Hello i have a problem with DPsFnshr.exe running during GUIRunOnce.
the error is <CRIT> The DriverPacks root directory in the settings file doesn't contain a valid DriverPacks directory structure!
I only use the Masstorage driverpack, When i look into the DPsFnshr.ini i don't see any related path to the "%systemdrive%\D\M" folder.
Am i missing something ? set "debug = true" but i give me the same logfile. I also copied the content to the %systemdrive% and manually run the DPsFnshr.exe, but the same error appears.
Included my settings and logfiles below.
; preferred language
prefLang = "Dutch"
; yes/no, enable or disable the wizard-style buttons, if not specified: yes
wizardButtons = "yes"
; yes/no, enable or disable the GUI, if not specified: yes
GUI = "yes"
; disc/bartpe/multibootDisc
instPlatform = "disc"
; trailing backslash is allowed, but not necessary
location = "G:\-=InstallCD=-\XPNL_CD_PRO_Corp"
; none/all/select, if select, specify them below, if not specified: all
DriverPacks = "select"
; 1/2, method to install the DriverPacks, if not specified: 2
DPsMethod = "1"
; GUIRunOnce/RunOnceEx/custom, if not specified: GUIRunOnce
finisherMethod = "GUIRunOnce"
; this section is optional!
; none/all/select/paths/patterns, enable or disable Keep The Drivers (KTD) , if not specified: none
KTD = "none"
; yes/no, enable or disable QuickStream Cache (QSC), if not specified: yes
QSC = "yes"
; you should only add this section if you've set [Settings]\DriverPacks to "select"
DP_MassStorage = "yes"
DP_MassStorage_textmode = "yes"
2006-09-29 09:08:18 : <INIT> DriverPacks BASE 6.08.6 initialized.
2006-09-29 09:08:18 : <INIT> Host environment: WIN_XP Service Pack 2 on X86 CPU.
2006-09-29 09:08:18 : <INIT> Detected settings file "G:\DriverPack\DPs_BASE.ini".
2006-09-29 09:08:18 : <INIT> Windows XP Professional - SP2 detected.
2006-09-29 09:08:18 : <INIT> The platform wnt5_x86-32_disc will be used (which is the 'disc' installation platform for the OS family 'wnt5_x86-32').
2006-09-29 09:08:18 : <INIT> Imported settings from settings file.
2006-09-29 09:08:18 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack MassStorage 6.08!
2006-09-29 09:08:18 : <INIT> Could not detect any 3rd party DriverPacks.
2006-09-29 09:08:18 : <INIT> DriverPacks scanned sucessfully.
2006-09-29 09:08:18 : <INIT> QuickStream Cache directory not found!
2006-09-29 09:08:18 : <GUI> Initialized GUI.
2006-09-29 09:08:19 : <GUI> Created a list of all available language files.
2006-09-29 09:08:19 : <GUI> Set the last used language, Dutch, as the GUI language.
2006-09-29 09:09:07 : <GUI> Refreshed UpdateChecker with success.
2006-09-29 09:09:15 : <GUI> Saved settings!
2006-09-29 09:09:15 : <GUI> Closed GUI.
2006-09-29 09:09:15 : <SEL> Selected module: mod_slip_wxp_x86-32_disc_m1.
2006-09-29 09:09:27 : <PREP> Removed all attributes from \I386.
2006-09-29 09:09:30 : <PREP> Deleted old method 1 related files.
2006-09-29 09:09:30 : <PREP> Restored original mass storage text mode driver adpu160m.sys.
2006-09-29 09:09:30 : <PREP> Restored original mass storage text mode driver ALIIDE.sys.
2006-09-29 09:09:30 : <PREP> Restored original mass storage text mode driver dac2w2k.sys.
2006-09-29 09:09:30 : <PREP> Restored original mass storage text mode driver dac960nt.sys.
2006-09-29 09:09:30 : <PREP> Restored original mass storage text mode driver dpti2o.sys.
