I'll give this a go within the day on XP.  I do try to be thorough.  Concentrating on HID pack.

  I can verify TP Mfg.  I should also be checking for loaded &/or installed utilities that do not belong, i suppose.

SteveDun's SAD2 v2.7 mod is available above.
Avoid the Download Manager, though.  It may be detected by your AntiVirus.

Well, that's sad; no pun intended.
Avira flags that as 'ADWARE/Adware.Gen'

This is not a detection from the latest Avira VDF update, though.
Maybe after update, no problem, perhaps?
I do see that they sent me an exe instead of the rar file i wanted.
Damn downloaders.  I did clear the checkbox to avoid the DLM.  Oh, yeah. JS.  Blast.

Maybe that wasn't a false positive concerning the download (mis)manager.   hmm
Gotta give that one a try on VirusTotal, etc.

2/37 scanners - Dr.Web & Fortinet call it a 'malicious site' in Virus Total
Dr.Web URL category:  Known infection source

The downloaded file analysis is perhaps more revealing:  https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/a428 … 365470483/
There, 8/46 scanners detected the 'downloader' as malware.

Anubis is a little more verbose than i can follow:  http://anubis.iseclab.org/?action=resul … format=pdf
The DLM does appear to rely upon IE.

The rar file is clean, of course.
  My apologies if i've been making you feel like you were getting ready for a flight.  Cough please.

An attempt to view their Terms of Service rendered the following:

Data File Host wrote:

"The file you requested (id indexphp) does not exist. It might have been deleted due to inactivity (no downloads) or due to not complying with our terms."
   Quoted from:  http://www1.datafilehost.com/d/indexphp?page=tos

That's hilarious!  No Terms exist.  Even with JavaTheHutScript. (ho, ho, ho ho!)

Since SAD2 is licensed under GPL (iirc), shouldn't they be releasing their source code to the downloader or something?

Sorry, i know; review SAD2.7, not the @#$%^&* download manager!  They always hit a raw nerve with me.

Is there still no interest in the NT5 "Monitor" 3rdParty DriverPack "DP_Displays_wnt5_x86-32_1109081"?

   40MB compressed, 200MB uncompressed, 13036 files, 263 folders.
changelog/contents --> http://forum.driverpacks.net/viewtopic. … 838#p44838

DP_Displays_wnt5-x86-32 Notes:
- If Windows can autodetect your display over VGA with the AC cord removed from the display, then all 15 lines should have conductivity within the cable

- If you are connecting your Display over a VGA cable and Windows cannot autodetect your display, the cable may not have conductivity through pins 12 & 15

- If you are using an older KVM, the I2C communication may not properly pass through pins 12 & 15 & you may experience similar symptoms as the previous.

- If you have ruled out the previous cases and Windows still cannot autodetect your display, your display might have a bad EDID chip, or the video card
   and display may use incompatible voltages; this could prove disasterous for the EDID EEPROM within the display.

- If your Display is sRGB compatible, you need no profile associated (maybe use Windows' built-in sRGB profile)

- If you are removing a display and you have removed the ghost driver from device manager, the registry entries may still remain.  Navigate to
   "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\DISPLAY" to manually remove the relevant keys.

- If you intend to use EDID overrides for HDMI_v1.3 passthru of 3D video (HDMI_v1.4), WHQL status is void if the .Inf is modified; use .Reg files instead.

- A copy of your display's EDID will exist (as long as Windows can autodetect) within the individual "Device Parameters".

- If the key "Control" exists alongside the "Device Parameters", your display (& cable) likely support DDC/CI


(20 replies, posted in 3rd Party Vista / 7 DriverPacks)

did you get it?
if not, see "post#300" above.

You've even had the latest USB 3.0 drivers included in the Chipset pack that you are developing!

I know that Search in this forum kind of sucks for me imho, yet that is because the syntax is unknown to me.

Windows Eight packs do seem somewhat at issue in general though, especially on the main pages.
  If it were more prominently accessible, that would likely cause membership to increase.

I hope you like the "new" modifications!

...updated in first post.

Don't forget to get the corresponding DP_Chipset to integrate with.
  Also, i've updated the known & unconfirmed issues in both MS & Chipset.

In addition, starting this month, i've edited the DriverPack.ini in Chenall's D-P-M-S.iso to conform with his style of modification.

This release candidate (1304rc2) imports most of the USB 3.0 drivers from DP_Chipset_wnt5-x86_1304r2.

Damnation deserves the lion's share of the credit for that.

They are enabled in the DP_MassStorage Ini to allow textmode support for installations from USB 3.0 media attached to a bootable USB 3.0 Controller.  Does it work at USB 3.0 speeds?  I don't know.  Tell us.

