(1 replies, posted in 3rd Party DriverPacks)

I believe that that driver is already included in DP_Chipset.
Do you need that particular .msi to install something not already included in DP_Chipset cheche?


(6 replies, posted in News)

I am so late with my belated Merry Christmas & Happy New Year wishes that i almost have to wish everybody a lunar "Kung Hei Fatt Choy"!

  Beware that any orders requisitioned from China may not be processed for some time when that starts (as occurs every year)!

Enough lunacy.  Happy Solar New Year!     smile

Added to DP_Sound_B_wnt5_x86-32_1401021.7z     smile
      (use with DP_Sound_A_wnt5_x86-32_1401021.7z minimum)

Hello again!  For the moment, yes you are correct.
There are many other updated packs for NT5, in addition.

I recommend using that MassStorage pack with DP_Chipset_wnt5_x86-32_1311161.7z and the "3rd-party" DP_Misc_wnt5_x86-32_1310141.7z at a minimum.

This combination should work for all NT5 32 bit Operating Systems.

Added to DP_Sound_B_wnt5_x86-32_1401021.7z     smile
      (use with DP_Sound_A_wnt5_x86-32_1401021.7z minimum)

Hello and welcome to this forum!     smile

Why not contact your antivirus vendor for confirmation?

for DriverPacks folder:
DP_Graphics_A_wnt5_x86-32_1311181.7z - 119.42MB   67fdd96e955d4c06f16853858cb2715082526545
DP_Graphics_B_wnt5_x86-32_1311141.7z - 224.2MB   7f001e782b5b76b832a688ebc5480e0410d45067
DP_Graphics_C_wnt5_x86-32_1311141.7z - 259.72MB   3bfb225bbc9d689f31c1e966bd87b2a8157ff664
for 3rd party DriverPacks folder:
DP_Graphics_ATi-Legacy_wnt5_x86-32_1311151.7z - 118.22MB   88ad5ea2c18e6eb8126033d4afc44fb3e8b44cf8

edit: links removed - updated or reposted below

Test Archive (not a DriverPack, yet unofficially useful for non-ATi-AMD OpenCL-CPU - SSE2.x{min}):
Ati-AMD_OpenCL_Test.7z - 85.24MB   9b7c6808816f9a4329becfe57d323a5741680376
updated (2013-11-16)

so far, v2.7(938.2) seems like a viable candidate.

Feedback is welcomed.

Welcome to the forum!  Have added code tags for you.

Disable QuickStream Cache (QSC), delete the folder within DPs_BASE, and refresh your source from read-only media.
  Do try the latest nightly DriverPack within each subforum, or Graphics, as examples of many other updated packs ...

DP_CPU & DP_Monitor are obsolete, the latter may have added too much to the limited drive path, causing some drivers to not be installed.  You may want to avoid integrating the Webcam DriverPack for that very same reason.

Also, from the end of your log, you have only selected to integrate the Chipset pack.
  You might want to select some more, especially the MassStorage pack.     smile

Does this occur with the NT5 driverpacks, as well?
Apologies if i am somewhat off-topic.


(8 replies, posted in Software)

Groeten, Jaak!
I apologize for not having responded earlier.

Can you confirm that there is a "UEFI" PnP HWID?

Quoted from Ray Hinchliffe's SIF (System Information Viewer) included file pnpdevs.txt:

"TOS6207=Toshiba Notebook Extra HCI driver
TOS7400=Toshiba AcuPoint
UEFI=Microsoft UEFI-Compliant System
VDM0469=Vadem PCIC compatible Plug and Play PCMCIA controller
VMBUS=Virtual Machine Bus
VPC2004=Lenovo ACPI-Compliant Virtual Power Controller"


Roughly estimating that if each unit averages 32W over one year for a total average draw of 32kW and at a hypothetical commercial rate of twenty cents per kilowatt*hour, that could add to an annual cost of $12,288 to run 1000 machines 8hrs per day, seven days a week, 240 days per year.

Accessories, such as monitors (or taxes, etc.) are excluded for the rough estimate.
  It also assumes that less than half, perhaps even much less, are in use at once.


DP_Chipset_wnt5_x86-32_1311161.7z - 9.62MB   b04d798e60e45f108caeb7d4f57e228fa2a49864

updated VIA USB 3.0 drivers and PE plugin (somebody, please tell me if it does work).

edit:  link removed - updated near topic end

Noting that Windows 7 x64 has the exact same issues with OpenGL "flat vertex" on a HP G62 laptop as NT5_x86!

bad --> http://www.mediafire.com/view/pw1gddlrt … roblem.PNG
good --> http://www.mediafire.com/view/183y11zps … exGood.PNG

reference --> http://forum.driverpacks.net/viewtopic. … 541#p52541

NT5 testing methodology --> http://forum.driverpacks.net/viewtopic. … 571#p52571
  (see step 6)

Fortunately, testing and solutions with NT6 are likely to be similar to the answers on NT5.     smile

DPINST likely won't work for NT6 to properly process active graphics driver overrides, if i remember correctly.

