Topic: nforce 560 driver's

Different nforce driver, but similar probs sad

I've been looking around inside the unpacked mass storage pack, looking for the nVidia drivers.

Now correct me if I'm wrong, but in the ini file, under N, it only shows the N-TM folder, but there's 4 others, eg:- 4, 4Intel, 123 & 590SLI.

Does the ini files "direct" the installation to a specific folder to grab the drivers ??? All the other folders seem to show all the folders !

If that is the case, does the ini file need to be edited to show the other folders ??

It's just that until I can get the appropriate text drivers installed, I can't set up a RAID (but non raid works) on the GA-M56S-S3 nForce 560 Gigabyte mobo sad

I might try adding the drivers that came with the cd, put them in the N-TM folder, pack it up, slip them, and give that a try.

I realise by reading thru the forums, that nvidia / nforce drivers are a bit of a pain.


gh498 (Geoff)

Re: nforce 560 driver's

I think it won't be long before chipset and mass storage get new Nvidia drivers updates, because I hear they have released such.

yes, I recall they are kinda "touchy".

The answer was 42?
Kind regards, Jaak.