Thank you, Damnation!  This one's for you.  smile

...updated to 1304rc2, removing most USB 3.0 drivers.

electropica wrote:

"Is there anyone that could advise me to not install a pack or driver that could crash the system ?"

I can think of a couple.

For starters, how about using the x64 version of DP_Chipset, not "DP_Chipset_wnt6-x86_1212".
"DP_AMDfilter_wnt6-x64_1110" should only be used on AMD systems as it does cause non-AMD systems issues.  One could install it post-Setup for those systems specifically requiring it.  (Use SAD2)

Now for some less crucial ideas.
IIRC, "DP_CardReaders_wnt6-x64_11041" was merged with Chipset &/or DP_Misc long ago.
"DP_Gaming_wnt6-x64_812" may have been merged with DP_Touchpad_Mouse.  I am not certain, though.
"DP_Monitors_wnt6-x64_911" should be avoided like the plague.  Simply set your Color Profile to sRGB both in windows and your Display if it supports it.
"DP_Webcam_wnt6-x64_1103" could be installed post-Setup. (again, use SAD2)

electropica wrote:

"should i delete the 3 unwanted version ?"

Yes, delete the inapplicable folders.

May good fortune be yours!

Try the latest RC.   here --> http://forum.driverpacks.net/viewtopic.php?id=6622
  It works on my machine with the same MassStorage controller (8086:27C3) using RST v11.2.0.1006.
  WinSetupFromUSB works, too.   smile

BartPE should work.  Please confirm, abramoff.
This should be a much better solution than using DP_MassStorage_wnt5-x86_901

... updated in first post

...included in first post update

... updated to 1304 beta 1

... updated to beta6

oh, right.  "native" drivers being those already included in the source, whether it be W2k, XP or W2k3.
I have those posts by Jaak at my fingertips and will double-check.  Thank you.  (MegaSR, iaStor, or VEN_8086&DEV_27C3 not included in source)

well, both MegaSR (v15) & iaStor.sys (v11.2-WHQL'ed for NT5.1, 5.2, etc.) have the HWIDs VEN_8086&DEV_27C3.  Considering the fact that MegaSR is WHQL'ed for w2k3 at minimum, and in consideration of setup's preferences, could the fact that i've selected it as textmode driver for XP be causing problems?

I must be confused about the driver preferences of textmode Windows Setup.  Please hit me over the head with it.  tongue

This is at least the third occurrence i've noted where a Raid or Ahci driver described with Subsys ID's are incorrectly used in preference over a desired textmode driver described by CC_010x.
Why The Fail?

Quoted from MegaSR_aka_ESRT2_Windows_v.15.00.0811.2012_Readme.TXT
Package Information
Driver Version = 15.00.0811.2012
OS supported = Microsoft* Windows* Server 2012 (x64), Windows* 8 (x86 & x64), Windows* 2008R2 (x64), Windows* 7 (x86 & x64), Windows* 2008 (x86 & x64), Windows* Vista (x86 & x64), Windows* 2003 (x86 & x64), and Windows* XP (x86 & x64).

These drivers are WHQL certified, and all required .cat files for installation are included in the appropriate directories. "

It seems untrue, the part about Windows XP driver being WHQL certified.  Have i selected an incorrect or outdated package?

  I'd simply move such drivers to avoid conflict, yet wouldn't moving these cause MegaSR installs to fail in the same manner?  I have no MegaSR HW to test that hypothesis so if somebody does that is willing to test, please reply.

One other oddball i've noted concerning installing to an AHCI controller.  That is, it works on an ICH8M only when i use a drive that supports max.  SATA-I, not SATA-II.   Why The Fail?  To know it is that i have failed to thusfar.  Fernanado has previously recommended a different driver for ICH8R & M textmode.  Will give v10.1.0.1008 a try later yet leave such change for a future MS pack.


It's MegaSR at a minimum.  It is a certainty that this is indeed a "MegaPITA".

  Fixing this would require a new beta process, i believe.  Also, a new opportunity to simplify folders and be more compliant with Chenall's <D.P.M.S.iso> included script for further WinSetupFromUSB support, adding USB3 to textmode too, as Damnation long ago requested.

MegaSR is v15 & iaStor at best is v11.2.  Having MegaSR in a folder with a greater weighting alphabetically could be a source of the MegaSR & earlier the MegaIDE interferences.

  What are your thoughts, OverFlow?  Does this indicate how i was wrong to label this deviant behavior by Windows textmode as a DP_BASE bug?

How else could any of this be possible?

  I wish i could remember which post it was that mr_smartepants detailed the order and certification levels which NT5 prefers it's drivers.  Please refresh my memory.  Search hasn't helped so far.

