A prepper (or a hardware wilderness in single-image wishful-thinking-head) looking for speed gain by automated un-duping of ORIGINAL drivers needs a tool.
And you guys are developing it.
There are still enough people using XP roll-outs for us to have that effort work for DriverPacks as is now, and I already hear clamor for filtered vista and 2008. (what the heck.. One of the guys at the MsViP meet was pleased when he heard about DPinst and the possibility it worked on 98pack.. w/i, faik, still available on Third Party DriverPacks.)
Standardised (INF=> CSV) scanner (s) are our future.
How they work out the OS and version is important. VERY much so.
OS caused dupes help us write the INI.
QUITE a few scanners cannot, because the INF does not have the OS info properly SCANNABLE, output PROPER (true) dupefiltered output.
the spotlight did not attempt to remove dupes.
edit for RogueSpear. (and wsnow)
edited above (why real OS aware dupe eliminatition is a kettle of worms.) for warmsnow and roguespear.
The problem are the writers.
DriverPacks, so far, can reduce hands on work by a huge factor, and I think that was done by the fine people at DriverPacks.
Most of it was eyeballing outputs. (sometimes comparing output from one scanner against another output.. Or the TXT of the INF.. when you scan a file and have zero HWID output and you look at the INF and it had a gumption of unquantifiables?.)
I will ask the entire DriverPacks community to help us document known WHQL conflicts in same class drivers, and ask that they pay attention to /Hwid and 'GUI class' / conflicts.
not just pci/hwid.
you look at the INF and it had a gumption of unquantifiables?. 
Last edited by Jaak (2008-10-24 05:05:33)
The answer was 42?
Kind regards, Jaak.