Topic: November was great!
We had updates for Soundpack A and Mass storage in late November
Mass Storage Pack
Debugger had suggested a workaround for issues where a RAID driver got the upperhand when the chip was set for Base-Mode. The Paths in the pack were shortend to help make Method one more viable and some SI drivers were added - Jaak put a lot of work into this.
Sound A Pack
mr_smartepants fixed an issue with the soundblaster driver where the Audigy control panel was installed for the Xfi driver. lucky2007 posted this issue and was a HUGE help in testing and providing the fix and getting it resolved - (it's not just 'lucky' it's hard work) HWID's were trimmed from some of the INF's to address driver conflicts. Jaak continued with my vision of keeping method One alive and shortened the paths in Sound A too. Dolivas, Major, and corytk all helped and deserve a round of applause. Thanks guys, this was a true TEAM effort.
Muiz Released a third party driverpack (3rd party DriverPack) for Monitor that Bons helped with.
Dolivas Updated the 3rd party DriverPack for modem
Overflow finaly wrote the help file for BartPE Tutorial link
We already have updated packs for December - LAN, Graphics A & B, Sound A & B, and WLAN
Folder structures were optimized for Method 1 by Jaak
Driverpacks is opensource and freeware. Our team members donate their personal time to make this project happen.
Members Like Bâshrat the Sneaky, Helmi, Muiz, Jaak, Overflow, JakeLD, debugger, Chud, Twig123, maxximum, RougeSpear, mr_smartepants, fragbert, Ricktendo64, Ruudboek, TigerC10, Lightsout, McStarfighter, Major, Signet, Dolivas and BigBrit.
We always need people with access to a variety hardware for our test packs - If this sounds like you then become a team member and help make DriverPacks all it can be! we need YOU! or as Jaak is fond of saying
"You need us - We need you"
have a great holiday season and thanks to all.
---- Jeff Herre AKA OverFlow
and now there is more to the story - and Jaak accuses me of never sleeping....
Dear Gentlebeings,
Jeff mentioned the folder structures are changing to get Method 1 more viable.
When we compared the old Mass storage driverPack with the new one, we found that we had added 14 drivers, and despite that we have been able to shorten Path length by approximately 200 characters.
The additions were actually older driver versions we needed to be able to support several Silicon Image Mass storage chip BIOS versions.
Today, Sound A, Sound B, and Graphics B have all had their folder structures changed as well.
The new structures will take getting used to, I guess.
It is something we wanted to do long ago, and now we are at it..
Jeff also mentioned that we trimmed HWIDs from several INF files in the Sound DriverPacks.
Approximately 2050 duplicated HWIDs were found in Sound A and B.
The testers were patient, and we added some new people to the team.
They earned their place, let me tell you that.
It would not be possible without you.
Thank you for helping us help you.
for those of you who don't know there is a MS path limit on method one of 4096. The path for method one was 6895 last month. Jaak has trimmed that to 6090. That is a total pickup of 805, and a lot of work. My hat is off to you my friend...
Last edited by OverFlow (2007-12-05 17:39:20)

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