A possible "Heads up!" for win7 licensees;  RAID oROM v12.5.0.1815 is now available.
http://www.bios-mods.com/forum/Thread-A … 4#pid55684
solving an issue with v12.0.0.1083:
http://www.bios-mods.com/forum/Thread-A … 6#pid55126

TRIMcheck is available from thecybershadow.net @ https://github.com/CyberShadow/trimcheck.

...  and the answer is Yescdob's plugin likely worked, as disabling MegaSR & MegaIDE allowed XP to install.  smile

Will narrow this down later.  MegaSR or 'MegaPITA'.  There can be only one.  hmm

Replicated the STOP $7E on an ASUS P5LP-PE and WinXPpro pre-partitioning for PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_27C3&CC_0104.
(RAID ROM utility version

  AHCI works well on the same board utilizing iaStor7.sys during setup.

Is this more evidence of that long-ago proposed bug in DP_BASE by candles?
   ... or an error like a "ms_1_exc_disableIfOS="w2k"" where it ought not be.  shouldn't i just comment all of those?
skip_if_OS seems effective.

For note:  The machine i received had visibly bad caps in both the mobo & P/S (not so visibly).
  The BIOS Battery was a dud, too.  Seemingly rock solid now.  Glad i did HW before testing XP setup.

  No wonder am not balding.

Testing awaits another night though...
truely wishing i had built that UBCD4Win disc now........

Twist wrote:

"the last Driverpack which worked for my ICH7 RAID was 9.01"
   see http://forum.driverpacks.net/viewtopic. … 609#p43609
          and http://forum.driverpacks.net/viewtopic. … 680#p43680

It would appear that Twist never did reply.  This does seem to have the semblance of a conflict.

I note that DP_MassStorage_wnt5-x86_1010 had v8.9.0.1023 & v9.6.0.1024 mixed in I4\

Has anyone an archive of DP_MassStorage_wnt5-x86_901.7z ?

I'm done for the day!  A full day of work & now this puzzle.  More complex than soduku!   Entering Sleep Mode........   |o

Then it would appear that another driver could be interfering.
  How that is, i am not yet knowing.
   (similar to http://forum.driverpacks.net/viewtopic. … 397#p49397??)  hmm

  There are a number of drivers that use the Vendor/Device combination of PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_27C3.
  They exist as I\iastor, I1\iastor, I2\iastor, I3\iastor, I6\iastor, I7\iastor, L\MegaSR.inf and MI\MegaIDE.inf

There are fewer drivers that use the HWID of PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_27C3&CC_0104.
  They are in the folders I, I1, I2, I3, I6 and I7.

There are no drivers in the DP that use your Subsys ID.  (PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_27C3&SUBSYS_26041043)

What is the latest version of iaStor that works for you as standalone?
   v7.8 - [ url][ /url]
   v8.8 - http://downloadcenter.intel.com/Detail_ … p;lang=eng
   v8.9 - http://downloadcenter.intel.com/Detail_ … p;lang=eng
   v11.2 - http://downloadcenter.intel.com/Detail_ … p;lang=eng

Chris M wrote:

"If you have ICH8R or M, you'll have to stick with the old from this point on. IHC7 can use the latest. Go figure."
          from http://communities.intel.com/message/132000#132000

wchris wrote:

"also after reading the forum I found out some people flashing the bios broke their raid ... and I don't want to loose my data ..."
          from http://communities.intel.com/message/132146#132146

.                                      See Fernando if accustomed to modding/flashing/BIOSrecovery - @ownRisk

Fernando wrote:

"For users with an Intel ICH7R/M, ICH9M, ICH10R/D, 5 Series, 6-Series or 7-Series (except X79) Southbridge AHCI or RAID system:

    If you are going to install the 32bit version of Windows XP or Windows Server 2003, I recommend to download the following official 32bit Intel textmode driver v11.2.0.1006 dated 05/30/2012:"
          from http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/107504- … d-drivers/

The following quotes in this post are for my own notes, at least:

Charles Chou, Taipei; Steve Shen, DIGITIMES (Tuesday 26 October 2004) wrote:

"The ICH7 DO and ICH7 DE will feature support for Intel Active Management Technology (iAMT), while the ICH7 DH, ICH7 DE and ICH7 R will support Matrix Storage Technology, according to the sources."
          from http://www.digitimes.com/news/a20041025A1001.html

xisio wrote:

"AHCI is built into chipsets with the following controller hubs:

