Hi Busel
I wonder about the detailed list at times.

DriverPacks inherited some, and at times did poorly documented additions.
This is understandable, because the inheritance was poorly documented.
Much later on it was decided to go open because Bâshrat the Sneaky could  not ever have enough time to maintain what is basisically an incremental.
( it is an growing task ).

Erik, the 7.09.1 Graphics B is already finalised.

Like you said, the DELL specific files can seriously add a humongous amount to the DP, and the updated embedded was so new it got in the way of so many other HWIDs... (even the old embedded version was kinda iffy)
I figured the fix had to be published asap.

K, at least it has an txtsetup.oem, it may work.


(12 replies, posted in Dutch)

nog een tip.
Doe ook altijd QSC
Ook al zegt Base dat dit enkel aanbevolen is voor method 1, is het beter dat je het ook doet voor method 2.


Method 2: when one does NOT use QSC, one can get bitten by tiny bugs.
Method 1, without QSC, one gets bitten by a big bug.

could you perhaps update your tute with parts of the txt I use in the tute I keep online?

Wait a minute.

you used an OLD CD with the OLD drivers on a card with the NEW BIOS, and it worked?
Could you verify that please?

You see, if that is the case, should the SFX_MiniPacks not be the other way round?
Make the DriverPacks have the old driver, and make the newest available in a MiniPack.
(it is an older driver, but it works on old and new bios equipped cards... The newest driver does not work on older BIOS equipped cards, and integrated chips cannot be flashed to newest BIOS anyhow.)



(1 replies, posted in DriverPack Graphics)

Graphics A, and chipset, as the minimum

new txtmode drivers will usually not be enabled for 2000 (2000 has a memory limitation.)
Is this for a server OS?

hi Werner, welcome to DriverPacks.

Please read the tutorial link in my signature, and if you have questions, ask.
(The tutorial has quite a bit of information and assumes the user knows how to manipulate files.)


(12 replies, posted in Dutch)


doe driverpacks als laatst.

En, in verband met SFC.
Gooi de winntupg folder NIET weg.
(Als die folder weg is, en je installatie klaagt over een bestand dat vervangen werd, dan vindt SFC die folder niet en begint te mekkeren.)

I figure you repacked but did not include the INI?


(1 replies, posted in DriverPack Chipset)


notice the sound download.
scratch that > sad Far as I can make out, this one has a fix for the front/back stuff. < not true sad

edit> release notes for sound XP mentioned mute.
the VISTA driver seems to have a solution  about front/back, though.

the S-4 part was NOT missing.

they are not in alphanumerical order.

Mass 7.09 is up

WLAN is for tomorrow.
The changelog is almost ready.
However, supported device list requires a lot of work because WLAN needed Big Time checking and major overhaul.

I said JakeLD was GOOD news.

JakeLD (Jonathan) and his brother are guys what come out of corporate blue sky.
I am impressed by their speed and (yes, we need more qualified testers..) quality.

The private "limited" Quality Assuranse checks I could do on JakeLD's work make me think he is good news.
I can share all my knowledge and prove me dumb.
I will not be so dumb that I do not share my questions.

FYI. All team member wannabees are required to submit real life adress and details to admin.

[..end edit..]

thanks for the praise.
It took time, though.
At first, I could not figure out why the backed up files did not work when all files I thought good were online.
Later, when I used file comparison tools to figure out the differences between backups, I spotted the locator fix.

The tools I use are inadequate.
A professional PHP IDE editor would cost quite a bit, and I am not a programmer.
The IDE trial versions I used have expired, they could at times tell me about a few inconsistensies which would help. Still, despite the IDE check tools I had, I recall I've made mistakes which made the pages go blank.
(two or three months ago, the best IDE tool I used showed me a hidden character before the array opened. That hidden 'carriage return' broke the update tracker.
Because of that, I've since then used hexedit capable tools to see hidden content.
Which means, I need at least two programs to do what One could. sad

Oh well, all is well.
Erik should be rewarded for all the hours he laboured on the Graphics Packs.
If he ever gets the opportunity to put an NVIDIA card in a wishbox, he should get one.
(TeeHee, I need ATI.. none of my testrigs have it.)

I no longer have a working IDE so I cannot debug.
But, it got fixed.
I tasted a Pro tool for examining differences, and I want a licence.
That is going to be in my wishlist.

I hope the new site comes live soon.
This BBS and the way we must do things eats hours.
But, I love it.
We do need you guys, we really need help.

check utility spotlight, search for driver gather tool, and develop it?
Erm, When I read that, many months ago, I thought, Bâshrat the Sneaky uses it.
I recently learned that was not the case.
So, here was a tip.
I have downloaded that tool. But, I am not a programmer.

I think I found the reason.
a fix is in the works.


Hi Jimbo,

I wish we could make the driverpacks DETECT the BIOS, but unfortunately, we can't.