2006-09-29 09:09:30 : <PREP> Restored original mass storage text mode driver hpt3xx.sys.
2006-09-29 09:09:30 : <PREP> Restored original mass storage text mode driver mraid35x.sys.
2006-09-29 09:09:30 : <PREP> Restored original mass storage text mode driver ql12160.sys.
2006-09-29 09:09:30 : <PREP> Restored original mass storage text mode driver ultra.sys.
2006-09-29 09:09:30 : <PREP> Deleted old DriverPack MassStorage text mode drivers.
2006-09-29 09:09:31 : <PREP> Restored \I386\winnt.sif.
2006-09-29 09:09:31 : <PREP> Restored \I386\txtsetup.sif.
2006-09-29 09:09:31 : <PREP> Restored \I386\dosnet.inf.
2006-09-29 09:09:31 : <PREP> Cleaned up \$OEM$\cmdlines.txt.
2006-09-29 09:09:31 : <PREP> Created temporary working directory.
2006-09-29 09:09:31 : <SLIP> Created QSC directory.
2006-09-29 09:09:42 : <SLIP> Extracted DriverPack MassStorage.
2006-09-29 09:09:42 : <SLIP> Started CAB compressing DriverPack MassStorage (estimated 1.3 minutes).
2006-09-29 09:12:45 : <SLIP> Finished CAB compressing DriverPack MassStorage.
2006-09-29 09:12:59 : <SLIP> Slipstreamed DriverPack MassStorage using the QuickStream Cache.
2006-09-29 09:13:22 : <SLIP> Extracted DriverPack MassStorage to a temporary working directory.
2006-09-29 09:14:40 : <SLIP> Created QuickStream Cache for DriverPack MassStorage text mode drivers.
2006-09-29 09:14:41 : <SLIP> Slipstreamed DP MassStorage text mode drivers using QuickStream Cache.
2006-09-29 09:14:52 : <SLIP> Removed entries from \I386\txtsetup.sif that will be updated.
2006-09-29 09:14:52 : <SLIP> Removed entries from \I386\dosnet.inf that will be updated.
2006-09-29 09:15:26 : <SLIP> Updated \I386\dosnet.inf and \I386\txtsetup.sif to support DP MassStorage text mode drivers.
2006-09-29 09:15:26 : <SLIP> Extracted bin\DPsFnshr.7z to \$OEM$\$1.
2006-09-29 09:15:26 : <SLIP> Created OemPnpDriversPath entry. The length is 818, which does not exceed the 4096 characters limit.
2006-09-29 09:15:26 : <SLIP> Added OemPnpDriversPath entry to \I386\winnt.sif.
2006-09-29 09:15:26 : <SLIP> Updated \I386\winnt.sif to support method 1.
2006-09-29 09:15:26 : <SLIP> Updated DPsFnshr.ini to disable KTD.
2006-09-29 09:15:26 : <SLIP> Updated \I386\winnt.sif's GUIRunOnce section.
2006-09-29 09:15:26 : <SLIP> Slipstream finished in 6 minutes and 10 seconds.
2006-09-29 09:15:32 : <CLNP> Temporary working directory successfully deleted.
2006-09-29 09:15:32 : Program terminated.
; DO NOT SET THIS MANUALLY, LET THE DriverPacks BASE DO IT FOR YOU! (may NOT contain any spaced, if it does, all exceptions must be adapted to be compatible!)
DPsRoot = "%SystemDrive%"
KTD = "no"
; system variables supported: %SystemDrive%, %SystemRoot% and %WinDir%, one
; location cannot be used as KTDlocation: the root directory specified in
; [Settings]\DPsRoot
KTDlocation = "%SystemRoot%\DriverPacks"
; =============================================================================
; =============================================================================
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; About adding your own exceptions
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; - The following system variables are supported:
; * %SystemDrive%
; * %SystemRoot%
; * %WinDir%
; * %ProgramFiles%
; * %DPSROOT% (equals the value of [Settings]\DPsRoot)
; * %DPSTMP% (when you must extract files for example)
; - Available executables:
; * addUsepmtimer.exe
; * devcon.exe
; - The unique ID in the sectionnames (i.e.: [<OS platform>__<unique ID>__
; <driver dir, including the master 'D' dir>]) must NOT be sequential, it
; must just be unique. Only numbers (0-9) can be used. The reason for the
; existence of this string is that sometimes there are multiple exceptions
; for the same driver, which would result in identical section names, which
; is not allowed.
