(26 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)

Jeff, NOTHING I did made it work.. INF edit included.


(14 replies, posted in News)

Jeff actually added many of the (silent) thoughts I did not know to express.

2007 was a turning point.
November 2007 was great.
Help us remember  2008.

I am Jaak.
I am a noob.
Really.. I am.

When I finalize a pack and release it I have to write PHP files, and I make a backup of those before I update.
Afterwards you will see there is an update in version tracker.
You will also see a supported device list, and a change-log.
There is an RSS feed. The RSS feed's xml is auto-magically generated when we release a new version..

Some people are masters at driver version tracking, not me.
I came aboard and was soon asked to be on the testing team.. Where I learned about a lot of things.
When I got asked to join the main team, I felt honored.
Honor means something.

Let me tell you a few things.
Some of the team worked on updating packs, and some on testing. We direly needed good testers.
Some users worked on fixes and then did not share their work.
The smarter workers gave us feedback, letting us know how they had addressed issues.
Those users were rewarded by not having to repeatedly re-apply the same fix when new packs were released.

The DriverPacks are always in a state of flux.
Intelligent users join. Currently we have PE coders, SysPrep coders, and noobs - like me.
I have learned many things from the SysPrep gurus.  Their requirements are not the same as those of the PE crowd.
I have learned from Jeff (OverFlow), the current DriverPacks BASE Code guru.
I often read about problems and it makes me wonder. I write a lot of nonsense, but hey, noobs often do.
I have tried to get people to write about how they solved issues, and a lot of their tips and ideas are used later on..
Some ideas have been developed in different environments and with different goals in mind. However, they have turned DriverPacks into a living community where teamwork on the DriverPacks works for the best interests of all.

Getting it all together so it works for as many as possible is what has the packs in flux.
The DriverPacks team and the SysPrep crowd (Hey You Guys PLEASE don't just lurk. Come from the woodwork out...), and the PE crowd, and the noobs, we are all working towards a common goal.
A good PE build is one goal, Method Two DISC install is a goal, Method 1 optimization is, and there are still other.

I do not see the benefit in an auto-magical download of DriverPacks because most folks would then NOT read about changes.

We are, for instance, working on foldername shortening, and we are also constantly grooming the packs eliminating duplicates and consolidating others with universal drivers where available.
This means a state of turbulent flux.
The folder names do change - and could perhaps change in a really drastic way at any time.
Suppose we release a totally new approach for a drastic Method 1 path optimize (and this may happen), and the SysPrep guys don’t find the information in a changelog. (sadness)

A short comment on the filtering of drivers:
I can tell you that this will probably NOT EVER be done auto-magically, because...
For instance (top of iceberg).
1) The target Operating system looks at a driver, and a 2003 only driver gets mistaken for a win2K, where we (humans) would realize that the system files are different and not compatible.
2) A new driver does not work on old hardware, but pretends it will.
((A good example of that was in sound. We had over 2000 competing HWIDS between drivers that came from different manufactures’. ))

EDIT: March 2008: while grooming LAN we found hundreds and pruned a dozen folders, and in WLAN we pruned 70 folder from the tree whithout dropping a single HWID .

Do you want to help us help you?
Released packs are at least tested by a few noobs like me. But that is not enough.
Be smarter than you were, and show us how you fix things at your job, and get your fix released in a future version, or just be a tester.

Help make 2008 great.
%) Jaak

I am Jeff.

We have much to look back on and be proud of in 2007

I am not going to list names out of fear I will miss someone.
We had lots of new faces, some dedicated veterans and a few returning founding members.
Bâshrat the Sneaky had a "tough row to hoe" with college but he managed to keep the project alive from the shadows.
Everyone on the team "stepped up to the plate" in his absence.
They put in long, hard, unpaid, and nearly thankless hours.
Much ground was gained - all facets of the base and packs are better than they ever were.

DriverPacks grew from a one man show to a world class team!

By team I don't just mean the small group of us who turn out the packs and base.
I mean every single person who made a [REQ]est or posted a [BUG] or asked a question that made us think.
Every Person who has contributed through helpful feedback or tested a pack and reported back.
People who have figured out how to do or fix something and shared it with us.

"The team" is all of you who post any DriverPacks related info here. 

Thank You! -
Recognize yourselves and each other
Realize what has been gained
Be proud - Very Proud!
As I am proud of each and every one of you.