The mass storage section for Silicon Image driver which causes the BSOD says this

; driver 04/13/2007, for BIOS 4.x.84.
; replace S-4 section if you replace driver with SFXzip.
; keep SFXzip files
ms_1_deviceName="Silicon Image 3112 SATALink Controller"



The adaptec driver in section [AD-9] lists only the last two of five HWIDS.
(the first three were removed from the ash1205.INF)
%PCI\VEN_1095&DEV_3112.DeviceDesc%=SI_3112, PCI\VEN_1095&DEV_3112&SUBSYS_31121095
%PCI\VEN_1095&DEV_3112.DeviceDesc%=SI_3112, PCI\VEN_1095&DEV_3112&SUBSYS_34238086
%PCI\VEN_1095&DEV_3512.DeviceDesc%=SI_3512, PCI\VEN_1095&DEV_3512&SUBSYS_35121095
They were removed because they are also inside [S-4] (for both old And New BIOS) and the Silicon Image driver would win over the older ash1205.

These two were kept in ash1205.INF and AD-9 section.
%PCI\VEN_1095&DEV_3512.DeviceDesc%=SI_3512, PCI\VEN_1095&DEV_3512&SUBSYS_34238086
%PCI\VEN_1095&DEV_3112&SUBSYS_02509005.DeviceDesc%=SI_3112, PCI\VEN_1095&DEV_3112&SUBSYS_02509005

Since the device YOU have is one of the three inside the Silicon with the "bad" BIOS, you have to replace the S-4 driver with the SFX_MiniPack.


the file you need is
http://driverpacks.mirror.thesneaky.com … S_4x79.exe

You will need 7zip.


I cannot say whether the older driver for older BIOS works on matching HWIDS detected in machines with newer BIOS.
The OLD and NEW driver for S-4 have massive overlap
(the NEW had maybe only 4 Unique, all the other were duplicate HWIDs, which means I could NOT put BOTH in).
If ANYONE knows for sure that the OLD driver for silicon works on NEW BIOS, then I can do something.

Jesus Saves, right?

The fix Bâshrat the Sneaky had done on august was in a file that (thank goodness) got saved a few times during august.

history repeats itself..
packs are unavailable.


(1 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)

I think it won't be long before chipset and mass storage get new Nvidia drivers updates, because I hear they have released such.

yes, I recall they are kinda "touchy".

Have uploaded the work I could do today.

@ DeBugger
and @ the frozen ones smile


this is based on the structure Debugger used.
I had first started with INF edits, and gave up.
(any small un-noticed difference in a REGISTRY section would be bad.)
I saw it was a lot easier to copy renamed INF files to folders with indentical binaries.

The folders will get a short name, and this txt will be cleaned up for the changelog.
I want to let DeBugger and the frozen ones smile see what was done so far, rather than have everybody guessing.

(the HWID screening filter was not yet used so I do not yet know wether other non-acer folders have those HWIDs in them)

The Wireless devices will be moved to WLAN
and for acer, there are still a whole lot of folders left.
TOP post updated, the log is in there.

Hi JakeLD
I have worked on a little script we can use for MONITOR pack.


this got me all the supported models straight from the INF files
(and, it makes it possible to spot duplicate INF files which have different content)

pretty much based on the HWIDs fiter script chud posted, and which I adapted to our needs for HWIDs.
(a version for screening *.OEM files is also in the works. )

for the HWIDs
I am still looking for a way in which I can be sure there are NO commented out lines in the CSV.
The comment ; is always at the beginning of a line, but I am looking for help by a SED expert on this.
PLUS, I am looking for a way to only delete the dupes when THREE values are true
only delete the dupes when
The HWID AND the foldername AND the Inf_filename match.

anyway, here is


@ECHO off
Echo Create Comma delimited CSV Supported monitors from MONITOR INF files.
echo This script removes previous lists if they were not renamed.
echo Bail out if you have to save older files first.
echo Drag extracted Driver folders from Windows Explorer into Dos-box
echo (or, Type a valid path to that folder. (eg C:\DriverPacks\extracted.)
set /P DPS_INF=
if not exist %DPS_INF% goto nonvalid

Echo on    
del raw-dump*.csv 2>&1>nul

FOR /F "delims=" %%f in ('dir /b /s "%DPS_INF%\*.inf"') DO (

FOR /F "delims=" %%l in ('type "%%f" ^| sed -n "/Monitor\\/p" ^| sed "s/.*\(Monitor\\[0-9A-Za-z&_]*\).*/\1/g"') DO (
echo %%l,%%f >> "raw-dump.csv"

::filter out the word monitor and the slash
type "raw-dump.csv" | sed "s/Monitor\\//g"> "raw-dump-2.csv"

::sort file
sort "raw-dump-2.csv" /o "raw-dump-MONITOR-sorted.csv"

::remove duped lines
type "raw-dump-MONITOR-sorted.csv" | sed "$!N; /^\(.*\)\n\1$/!P; D" >> "raw-dump-MONITOR-sorted-nodupes.csv"

I got the file.

now, everybody else better NOT work on a copy of modem until after I have worked with the files debugger uploaded, and put a pack up for "testing"..

I always wanted to say "everybody freeze" smile