; - A requirement of the type 'tagFiles' is considered forfilled if ALL of the
; listed conditions are met.
; - A requirement of the types '+hwids', '-hwids', '+infFiles' and '-infFiles'
; is considered forfilled if ANY of the listed conditions is met.
; - The commands will ONLY be executed if ALL the active requirements are
; - The commands will be executed in the order they are entered.
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; About the implementation of KTD
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; - To optimize the DevicePath entry in the registry (to allow more drivers to
; be added), a new system variable will be created, which will accessible
; through the variable %KTD%. The result is that each path that is added
; (that refers to a driver), will be much shorter - and therefore this allows
; more drivers to be added.
; =============================================================================
tagFiles = 0
+hwids = 1
-hwids = 0
+infFiles = 0
-infFiles = 0
commands = 1
command1 = "%SystemDrive%\addUsepmtimer.exe"
tagFiles = 2
tagFile1 = "%SystemDrive%\ATICCC.ins"
tagFile2 = "%DPSROOT%\D\G\A\1\ATICCC.exe"
+hwids = 0
-hwids = 0
+infFiles = 1
+infFile1 = "%DPSROOT%\D\G\A\1\*.inf"
-infFiles = 0
commands = 4
command1 = "%DPSROOT%\D\G\A\1\ATICCC.exe -y -o%DPSTMP%"
command2 = "msiexec /i %DPSTMP%\ISScript9.Msi /qn /norestart"
command3 = "msiexec /i %DPSTMP%\ATICCC.msi /qn /norestart"
command4 = "rd /s /q %DPSTMP%"
tagFiles = 2
tagFile1 = "%SystemDrive%\ATICCP.ins"
tagFile2 = "%DPSROOT%\D\G\A\1\ATICCP.exe"
+hwids = 0
-hwids = 0
+infFiles = 1
+infFile1 = "%DPSROOT%\D\G\A\1\*.inf"
-infFiles = 0
commands = 3
command1 = "%DPSROOT%\D\G\A\1\ATICCP.exe -y -o%DPSTMP%"
command2 = "start /wait %DPSTMP%\Setup.exe /K"
command3 = "rd /s /q %DPSTMP%"
tagFiles = 2
tagFile1 = "%SystemDrive%\ATICCC.ins"
tagFile2 = "%DPSROOT%\D\G\A\1\ATICCC.exe"
+hwids = 0
-hwids = 0
+infFiles = 1
+infFile1 = "%DPSROOT%\D\G\A\2\*.inf"
-infFiles = 0
commands = 4
command1 = "%DPSROOT%\D\G\A\1\ATICCC.exe -y -o%DPSTMP%"
command2 = "msiexec /i %DPSTMP%\ISScript9.Msi /qn /norestart"
command3 = "msiexec /i %DPSTMP%\ATICCC.msi /qn /norestart"
command4 = "rd /s /q %DPSTMP%"
tagFiles = 2
tagFile1 = "%SystemDrive%\ATICCP.ins"
tagFile2 = "%DPSROOT%\D\G\A\1\ATICCP.exe"
+hwids = 0
-hwids = 0
+infFiles = 1
+infFile1 = "%DPSROOT%\D\G\A\2\*.inf"
-infFiles = 0
commands = 3
command1 = "%DPSROOT%\D\G\A\1\ATICCP.exe -y -o%DPSTMP%"
command2 = "start /wait %DPSTMP%\Setup.exe /K"
command3 = "rd /s /q %DPSTMP%"
tagFiles = 1
tagFile1 = "%DPSROOT%\D\G\A\3\CPanel.exe"
+hwids = 0
-hwids = 0
+infFiles = 1
+infFile1 = "%DPSROOT%\D\G\A\3\*.inf"
-infFiles = 0
commands = 3
command1 = "%DPSROOT%\D\G\A\3\CPanel.exe -y -o%DPSTMP%"
command2 = "start /wait %DPSTMP%\setup.exe /K"
command3 = "rd /s /q %DPSTMP%"
tagFiles = 1
tagFile1 = "%SystemRoot%\system32\3dfxV2ps.dll"
+hwids = 0
-hwids = 0
+infFiles = 1
+infFile1 = "%DPSROOT%\D\G\3\1\*.inf"
-infFiles = 0
commands = 1
command1 = "%DPSROOT%\D\G\3\1\V2_OC_control_panel.exe"
tagFiles = 1
tagFile1 = "%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\sigrp.sys"
+hwids = 0
-hwids = 0
+infFiles = 1
+infFile1 = "%DPSROOT%\D\G\S\1\*.inf"
-infFiles = 0
commands = 3
command1 = "%DPSROOT%\D\G\S\1\UVGA3.exe -y -o%DPSTMP%"
command2 = "start /wait %DPSTMP%\setup.exe -s"
command3 = "rd /s /q %DPSTMP%"
tagFiles = 0
+hwids = 1
+hwid1 = "PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_00DF&SUBSYS_E0001458&REV_A2"
-hwids = 0
+infFiles = 0
-infFiles = 0
commands = 2
command1 = "%SystemDrive%\devcon.exe updateni %DPSROOT%\D\L\NV\123\nvnetbus.inf "PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_00DF&SUBSYS_E0001458&REV_A2""
