we'll see when we get the drivers

I'll create a folder for you.

changed topic title, so people know there is some work going on.

Debugger, you can upload to


(note to self; the wireless "modem" chud slipped in should go to wireless, and since JakeLD is working on the wireless DP, it will get done.)

@ debugger.
Since you have dial up, I would suggest you upload the drivers to FTP, and one of us gets them in the pack for you.

chud wrote:

hehe support for Dell 'Novotell Wireless Merlin USB' which covers lots of wireless (3G) type things in newer lattitude laptops - more info in the support file in the 7z

this ought to be in wireless then, right?

from the top of my head

dosnet.inf was changed
txtsetup.sif was changed
presetup.cmd was changed.

and you already know "minisetup" was backed up.
( I just started wondering about txtmode... would it work with the original minisetup? )

Oh, Erik

a while back I downloaded 17 nvidia drivers.. about a gigabyte worth.
I am not doing NV chipset for a reason.
There is some exception coding in Base for method 1, and intel and NV folders are hard referenced in the code

I actually thought it was.. time differences with server and forum fooled me

Hi Chud
I wish it were easy, but duplicate filenames and overlap in HWID are causing all sorts of hyll for syspreppers.


do not fry.

what edits were done?

THIS IS a test pack

the TV pack was not named 709... it is not even september, but for the this one I changed its name from 7081 to 709 (its date was 70823)

welcome to DriverPacks

Please enable QSC.

I'll be doing an acer laptop tomorrow.

should it not be
MD\ Edited sixteen INFs to work around duplicated filenames (jaak)

a corrected medion file is in your mailbox


JakeLD, I must tell you medion had several duplicate filenames with different content.
to put all in same folder, I had to rename some ICM files, and edited the references in their INF accordingly.

I also had to rename several catalog files (as they used same name but were different), edited the INF accordingly.

I will mail the medion file.

The supported device you made is a lot better than what I did.
(INF always have more info.)

medion could have tidied up the names a lot better, but then, of course, they use folders with tell-tale names.

I ought to be able to do same for LG tomorrow, and will probably keep CRT and TFT in separate folders.

toss that medion folder and txt in the recycle bin

I just noticed there are X64 files in there, and I had better looked hard at the filenames for those.

@ JakeLD

I've mailed medion all-in-one folder, with a txt (the foldernames are model-names, so I used dirprint, and a WP for clutter cleanup.) which should help.


(11 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)

well, I had not noticed that.

http://www.siliconimage.com/support/sup … sid=4&
this says 4.x.84, and when you click the link, it leads to BIOS 4.3.84, but it then spcifies chip variant 3512...

but... huh?
When one looks for 3112 bios, you get bios 4.2.83.
small wonder there are always problems with silicon image.

it has to be DP123456.7z
(8.3 file name convention)

during the 'Driverpack minisetup" the files are expanded, and the 7z script looks for DP*.7z
REM +==========================================================================+
REM |                                                                          |
REM |   This presetup.cmd file was dynamically generated by the DriverPacks    |
REM +==========================================================================+
REM |   Decompressing the DriverPacks to the harddisk - using un7zip.exe.      |
REM |--------------------------------------------------------------------------|
%CDDRIVE%\OEM\bin\un7zip.exe %CDDRIVE%\OEM\DP*.7z %SystemDrive%\

REM +==========================================================================+
REM |   Copying/decompressing the files to finish the installation.            |
REM |--------------------------------------------------------------------------|
%CDDRIVE%\OEM\bin\un7zip.exe %CDDRIVE%\OEM\bin\*.7z %SystemDrive%\
COPY /Y %CDDRIVE%\OEM\bin\DPsFnshr.ini %SystemDrive%\
IF EXIST %CDDRIVE%\OEM\*.ins COPY /Y %CDDRIVE%\OEM\*.ins %SystemDrive%\


I think it being handled, and tested here
(first post in topic mentions 162.50)

there is a new driver download available for intel IGP 965, version 14.31
http://downloadcenter.intel.com/filter_ … bmit=Go%21

igxp32.inf DriverVer=08/07/2007,

yet another one to sort out sad

yes, you can do this with all EXCEPT MASS STORAGE

medion displays
http://www1.medion.de/downloads/downloa … lang=be_be

When I looked at this one, I thought I should put all the files in a single folder, to keep the "string" short.

LG (no direct link)

I won't have the time this week.
The supported device list of these two is going to take some time, and just like medion, we probably ought to put all LG together in one folder

TOP post edited

On August 21st, Mass storage and Sound A DriverPack updates got released.
LAN DriverPack was updated and released on the 23rd.
Chipset DriverPack was updated and released on the 24th