Note that i haven't tested your pack specifically, Bigfoot.
  This result was obtained with 13-9-legacy_vista_win7_64_dd_ccc_whql

One man asked me how i thought i scored in today's exam.
  I simply said that i was confident that i had passed.
He responded by saying something like "don't you have an idea what mark you received?"
  To which i retorted, "It matters not, as long as we all passed; that is the goal for me!"

We all received over 85%.  Sadly, i think we may have lost two fellow students before the exam.  I tried to help, yet still feel failure.

ChiefZeke wrote:

" Learning is lifelong task."

Daily learning can be a joy, and seems to be "kryptonite" to dementia and it's like!
  Brains are akin to muscles, if they are not regularly exercised, they tend to atrophy.
    I am reminded of the fictitious characters "Beavis and Butthead".     lol

That is an impressive education you have, Chief!

Most people in Canada approaching retirement age don't seem to realize that tuition can be free for them.  My electronics teacher was surprised to be reminded of that fact.  Am uncertain of tax implications.

We should be building more schools here in North America than jails and removing barriers to education for those that are financially challenged, IMHO.  For those that care not for any education, not including the learning disabled, i fear for them.  Many that embrace "ignorance is bliss" will have no future, only a past.

I openly wonder if atmospheric Krypton85 has had an influence on storm strength recently.

Well, knight1fox3 seems to like it.  I will take that as a positive, unless told otherwise.
   reference:  http://forums.tweaktown.com/asrock/5502 … post470200

The updated Realtek HDA driver adds a bouquet of HP HWID's.

DP_Sound_A_wnt5_x86-32_1311131.7z - 154 MB   7816cb39744633482f3783ce8dd348343f239cc7
*  edit:  links removed - updated below

Got it.  Thank you, Chief.

Wondering if the modified Intel HDMI audio driver works on Gen 4/Haswell.
Need feedback before an updated nightly should be released.

Here are some updates, including experimental Haswell support (audio in Sound_A):

for DriverPacks folder:
DP_Graphics_A_wnt5_x86-32_1311021.7z - 119 MB   0958560bbaf6165390bcbe6fd22b463c32b2f637
DP_Graphics_B_wnt5_x86-32_1311101.7z - 224 MB   dd3604079ac489dd519e83b26dd8a318d34c1204
DP_Graphics_C_wnt5_x86-32_1311031.7z - 259 MB   42d2c22b3ae7d8120fb6bda8936acc94eb9db89e
for 3rd party DriverPacks folder:
DP_Graphics_ATi_Runtimes_wnt5_x86-32_1310151.7z - 21.0 MB   81b4fcc8e3d2f112b780fc82b38377bc0a1314ba*
DP_Graphics_ATi-Hydravision_wnt5_x86-32_1310281.7z - 12.7 MB   3c35ca0b03481eb849b2ab88302011992e0212f3
DP_Graphics_ATi-Legacy_wnt5_x86-32_1311021.7z - 118 MB   5bda29fe1bcae0dbb28f6578f64488c254fcf4f6
DP_Graphics_ATi_OpenCL-vc2k10_wnt5_x86-32_1310281.7z - 10.3 MB   484ec2dc1b2e1586a253ab1ed22af66ff928874e
DP_Graphics_ATi-TV_wnt5_x86-32_1310291.7z - 8.45 MB   e40bba47ecd213387f8fe6e71825ae78b8ebccd7
DP_Graphics_External_wnt5_x86-32_1310171.7z - 14.6 MB   ad86dff372ea1e4fa7e7a6dd479914079abc2b89
DP_Graphics_Intel_Runtimes_wnt5_x86-32_1310301.7z- 34.3 MB   ff7bd5594781dc292db37de7e58ab3b9233e162b
DP_Graphics_Languages_wnt5_x86-32_1310311.7z - 78.4 MB   1d73e226da6222b18c8f195d87629b5b0f3e515f
DP_Graphics_nVidia_GFxp-upd-NET4_wnt5_x86-32_1311101.7z - 67.7 MB   e21fda2780af5eb5a5e2a737dacabd14521216e3
DP_Graphics_PhysX_wnt5_x86-32_1310311.7z - 26 MB   02a2ecb71e218000e438a18dffc2d23ce3943623
DP_Graphics_PhysX-Legacy_wnt5_x86-32_1310271.7z - 18.5 MB   7e5df14e2c44335ed3a60e5591ea68f07175b730

Do review the notes in the first post of this topic.     smile

edit: links removed - updated or reposted below

For those AMD-ATi Graphics Adapters that require an "override" for proper OpenGL v2.1 Vertex support, navigate to your %windir%\Temp\D\G\A\ directory and install the driver deposited there with DPINST.exe (it will be in a subfolder).

Updated Intel 3rd-gen HDMI driver to include 4th-gen Haswell for testing.     smile

DP_Sound_A_wnt5_x86-32_1311101.7z - 154 MB   7d9c0b0d7fd9d4aa6d04a40bfdd146860a4b289d

*  edit:  links removed - updated below

Hello again!     smile

That first error with un7zip.exe is the same one i receive with a DVD-disc install experiencing read errors.