command2 = "%SystemDrive%\devcon.exe updateni %DPSROOT%\D\L\NV\123\nvnetfd.inf "{1a3e09be-1e45-494b-9174-d7385b45bbf5}\NVNET_DEV*""
tagFiles = 2
tagFile1 = "%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\ha20x2k.sys"
tagFile2 = "%DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\Ctzapxx.ini"
+hwids = 0
-hwids = 0
+infFiles = 1
+infFile1 = "%DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\*.inf"
-infFiles = 0
commands = 19
command1 = "expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\*.* %DPSROOT%\CR\1"
command2 = "expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\common\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\common"
command3 = "expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\common\i386\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\common\i386"
command4 = "expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\lang\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\lang"
command5 = "expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\lang\i386\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\lang\i386"
command6 = "expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\win2k_xp\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\win2k_xp"
command7 = "expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\win2k_xp\data\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\win2k_xp\data"
command8 = "expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\win2k_xp\i386\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\win2k_xp\i386"
command9 = "del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\*.??_"
command10 = "del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\common\*.??_"
command11 = "del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\common\i386\*.??_"
command12 = "del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\lang\*.??_"
command13 = "del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\lang\i386\*.??_"
command14 = "del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\win2k_xp\*.??_"
command15 = "del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\win2k_xp\data\*.??_"
command16 = "del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\win2k_xp\i386\*.??_"
command17 = "copy /y %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\common\i386\CtCtlPan.cpl %SystemRoot%\system32\"
command18 = "copy /y %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\common\i386\CtPanel.exe %SystemRoot%\system32\"
command19 = "start /wait %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\CTZAPXX.exe /S"
tagFiles = 3
tagFile1 = "%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\ha10x2k.sys"
tagFile2 = "%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\ha20x2k.sys"
tagFile3 = "%DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\Ctzapxx.ini"
+hwids = 0
-hwids = 0
+infFiles = 1
+infFile1 = "%DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\*.inf"
-infFiles = 0
commands = 19
command1 = "expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\*.* %DPSROOT%\CR\2"
command2 = "expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\common\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\common"
command3 = "expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\common\i386\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\common\i386"
command4 = "expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\lang\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\lang"
command5 = "expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\lang\i386\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\lang\i386"
