Topic: Empty Folder in DriverPack Sound B
FYI in this Driver Pack there is an empty folder named SMA9
so for myself i added a driver that you didn't have in this driver
pack in this folder & it works fine on my system picking it up.
If you want the driver I added to it for myself check with smartepants
I emailed him the driver for this SoundMAX device for Compaq
DriverVer = 11/09/2001, or i can send the 1 I did for
myself to you. Just let me know what you want done & how to rename
this driver pack to be on your web site or if you want me to resend just
this driver for you to place it in the driver pack.
What you do in this world is matter of no consequence. The question is what
you can make people believe that you have done.
-- Sherlock Holmes