re-uploaded chips (previous upload had gotten interrupted..)

hi dizzyDen

how did you do it? I am all ears.

we have new testpacks wich may adress this.
you can just as well try with these two, and if it solved your problem, please let us know?

we had test versions linked to here, and the mass storage updates do not work.
I am pulling them

old links removed, made new testpacks was unavailable for a while. sad

testpacks for chipset and mass storage

intel 1014 is back online. testpacks updated.

this CAN BE CLOSED, it was put in 705.

I would be able to do the minimum, but would not know how to do the bonus (silent install)

You could maybe show me how you did it, and we will all learn.

Welcome to DriverPacks.

Safe mode works, so you could get a look at setuperr.log and try find out which device causes the freeze.
(@ Overflow, I doubt he sees a 07B error. I think he sees NO error at all and that it just freezes on him.)

once he gets this running (by manually installing the drivers for this machine), I would really like to see a HWID list report. (tool to do that is found in Bâshrat the Sneaky and smartepants signature)

well, M1 has its use, because it can be used for repair installation.

BUT, M2 can also be used for repair installations once a reasonably simple command has been added to presetup.cmd.
I think we ought to have the repair possibility in M2 as well and I am going to make the request.

did it work?


(2 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)


not only does it use aome real space, it is also memory intensive, and errors in memory modules have been known to cause such issues.
To rule that out, I would suggest you get memtest86+ or DocMemory and test your RAM.

Welcome to DriverPacks.

I wonder, did you integrate the drivers into the installation Disc You used for this?

Hi Busel
The list just got fixed.
Thanks for pointing this out.


(3 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)

I notified Overflow about this one here
(and this one too) … 833#p10833

He'll figure out where that part of the code runs.


I hope Bâshrat the Sneaky or overflow reads this soon.
here is a guess.
Method one, with all those packs (WLAN is HUGE), will reach the path string statement limit of 4096 characters.
My guess is that this error pops when that happens. (it normally tells you that this limit is reached, and I do not see that in this log.)

yes, its ommision was no accident.
A driver added in 704 supports the E-help button, see.

I guess not.
The OEM licence was paid, and XP was paid, so even if this XP was a recuperated "NON"-branded OEM, they do not suffer a dime.

a hard lesson I learned here is;
make TWO backups.

In a "backup" I had put back on the server, there was a  hidden character that caused this error, and it did not show up until another editor was used.
Even that editor did not let on that this was an error, but once this discrepancy was noticed I talked about it to Overflow and then fixed it.


(2 replies, posted in News)

update Checker is fixed.

One of the tools I used to update the changelogs (and I was the person who used them, sigh) must have added a hidden character at the start of two files. When I noticed this in a superior editor, I started wondering. Overflow watched my back while we fixed it.
(Both of us had backed up the files, just in case.)

Base 705 is also up, and I bet you'll love it.


(2 replies, posted in News)

Bâshrat the Sneaky gave main team permission to PUBLISH new packs, and here are the first few.
Chipsets, Graphics_B, LAN, Mass_storage, Sound_A and Sound_B are currently on the server.

WLAN and Graphics_A are still in testing.

A heartfelt THANKS for the feedback during troubleshooting mass storage.
We all learned.
The reason it took so long to publish these six packs should now be gone.
Updates and urgent bug-fixes can now be posted by a team member who worked on the fixing.

I had a LOT of respect for Bâshrat the Sneaky, and now I have even more.
I just learned how much time it takes to update changelog files and the supported devices lists.
I also learned how easily one can make a mistake while doing that, and I made them..
'Ahem', I had caused an error wich caused The Update Checker to ask "where did you get that?" on all published packs, but this is fixed now.

Anyway, enjoy the work of Muiz3, Fragbert, Overflow, JSe, BigBrit, Cirederf, Debugger and others whom gave most valuable feedback during the tests of these packs.

fixed for now.
FAIK, 705 releases are going to be up soon (maybe today) is still @ DriverVer=10/31/2006,
Can you please provide a LINK?

this is a test version, and should adress the JMB 36X issue you have.
((link removed))

both are implemented.

this one is going in a future release;
Update (2007/04/11)

-\S\C Silicon Image SATA Raid 5 for 3132 controller  09/05/2006, to 01/25/2007, (Jaak)

3112 is already in current release