command6 = "expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\win2k_xp\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\win2k_xp"
command7 = "expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\win2k_xp\data\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\win2k_xp\data"
command8 = "expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\win2k_xp\i386\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\win2k_xp\i386"
command9 = "del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\*.??_"
command10 = "del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\common\*.??_"
command11 = "del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\common\i386\*.??_"
command12 = "del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\lang\*.??_"
command13 = "del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\lang\i386\*.??_"
command14 = "del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\win2k_xp\*.??_"
command15 = "del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\win2k_xp\data\*.??_"
command16 = "del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\win2k_xp\i386\*.??_"
command17 = "copy /y %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\common\i386\CtCtlPan.cpl %SystemRoot%\system32\"
command18 = "copy /y %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\common\i386\CtPanel.exe %SystemRoot%\system32\"
command19 = "start /wait %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\CTZAPXX.exe /S"
tagFiles = 2
tagFile1 = "%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\P17.sys"
tagFile2 = "%DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\3\Ctzapxx.ini"
+hwids = 0
-hwids = 0
+infFiles = 1
+infFile1 = "%DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\3\*.inf"
-infFiles = 0
commands = 19
command1 = "expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\3\*.* %DPSROOT%\CR\3"
command2 = "expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\3\AddOn\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\3\AddOn"
command3 = "expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\3\common\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\3\common"
command4 = "expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\3\Lang\i386\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\3\Lang\i386"
command6 = "expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\3\Win2K_XP\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\3\Win2K_XP"
command7 = "expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\3\Win2K_XP\i386\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\3\Win2K_XP\i386"
command8 = "del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\3\*.??_"
command9 = "del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\3\Addon\*.??_"
command10 = "del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\3\common\*.??_"
command11 = "del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\3\Lang\i386\*.??_"
command12 = "del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\3\Win2K_XP\*.??_"
command13 = "del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\3\Win2k_XP\i386\*.??_"
command14 = "start /wait %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\3\CTZapxx.Exe /S"
tagFiles = 0
+hwids = 0
-hwids = 0
+infFiles = 1
+infFile1 = "%DPSROOT%\D\S\H\2.inf"
-infFiles = 0
commands = 4
command1 = "%SystemDrive%\devcon.exe disable =net"
command2 = "%SystemDrive%\devcon.exe updateni %DPSROOT%\D\S\H\2\wdmaherc.inf "PCI\VEN_1013&DEV_6003&SUBSYS_*""
command3 = "%SystemDrive%\devcon.exe updateni %DPSROOT%\D\S\H\2\wdmaherc.inf "HERCULES\*""
command4 = "%SystemDrive%\devcon.exe enable =net"