* Intel® 82801IR/IO Controller Hub (ICH9R) - RAID and AHCI
* Intel® 82801HEM I/O Controller Hub (ICH8M-E) - RAID and AHCI
* Intel® 82801HBM I/O Controller Hub (ICH8M) - AHCI only
* Intel® 82801HR/HH/HO I/O Controller Hub (ICH8R) - RAID and AHCI
* Intel® 631xESB/632xESB I/O Controller Hub - RAID and AHCI
* Intel® 82801GHM I/O Controller Hub (ICH7MDH) - RAID only
* Intel® 82801GBM I/O Controller Hub (ICH7M) - AHCI only
* Intel® 82801GR I/O Controller Hub (ICH7R) - RAID and AHCI
* Intel® 82801GH I/O Controller Hub (ICH7DH) - RAID and AHCI
* Intel® 82801FR I/O Controller Hub (ICH6R) - RAID and AHCI
* Intel® 82801FBM I/O Controller Hub (ICH6M) - AHCI only

ICH9, ICH8, ICH7 and ICH6-based chipsets, as well as ICH5 and ICH5R-based chipsets, do not use AHCI."

"* ICH6M - 82801FBM (Mobile) -> 2653
* ICH7R/DH - 82801GR/GH Serial ATA AHCI Controller -> 27c1
* ICH7M (ICH7-M Mobile Family) Serial ATA AHCI Controller -> 27c5
* ICH8R Intel® ICH8 Serial ATA AHCI Controller -> 2821
* ICH8M (ICH8-M Mobile Family) Serial ATA AHCI Controller -> 2829
* ICH9R Intel® ICH9 Serial ATA AHCI Controller -> 2922
* ESB2 - Intel® 631xESB/6321ESB Serial ATA AHCI Controller -> 2681
* EP 80579 - Intel® EP 80579 SATA AHCI Controller -> 5029"
"Intel® 82801DB Ultra ATA Storage Controller - 24CB
Intel® 82801DBM Ultra ATA Storage Controller - 24C1
Intel® 82801DBM Ultra ATA Storage Controller - 24CA
Intel® 82801FB Ultra ATA Storage Controllers - 2651
Intel® 82801FB Ultra ATA Storage Controllers - 2652
Intel® 82801FB/FBM Ultra ATA Storage Controllers - 266F
Intel® 82801FBM Ultra ATA Storage Controllers - 2653
Intel® 82801G (ICH7 Family) Ultra ATA Storage Controllers - 27DF
Intel® 82801GB/GR/GH (ICH7 Family) Serial ATA Storage Controller - 27C0
Intel® 82801GBM/GHM (ICH7-M Family) Serial ATA Storage Controller - 27C4
Intel® ICH8 2 port Serial ATA Storage Controller - 2825
Intel® ICH8 4 port Serial ATA Storage Controller - 2820
Intel® ICH8 SATA AHCI Controller - 2824
Intel® ICH8M 3 port Serial ATA Storage Controller - 2828
Intel® ICH8M SATA AHCI Controller - 2829
Intel® ICH8M Ultra ATA Storage Controllers - 2850
Intel® ICH8R/DO/DH SATA AHCI Controller - 2821
Intel® ICH9 2 port Serial ATA Storage Controller - 2921
Intel® ICH9 2 port Serial ATA Storage Controller - 2926
Intel® ICH9 4 Port SATA AHCI Controller - 2923
Intel® ICH9 4 port Serial ATA Storage Controller - 2920
Intel® ICH9 6 Port SATA AHCI Controller - 2922
Intel® ICH9M 1 port Serial ATA Storage Controller 2 - 292E
Intel® ICH9M 2 port Serial ATA Storage Controller 1 - 2928
Intel® ICH9M 2 port Serial ATA Storage Controller 2 - 292D"

          from http://www.neowin.net/forum/topic/45769 … _588980114

I assume that a W2k3 unmodified install disc, then integrated with Chipset & MassStorage DriverPacks would fail too.
It would be interesting to note which ______.sys file would be shown in the textmode partitioning screen (if at all).

Be data-safe.  Use a spare drive for testing if you decide to.  One drive set as JBOD in MatrixStorageBIOS
                                        Make certain Optical drive is not on a RAID controller.  Remove other drives & Note order/conn.

Also, does AHCI workThat's a different HWID, yet may require the same driver for your 5.0 RAID ROM.

I note that you said that v10.11 had no STOP, yet partition inaccessible.  That should offer some clues.

  I will research to understand more.

... a new RC (1303rc5), removing newer intel 18.1CD updated files, etc.
Thank you ChiefZeke.

edit:    latest nightly here -->   DP_LAN_wnt5_x86-32_1304271.7z   edit:  link removed - updated in first post
updated post May 1st & June 13th

abramoff wrote:

"Also I have tested another computer (mb Asus P5LD2 bios 1903 ICH7R DEV_27C3) - still same stop."

Was that the driverpack or the driver v5.0.0.1032 that failed on the P5LD2 with w2k3 as a base for BartPE?

If it was the driverpack that failed, then try this test pack
   -->  http://www.mediafire.com/file/9zggbdbr5 … 1303211.7z