Re: [IMPL] Intel Matrix Storage v8.6.0.1007 10/12/2008
Thank you for your advice Overflow. I assumed Windows would benefit from the speed also after it was loaded and I didn't know about the impossibility of simultanious access. Yet I think there is a misunderstanding about my configuraton. With strip size (term used by Intel Matrix Storage Manager option ROM) I meant the stripe block size. I get to think what you call stripe I call volume. Please let me explain what I had in mind and if you still think it's a bad idea let me know
1. Two Samsung 320GB HHD's joined in 1 RAID-0 array. This 1 array is divided into 2 volumes:
a. Volume 1 has a capacity of 46,2GB and a stripe block size of 64k. It just contains Windows (including swap file, excluded the folders "Program Files" and "Documents and Settings"). Everest speed random read is 145.5 MB/s and access time is 9.00 ms. My considerations choosing this: 1. Fast Windows startup; 2. Fast swap file; 3. Fast Windows running. Because of what you wrote I understand 3 is not a big advantage.
b. Volume 2 has a capacity of 550GB and a stripe block size of 128k. It just contains the folder "Program Files". Everest speed random read is 125.5 MB/s and access time is 17.37 ms (same physical disks; big difference in performance ) . My considerations choosing this: 1. Fast loading of apps; 2. doesn't reduce the speed of Windows/swap file; 3. enough place for more than one virtual CD/DVD, thus saving a lot of time loading games/levels/...; 4. doesn't contain valuable data, just stuff I can reinstall.
2. 1x Hitachi 320GB HDD (=different physical media) just for data and the folder "Documents and Settings". Everest speed random read is only 63.5 MB/s and access time is 13.52 ms (compared to RAID rather slow Considerations: 1. safer for my data (roughly half the chance of disk failure compared to RAID-0 (besides that: most valuable data will be backupped to portable HDD); 2. easier to reinstall Windows or change the array/volumes since I can leave the data (it is on a different physical disk); 3. The least need for speed (files aren't large).
Please also tell me if the Intel Matrix Storage Manager/Console should be installed by the driverpack, cause I still can't find it???