I agree that this does sound like a problem with the drivers.
Please post HWID's for the differing systems.
Also, when was the last time you tested a DPs_BASE integration (using an original source) with the current official DriverPacks?
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DriverPacks.net Forum » Posts by TechDud
I agree that this does sound like a problem with the drivers.
Please post HWID's for the differing systems.
Also, when was the last time you tested a DPs_BASE integration (using an original source) with the current official DriverPacks?
Thank you for joining DriverPacks!
I cannot assist without further information.
Please post your HWID's and DPs_BASE log.
There is a tool linked below for the HWID's.
The latest SAD3 was in this post if i remember correctly.
Lamentablemente un burro es más inteligente que yo.
Buenos noches, mi amigos!
Please post your modified "Chenall's D-P-M-S.iso".
To Admin: perhaps this thread deserves a sticky?
You could try the latest nightly or Release Candidate for now.
[ReleaseCandidate] DP_MassStorage_wnt5_x86-32_1304-1305
They utilize {DriverVer=11/06/2010,} for that particular AHCI controller. You will likely find that you need to edit the .Ini as you have previously noted.
The latest non-public (until now) nightly has VirtualBox support built-in via the "Red Hat, Inc. VirtIO SCSI Controller for VirtualBox" aka "viostor", yet it is thusfar untested in such an environment AFIK. That HWID is "PCI\VEN_1AF4&DEV_1001&SUBSYS_00021AF4&REV_00".
Here, give it a go, if you like. Note that i have not built a corresponding "D-P-M-S.iso" from it, nor do i have time to do so. Also, there are other "Virty" bits included in the other two packs, thanks to dekdeck for providing the relevant link.
DP_Chipset_wnt5_x86-32_1306231.7z] - 7.06 MB 16eaae921836c63f88e4e1bae6c6a8d459677350
DP_MassStorage_wnt5_x86-32_1306202.7z - 9.18 MB a9922b31453aec34d46bdea5eb5a916f4f03589c
DP_LAN_wnt5_x86-32_1306181.7z - 9.97 MB f903139a98e175fa4d68918ae2b408009402e5ed
edit: links removed. updated via link above, etc.
If i understand the intent of Chenall's "D-P-M-S.iso", is that it is meant for NT5 install discs that do not have DriverPacks integrated with DP_BASE. It is also out-of-date with the current nightlies. I have updated it in step with the current RC. You will find it at the bottom of the aforementioned post. Your application of it is intriguing...
One question i would pose concerning VirtualBox, if i may, is what support is there for USB 3.0 controllers?
I know it would be handy for someone such as Damnation for testing NT5 installs from such controllers.
Also, could you please edit the name of this topic to indicate that it concerns a Virtual environment, not real hardware, so that readers are not possibly mislead.
Thank you for joining the forum! Any feedback is appreciated.
I bemoan the death of trust in the internet as alluded to in the following article.
http://www.theregister.co.uk/2013/06/21 … _analysis/
"The only real defence is to turn off any devices with a radio unless you really need them"
He forgot to mention the havoc that "collisions" with certificates could allow, especially by criminal elements whether in or without governance. Encryption is fine, yet possibly pointless when "all ur endpoints belong to us now". Also, it seems that few know what really happens at or just above the hardware layer anymore.
http://www.theregister.co.uk/2013/06/21 … sa_spooks/
http://www.theregister.co.uk/2013/06/21 … ed_emails/
http://gizmodo.com/5597964/seven-people … e-internet
Sadly, the "war on terror" seems unavoidably to be turning into a "reign of terror" of sorts world-wide.
Even more regrettably, "John Q. Public" has seemingly and blithefully avoiding paying the price of freedom and that is "eternal vigilance". Our soldiers have indeed been paying with their lives and livelihoods for the chickenhawks that would render their honorable sacrifices null and void.
RIP Trust. I won't be seeing you in the cloud.
image from: http://sparktronics.blogspot.ca/2008/05 … o-ps2.html
"Obey The Law. Laws were made for a reason." - Chris Rock
Whilst shopping a few days ago, i stumbled across an old Kensington Webracer.
image from: http://www.streettech.com/archives_hard … Racer.html
It's drivers and applications CD indicated that it was meant for Windows 95 and 98. I purchased it anyway for $10 CDN, considering the fact that many such devices will default to working as a regular mouse.
After arriving home i tested it as such and it worked as expected. It worked like a mouse, yet scrolling, tap-to-click, nor the Web-buttons worked. I avoided trying the included software as i had no confidence on it's ability to work with NT5.
I found Kensington's support site, yet the product was unlisted. I found their ftp and wasted a couple of hours tracking down and testing any relevant MouseWare software. The latest version that i could find that seemed to support that product and NT5 was "MouseWorks-5_61.exe". Contradicting what the name implied, it didn't work. The software could not detect the WebRacer despite the appropriate driver being successfully installed.
I dismantled the troublesome device and discovered a Synaptics T1004-based TrackPad. My enthusiasm was once again buoyed. After a few searches on the "interweb", i stumbled acrosse the following two sites.
http://diy.viktak.com/2012/05/laptop-to … aging.html
http://sparktronics.blogspot.ca/2008/05 … o-ps2.html
It took a couple of hours to isolate the PS/2 cable-end, four main buttons and the TrackPad ribbon connector on the WebRacer's mainboard. Then i used some small hookup wire to complete the connections according to the Synaptics PS/2 Interfacing guide "ACF126.pdf" linked in one of the aforementioned sites. Using my Digital Multimeter, i verified all connections.
