re: [BSOD] 0x0000007B Error with MassStorage 7.12 (Si3112r, ATI SB450) (125 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)
You forgot to remove the 2 .oem files.
341 2008-02-03 08:52:08
Re: Realtek RTL8168/8111 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet NIC (1 replies, posted in DriverPack LAN)
342 2008-02-01 12:10:09
Re: [REL] DP Phone 10.02.14 (20 replies, posted in 3rd Party DriverPacks)
Good job!
343 2008-02-01 12:08:30
Re: Testers Needed (76 replies, posted in News)
The major issue was fixed, I'm now part of the credits list. Congrats!
btw, is there reason why base use an old version of 7zip ? 4.57 is out
344 2008-01-27 07:01:47
Re: Testers Needed (76 replies, posted in News)
Still no JakeLD on credits...snif...snif.
345 2008-01-25 23:41:58
Re: First Try : OCMAN SCRIPT FOR DRIVERPACK (Method2) !!! (9 replies, posted in Software)
You can do a choice like menu without the command choice. Here is an example:
ECHO Choose an option above and press ENTER:
ECHO 1. Show IP Configuration
ECHO 2. Release/Renew IP Adress - Flush DNS - Flush ARP Cache
ECHO 3. Set DHCP IP Address
ECHO 4. Reset Winsock (XP SP2 Only)
ECHO 5. Disable Internet Explorer Proxy
ECHO 6. Enable Proxy (proxy:8080)
ECHO 7. Static IP Address
ECHO 8. Quit
SET /P C=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] ?IF "%C%"=="8" GOTO :END
IF "%C%"=="7" GOTO :STATIC
IF "%C%"=="6" GOTO :PROXY
IF "%C%"=="3" GOTO :DHCP
IF "%C%"=="2" GOTO :RENEW
IF "%C%"=="1" GOTO :SHOWIP
346 2008-01-25 23:37:48
Re: [SOLVED]Dell D430 freezing @first reboot with Mobile Intel 945 (17 replies, posted in DriverPack Graphics)
They are free, you just need to give Bill(MS) a call and ask for them.
347 2008-01-25 10:49:22
Re: [IMPL] VIA Rhine II: 19 September 2007 dated drivers (12 replies, posted in DriverPack LAN)
I may have found the issue, there is a generic HWID in the inf (PCI\VEN_1106&DEV_3065). I will update the driver and comment the line, it could resolve the issue. A test pack will be available soon.
348 2008-01-25 10:42:40
Re: [IMPL] Not detecting Intel MegaIDE Sata drivers (8 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)
Please provide the HWID list of your PC devices by using the tool save_hwids.exe located in my sig.
349 2008-01-24 06:33:51
Re: Looks like www.station-drivers.com was shut down - NOW BACK! (6 replies, posted in Other)
Translation: Basically the admin needs a break, the website will be back shortly. The good news is that the website was not shutdown. Hoorah!
350 2008-01-23 15:33:04
Re: Drivers VGN-CR21S/L (7 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)
This is not the harware ID list, this is the device list. Download this tool: http://driverpacks.mirror.thesneaky.com … _hwids.exe Run it and copy/paste the result here, else, we can't help you.