I use WinSetupFromUSB with the D-P-M-S.iso disabled in the advanced options.  All editions of D-P-M-S.iso are incompatible with the latest DPMS.

  Wow!  They finally released v1.0!!! (I have been using v1.0beta8)
Congratulations, ilko_t (and others, including cdob)!!!

MSFN page --> http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/120444- … -with-gui/

ilko_t wrote:

"Version 1.0 released which can be downloaded from here. Apart of the missing beta in the name, there are a few important changes since beta8:

    Ability to add multiple Windows Vista, 7, 8, Server 2008/2012 sources from ISO file as a source. Use the same option to add PE2 (Vista/Server 2008) and above based utility. Thanks to synchronicity for his amazing wimlib project.
    Ability to add almost any Linux based ISO which uses hybrid cd-rom/hard disk mode, credits to cdob . Refer to this page for a non exhaustive list of tested ISOs
    Auto-format option when used with NTFS would do its best when formatting the disk,  to avoid fragmented large files on this volume later on by moving $MFT at the beginning of the partition. This way $MFT zone remains at the beginning of the volume and there should be way more contiguous space available large files to occupy
    D-P-M-S updated to D-P-M-S2, thanks to Steve
    the command prompt window during GUI mode of XP/2000/2003 setup is now hidden, thanks to cdob. It’s needed to keep the USB drive mounted throughout the GUI mode of setup
    added ability to copy all log files to the relevant WINSETUP sub-folder during PE phase of NT6 (Vista and later) boot. Create an empty file debugme with no extension in the relevant sub-directory, e.g \WINSETUP\Win7x64\debugme, and all log files from the start of PE phase will be copied next to it
    offer custom boot menu name when Linux/Other ISO is added
    when XP/2003/2000 source is added and incorrectly the i386 folder is pointed as root directory, program uses its parent directory
    updates of the tools included"

     quoted from:  http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/120444- … try1056429

*** note that after creating a partition with this method, you likely still need to restart Setup (first part) for the USB-NTFS partition to be recognized, or Setup may fail.

Also, i advise using newer DriverPacks, such as those "nightlies" in this forum.
The following are probably the minimum you should use:
Chipset --> http://forum.driverpacks.net/viewtopic. … 311#p54311, MassStorage --> http://forum.driverpacks.net/viewtopic. … 312#p54312, Misc --> http://forum.driverpacks.net/viewtopic. … 314#p54314

There are many more packs available.

Also, beware of using nLite.  It can corrupt your source.
I simply use unmodified XP source before integrating DriverPacks with DPs_BASE.
RVMi is the preferred method of integrating updates and addons.
SAD3 is useful for drivers that must be installed after Setup completes.

Also, you might be pleasantly surprised at the progress with XP graphics drivers.
   http://forum.driverpacks.net/viewtopic. … 544#p52544

Newer updates to the graphics drivers are undergoing testing now.
  The hope is that they may be released to the public for testing soon.     hmm

I appreciate any feedback you can offer.

I hope these suggestions help.

Just noting that i encountered BSOD's or "no drive" issues on a HP Pavillion m7570n (ICH7R/DH) in AHCI mode.
The BSOD's were STOP $7F, $50 in XP, and STOP $1E in W2k.
During the "no drive" screen for partitioning, i noticed a "^ More" at the upper right corner of the partitioning box.
I pressed the up arrow and was greeted with the BSOD particular to my case.

It turned out to be the HDD that was causing this.
After swapping out the Seagate 160G SATA drive for a different drive, i was able to successfully partition the replacement drive and install Windows in AHCI mode without resorting to "fix_hdc".
I have also encountered this with a Maxtor Diamond Max 10 80G drive.

Hopefully this helps.
If not, please provide more details as requested.
I am unable to make proper decisions based on vague or incomplete data.

DP_Misc_wnt5_x86-32_1310141.7z - 16.0 MB   1c9fd78f4907e65df780b98ffcc323ceb523c574

*edit:  updated in last post.

Use this pack only at your own risk.

DP_Phone_wnt5_x86-32_1311031.7z - 9.96 MB   c2abaf610bdaa76f635ec5371378202840eabc36

* edit:  link removed - updated below

DP_MassStorage_wnt5_x86-32_1310251.7z - 9.29 MB   2cbd414ec93269ed32f9e6e5db876c7a897a864e
* - edit: link removed - updated near last post in this topic

DP_Chipset_wnt5_x86-32_1310251.7z - 9.61 MB   31f6e60afbcc949706b462ae7cff13371d249ab8

I publicly apologize to zawakened for neglecting to thank him in the included changelog.

edit:  link removed - updated near topic end

Apologies for the delay.

DP_Sound_A_wnt5_x86-32_1310311.7z - 154 MB   a754a85ee57cb6deea183e9fc7418dbe445b4d41

*  edit:  links removed - updated below