tagFiles = 1
tagFile1 = "%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\nvapu.sys"
+hwids = 0
-hwids = 0
+infFiles = 1
+infFile1 = "%DPSROOT%\D\S\N\*.inf"
-infFiles = 0
commands = 3
command1 = "start /wait %DPSROOT%\D\S\N\AudioUtl.exe -y -o%DPSTMP%"
command2 = "start /wait %DPSTMP%\Setup.exe -s -f1"
command3 = "rd /s /q %DPSTMP%"
tagFiles = 1
tagFile1 = "%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\sthda.sys"
+hwids = 0
-hwids = 0
+infFiles = 1
+infFile1 = "%DPSROOT%\D\S\S\U\3\*.inf"
-infFiles = 0
commands = 6
command3 = "copy /y %DPSROOT%\D\S\S\U\stlang.dll %SystemRoot%\system32"
command3 = "copy /y %DPSROOT%\D\S\S\U\stacgui.dll %SystemRoot%\system32"
command3 = "copy /y %DPSROOT%\D\S\S\U\stacgui.cpl %SystemRoot%\system32"
command3 = "md "%ProgramFiles%\Sigmatel\C-Major Audio\STACGUI""
command3 = "copy /y %DPSROOT%\D\S\S\U\sttray.exe "%ProgramFiles%\Sigmatel\C-Major Audio\STACGUI""
command3 = "copy /y %DPSROOT%\D\S\S\U\stlang.dll "%ProgramFiles%\Sigmatel\C-Major Audio\WDM""
tagFiles = 1
tagFile1 = "%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\sis7012.sys"
+hwids = 0
-hwids = 0
+infFiles = 1
+infFile1 = "%DPSROOT%\D\S\SI\1\*.inf"
-infFiles = 0
commands = 1
command3 = "start /wait %DPSROOT%\D\S\SI\1\SI_7012.exe x -y o%SystemRoot%\"
tagFiles = 1
tagFile1 = "%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\sis7018.sys"
+hwids = 0
-hwids = 0
+infFiles = 1
+infFile1 = "%DPSROOT%\D\S\SI\2\*.inf"
-infFiles = 0
commands = 1
command3 = "start /wait %DPSROOT%\D\S\SI\2\SI_7018.exe x -y o%SystemRoot%\"
tagFiles = 1
tagFile1 = "%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\FM801.sys"
tagFile1 = "%DPSROOT%\D\S\T\2\Setup.ex_"
+hwids = 0
-hwids = 0
+infFiles = 1
+infFile1 = "%DPSROOT%\D\S\T\2\*.inf"
-infFiles = 0
commands = 3
command1 = "expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\T\2\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\T\2"
command2 = "del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\T\2\*.??_"
command3 = "start /wait %DPSROOT%\D\S\T\2\Setup.exe /S"
tagFiles = 1
tagFile1 = "%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\cmaudio.sys"
+hwids = 0
-hwids = 0
+infFiles = 1
+infFile1 = "%DPSROOT%\D\S\T\3\*.inf"
-infFiles = 0
commands = 1
command3 = "start /wait %DPSROOT%\D\S\T\3\T_3.exe"
tagFiles = 1
tagFile1 = "%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\TT1724ht.sys"
+hwids = 0
-hwids = 0
+infFiles = 1
+infFile1 = "%DPSROOT%\D\S\T\4\*.inf"
-infFiles = 0
commands = 1
command3 = "start /wait %DPSROOT%\D\S\T\4\T_SSU.exe"
tagFiles = 1
tagFile1 = "%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\dmxsens.sys"
+hwids = 0
-hwids = 0
+infFiles = 1
+infFile1 = "%DPSROOT%\D\S\T\5\*.inf"
-infFiles = 0
commands = 1
command3 = "start /wait %DPSROOT%\D\S\T\5\T_DMX.exe"
tagFiles = 1
tagFile1 = "%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\envysens.sys"
tagFile1 = "%DPSROOT%\D\S\V\1\V_ENVY.exe"
+hwids = 0
-hwids = 0
+infFiles = 1
+infFile1 = "%DPSROOT%\D\S\V\1\*.inf"
-infFiles = 0
commands = 1
command1 = "start /wait %DPSROOT%\D\S\V\1\V_ENVY.exe -y -o%SystemRoot%\"
tagFiles = 2
tagFile1 = "%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\vinyl97.sys"
tagFile1 = "%DPSROOT%\D\S\V\2\V_VINYL.exe"
+hwids = 0
-hwids = 0
+infFiles = 1
+infFile1 = "%DPSROOT%\D\S\V\2\*.inf"
-infFiles = 0
commands = 1
command1 = "start /wait %DPSROOT%\D\S\V\2\V_VINYL.exe -y -o%SystemRoot%\"
2006-09-29 11:17:46 : <INIT> DriverPacks Finisher 6.08.6 initialized.
2006-09-29 11:17:46 : <INIT> Detected platform wnt5_x86-32.
2006-09-29 11:17:46 : <INIT> Start logging of the HWIDs for relevant devices present in this system.