Sorry I hi'jaak'ed your post wink

%) Jeff (Overflow)


(26 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)

hi again

softpac cp007703 has five new HWIDs.
cp007703 softpac

This is the driver I wanted to update [C2] with.
But, in [C2] update I get stumped.
It has HPCICCC2.SYS and nothing I do gets around case sensitivity.

I mentione arcsas in a post here..
JakeLD told me about it, and later on, Jeff posted what was wrong with arcsas, and I uploaded a quickfix before I left for a new year's eve get-together.

@ echoplatoon, I will compare the changes against the existing nightlies, and can probably easily find out where JakeLD updates and additions fit in.. (if they are not in yet..)

@ JakeLD
today I found back the LAN pack you wanted to finalise.
I apologise for not getting that done, but I had somehow managed to compare the existing release with what I thought you wanted to release, and that was already released.
Sorry.. I wish I had not been that tired.

I bet 17,689 people died of anxiousness over that.
To the berieved, sorry.


I will be uploading EchoPlatoon's LAN to nightly ftp


(1 replies, posted in DriverPack Chipset)

which ones?


the 7128 testversion had that HPCICCC2.sys issue.. and I pulled it.

I will have a 801 testpack ready soon..
That HP update must work.. it adds five SAS HWIDs for some HP proliant server.

The release was so recent, and that error must have been in there for quite a while... that I chose to quickfix without release version update.

arcsas double comma fixed

I am uploading a fixed mass storage pack.
I will soon have a 2008 version ready with newest VIA drivers.

@ OverFlow and pack developers...
It adds some work, but it can be maintained.

We already look at the HWIDs when we are looking at adding REQuests.
Suppose you have a couple updates and new drivers on your "to be done" folder.
And, you already have the release's HWIDs excell sheet.
Then it is easy to use a copy of spotlight, and drag drop the to be done folder into the tool.
You open the old sheet, and open a new sheet.
You get the CSV in new sheet, and then paste it under old sheet.. viola..
You easily see which folder has the dupe HWIDs, and the driver version, and location... and filename.

VIA issue... I think I found the reason.

Jeff, there are drivers (original, by OEM and reference drivers too) what say that the user should edit the INF before it will work in 2000.

I think I will read all the INF files, and kill those (if they weren't already) for 2000.
AHCI mode drivers are probably never going to work in 2000.
Yesterday, I selected a few extra for 2000, and disabled txtmode load for them.
The criteria I just wrote about were those I used.

We released with the intel update included

You know, I just saw that the first post mentions load order.
I think we got a better pack because we had a blind spot for that fix.
It was work, it was frustrating, and we all came out for the better because we learned.

Hi hectorfx
BAM tried the INI edit and it worked..
(he tested for Sil 3112)
When I uploaded 7128 testpack with the INI changes I had proposed and he had tested, I had also included an update in [C2].
The D\M\C2 update had to be postponed, because it made setup fail.
The other work tested OK, and I released the pack.

December release 7121 loads [V] after [V4]
Remember that when you detect a driver conflict, you can move around some sections in INI.

It is hard to tell what footstamp the drivers have, but I made it so that a user can enable two (and maybe three) before the memory limit is reached.

I do wanna hear about VIA fix

7127/7128  after fixes are released without the C2 update


(26 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)


the C2 update is postponed until we fix case sensitivity.
I released without that update.


(10 replies, posted in News)

Mass storage updated

@ Erik
The Graphics shufflework I showed to Jeff was for method 1 optimizing.
What happens is this.
Folders that have NO INF in them, add empty semicolons in path.
The Path is found in WINNT.SIF.
When I shuffled folder content, I used common sense, and looked at references.

When I did a private experiment, I had a path under 3500 characters with Wlan included, and it worked.
I think we cannot mess up the known structures too far, because that would make the work we have to do on packs very hard on the eyes, but I also believe we should post detail on HOW it can be done.

An example.
Jeff and I have looked at a working chipset pack under 60 Chars. Jeff would not hesitate and code the shufflework. However, I think that is not maintainable because we want to rid ourselves of hardcoded folder references in Base, and he would be coding more than we had before.
Paradox ad nauseam.

released our work, without the C2 update
Thanks guys. You have been of immense help.

replace C2 section with C2 from older pack, and put the C2 files from older pack in the newest one you have tested, and it runs fine..

you can do your install with that.

Hi dolivas, I only looked at the excell sheet. (which was made before we used spotlight)
One of these days I'll do a spotlight on modem.
Right now, I want to fix mass storage (where we have a case study, if you will pardon the pun.)