i downloaded the WLAN compressed file from your website but on uncompressing i encountered with several CRC errors. kindly help.
Just download it again. It probably got corrupted during the download.
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DriverPacks.net Forum » Posts by Wim Leers
i downloaded the WLAN compressed file from your website but on uncompressing i encountered with several CRC errors. kindly help.
Just download it again. It probably got corrupted during the download.
I'm currently working on that
Hello Bâshrat,
the D folder in the $OEM$ folder is not the driversfolder, this folder is copied to the D partition during the installation.
the driversfolder is really in $OEM$\$1\M, should this be $OEM$\$1\D\M ?
do I really need the DPsFnshr.exe ?? because in the INI in don't see anything that has to do with the Masstorage drivers, which I only using.
Sorry, have read it too fast. That's correct, the directory structure should be \$OEM\$1\D\M.
You still need the DriverPacks Finisher for the cleanup of the drivers, unless you do that in your own scripts.
I will try to reproduce this issue.
From your DPsFnshr.log, I can derive that the HDA hotfix did indeed not get installed. Can you please post your DPs_BASE.log so I can see why that is? Did you slipstream an UpdatePack by the way?
Huh? The D directory is in your \$OEM$ directory instead of the \$OEM\$1 directory??? Please move it to the \$OEM$\$1 directory!
Are you sure you did not accidentally do this yourself? It would amaze me if no one else had reported this behaviour before, if it were caused by the DriverPack Sound B.
Can you list the files present in the \$OEM$ directory of your Windows installation files?
Just make a tiny 3rd party DriverPack with just this driver in it. (Do not forget to creat AT LEAST the 'D' directory though! )
1. Correct. I'm trying to come up-to-speed here quickly. I have a SIIG USB2.0+1394+UltraATA 133 RAID card that purchased and install several years ago. It has been nothing but problems for me. I have a different vendors card installed on another system that has not caused me such problems. BTW, SIIG offers terrible tech support. Sorry Bashrat for using incorrect terminology here. I very much respect and appreciate what you do.
2. The slowness I was referring to wasn't that of logging into safemode, which I did often, but when I finally succesfully logged in from normal startup. I'm certian "something" is messed up with Windows Explorer, I simply don't know what it is.
3. I will reinstall. I've been out with a cold for a couple lost days. I was thinking about simply removing this card for a fresh install, then adding it back in later, but based on your comment I will leave it where it is to see of things work.
1. Unless that card is really crappy, it should work just fine. But considering the issues you've had with it in the past, you may want to buy a decent replacement card.
2. Yes, a reinstall might be desired, if you have such a vague issue.
3. Great. Let me know the results.
Tim545, There WAS a bad 6.09 base file on the server for couple days.
This was replaced last saturday.
For less than a day, actually And that was only the wrong DriverPacks Finisher, it could never result in a BSOD.
That explains alot.
Please remove the compact command. It's completely useless: the %systemdrive%\D directory is only used for temporary storage of the DriverPacks. If you don't use KTD, all DriverPacks are simply deleted, if you do use KTD, then you should apply this command on the directory specified in the KTDlocation entry of your DPsFnshr.ini. I will add this functionality in one of the next versions of the DriverPacks Finisher anyway, by the way
That only leaves one of the two issues:
the DevicePath value is not cleaned up if you've used method 2
I've fixed that in the current nightly already!
So we still need to flip the Floppy(:)) (F6)
It's a workaround for duplicate filenames. For example:
ati3112r.sy_ and si3112r.sy_ are in decompressed state both named si3112r.sys, but you cannot include two files with identical filenames in one directory when you use Windows. That's the one and only reason
I've been doing this for more than a year now, and I've yet to encounter the first issue with this workaround, so in case you're wondering, yes, this is reliable.
It's currently only available if you modify your DPsFnshr.ini manually, by adding the following entry:
noSplash = true
Yep, that's fine. Then it must be my mistake. Will try to reproduce this.
It's very strange that C:\D could not be moved, especially because no exceptions at all are being executed.
You must slipstream KB883667 to circumvent this. This only happens only for certain Windows XP SP2 installation discs. After you've slipstreamed the aforementioned hotfix, the popup will vanish.
I'm afraid not, Floppy.
And muiz, as you can see, it did at least not work for one other person: Floppy. So no, this is no workaround.
No more Driverpacks splash screen?
You can disable it now, yes.
Do you autologin as the administrator account or as what account?
Ok, so it's actually two issues:
1) the DevicePath value is not cleaned up if you've used method 2
2) KTD is applied incorrectly, though it does work (aesthetical & pragmatic flaw)
Could you please post the Settings section of your DPsFnshr.ini?
It's in %systemdrive%\ (most likely C:\) after you've installed Windows.
No it is not. Please post your export of the following registry value:
to verify that it's similar there.
No. The partially rewritten Finisher is not yet finished (due to my accident with my hand), and it will first be tested by the testing team to ensure that it at least works equally good as it did previously (for them, that is, not for you).
I'm almost ready with it though, so probably I'll send it to the testers tonight.
As far as I can tell, you have not yet slipstreamed the DriverPacks yet.
- your DPs_BASE.ini is in its original state, with no settings from you
- the same for your DPsFnshr.ini (that would have been configured by the DriverPack Sound B if you had slipstreamed the DriverPacks)
- your DPs_BASE.log just shows that you've started the DriverPack Sound B, not that you've slipstreamed the DriverPacks.
The Driver Signing Policy popups should be disabled automatically. The problem with the autologon cannot be caused by the DriverPack Sound B as far as I can tell.
Can you please post your DPs_BASE.ini, DPs_BASE.log, DPsFnshr.ini and DPsFnshr.log?
No, I'm currently working on the website. Sorry for the inconvenience. Just check the forum topics for accurate changelogs.
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