2006-09-29 11:17:46 : <INIT> 1. ACPI devices
ACPI\AUTHENTICAMD_-_X86_FAMILY_6_MODEL_10\_0 : AMD Athlon(tm) XP 2500+
ACPI\FIXEDBUTTON\2&DABA3FF&0 : ACPI-vaste-functieknop
ACPI\PNP0000\4&4B018EB&0 : Programmeerbare interruptcontroller
ACPI\PNP0100\4&4B018EB&0 : Systeemtimer
ACPI\PNP0200\4&4B018EB&0 : Controller voor directe geheugentoegang
ACPI\PNP0303\4&4B018EB&0 : Standaardtoetsenbord (101/102 toetsen) of Microsoft Natural PS/2-toetsenbord
ACPI\PNP0400\4&4B018EB&0 : Printerpoort (LPT1)
ACPI\PNP0501\1 : Communicatiepoort (COM1)
ACPI\PNP0501\2 : Communicatiepoort (COM2)
ACPI\PNP0700\4&4B018EB&0 : Standaarddiskettestationcontroller
ACPI\PNP0800\4&4B018EB&0 : Systeemluidspreker
ACPI\PNP0A03\0 : PCI-bus
ACPI\PNP0B00\4&4B018EB&0 : Systeem-CMOS/Real-timeklok
ACPI\PNP0C01\1 : Systeemkaart
ACPI\PNP0C02\1 : Moederbordbronnen
ACPI\PNP0C02\2 : Moederbordbronnen
ACPI\PNP0C04\4&4B018EB&0 : Numerieke-gegevensprocessor
ACPI\PNP0F03\4&4B018EB&0 : Microsoft PS/2-muis
ACPI_HAL\PNP0C08\0 : Systeem dat voldoet aan Microsoft ACPI
ROOT\ACPI_HAL\0000 : ACPI-pc (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface)
20 matching device(s) found.
2006-09-29 11:17:47 : <INIT> 2. PCI devices
PCI\D347PRT\0000 : D347PRT SCSI Controller
PCI\VEN_1011&DEV_0009&SUBSYS_21140A00&REV_20\3&267A616A&0&50: Intel 21140-Based PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter (Generic)
PCI\VEN_5333&DEV_8811&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_00\3&267A616A&0&40: S3 Trio32/64
PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_7110&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_01\3&267A616A&0&38: Intel 82371AB/EB PCI to ISA bridge (ISA mode)
PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_7111&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_01\3&267A616A&0&39: Intel(R) 82371AB/EB PCI Bus Master IDE Controller
PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_7192&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_03\3&267A616A&0&00: Intel 82443BX Pentium(R) II Processor to PCI Bridge
6 matching device(s) found.
2006-09-29 11:17:47 : <INIT> 3. HDAUDIO devices
No matching devices found.
2006-09-29 11:17:48 : <INIT> 4. USB devices
No matching devices found.
2006-09-29 11:17:49 : <INIT> Logging of HWIDs complete.
2006-09-29 11:17:49 : <CRIT> The DriverPacks root directory in the settings file doesn't contain a valid DriverPacks directory structure!
2006-09-29 11:17:51 : <CLNP> Deleted 'C:\DPsFnshr.ini'!
2006-09-29 11:17:51 : <CLNP> Deleted 'C:\devcon.exe'!
2006-09-29 11:17:51 : <CLNP> Deleted 'C:\makePNF.exe'!
2006-09-29 11:17:51 : <CLNP> Deleted 'C:\addUsepmtimer.exe'!
2006-09-29 11:17:51 : <CLNP> Deleted 'C:\ATICCC.ins'!
2006-09-29 11:17:51 : <CLNP> Added new value to the RunOnce key in the registry: the DriverPacks Finisher itself will get deleted after the next reboot.
2006-09-29 11:17:51 : Program terminated.
Last edited by Tolucky (2006-10-02 19:55:49)