Unfortunately, after a couple of test runs it became apparent that it was no longer functional. After double-checking all connections, it became apparent that the two pull-up resistors were missing from the PS/2 Data and Clock lines. I found a pair of suitable resistors and eagerly looked forward to success.
Regrettably that was not the case. Windows did detect it as a standard PS/2 Mouse through a KVM, yet non-functional even with "Synaptics_Driver_v10_1_8_XP32.exe" software installed. It was starting to look like a door-stop. I tried once more by directly plugging it in to PS/2, yet this time Windows wouldn't detect it at all.
After reviewing the literature it would appear that the particular TrackPad model in question, that is the "TM41PDJK134-2", was a custom part and probably has custom firmware included.
I found a few more spare TrackPads and realized that they too were custom parts. They didn't work either.
Failure sucks! Yet as in baseball, one must learn from both one's failures as well as one's successes. Anyone familiar with baseball will know that failure comes far more often than success.
I write this should anyone else attempt this kind of interfacing in the hope that they will succeed where i had failed.
Beware the built-in utility.
Previous versions seemed to autoconnect with any unsecured network. :veryangry:
That is, if i remember correctly.
If we could see those frequencies with our eyes, i wonder how "blinding" any city would be now with such light pollution.
Note that visualizing those frequencies may be illegal in some jurisdictions!
Also note that some wifi adapters, particularly desktop adapters, can allow one to plug in impedance-matched cabling. Hack that!
"plug it in, plug it in"!
I don't want to send you on a "wild goose chase".
It is an apt conclusion that removing those 3rd Party packs will solve the issue you have experienced, as mr_smartepants has rightfully stated.
That being said, i can say that the last time that HWID changed was in DP_MassStorage_wnt5_x86-32_1203, if i remember correctly. That should be a good starting point should things not work out as expected. I note that the current RC & Nightly utilizes the same v11.2 driver as DP_MassStorage_wnt5_x86-32_1209 & 1206 at the very least. Testing RAID can offer a "differential diagnosis" of sorts, if and only if path length was not of issue. In addition, i would note that dell offers v7.8 for download for that hardware.
I have learned the hard lesson of second-guessing mr_smartepants' prevous work. That usually involves failure.
I appreciate any input you can deliver concerning any NT5 DriverPack.
Hello again.
mr_smartepants' conclusion is most likely the correct one.
The webcam, HID & Monitor packs are probably the worst for path length.
If removing the 3rd Party packs doesn't resolve this, i have a couple of questions to ask.
Does RAID work with the Optiplex 330 & DP_MassStorage_wnt5_x86-32_1209.7z ?
I note that you stated that an older pack worked previously. Which older pack worked?
If the problem was simply path length, then please disregard.
Sadly, it hasn't assisted in finding out what DP_LAN_wnt5_x86-32_1306141\D\L\AM\amdl7n5.inf is.
edit: although i know where it is from now
--> http://support.amd.com/us/ChipsetMother … _0_7_0.zip
Deleting it and replacing it with a valid updated driver
from http://catalog.update.microsoft.com/v7/ … 04d56501ea
Happy 18th "birthday" NASA's Astronomy Picture Of the Day!
Updated first post with more Moschip/ASIX drivers & completed previous changelogs in order to pay proper homage to this pack's previous maintainers.
updated MosChip (now ASIX) and ASIX drivers in first post.
Do you like the changelog, mr_smartepants?
Now it goes back to "First Release!"
Use the free Gavotte Ramdisk utility!
"The following freeware RRamdisk.sys, originally written by Gavotte based on Microsoft’s Ramdisk.sys, and later being added a GUI interface by lyh728 is not only free to use, it also stable, doesn’t have size limitation, supports popular FAT16/FAT32, NTFS filesystems, and supports Windows 2000 operating system and above including Vista."
DL --> http://www.chip.de/downloads/Gavotte-Ra … 95412.html
another guide: http://www.megaleecher.net/RAMDisk
Win7_x86 guide: http://www.jensscheffler.de/using-gavot … -windows-7
interesting comment: http://www.jensscheffler.de/using-gavot … omment-135
"Using the version of Gavotte RAMDisk you mention, I was able to load a RAMDISK using what I believe is RAM between 3GB and 4GB on my system, but without using the ForceEnable option on PAE with bcdedit. Given that PAE is supposed to be for addressing memory above 4GB on 32-bit systems, this does make sense, and since I only have 4GB of RAM, it doesn't make sense to have PAE enabled when it may result in a performance loss. It seems that the only thing required for Gavotte RAMDisk to use the 3GB+ memory is having the UsePAE option enabled in the registry. I tried changing this value to zero (disabled) and after reboot saw a 512MB (as was the setting in RAMDisk) - and noticed about the same amount being deducted from my system's available memory (as would be expected if it wasn't using the RAM above 3GB).
Also, regarding PageFile setings, I think it makes more sense to set a low initial size for the RAMdisk, such as the 16MB minimum, and a maximum size of 1000MB or similar. I think the practice of having a fixed-size paging file stems from trying to avoid fragmentation of the file on the hard disk due to its growth, but since this is a pagefile in RAM, fragmentation shouldn't be really be an issue. This also allows you to use the RAMdisk for other purposes, such as temp file storage."
also see: http://www.storageforum.net/forum/showt … post169966
"Granted, it's gross overkill but now I can make use of most of my 16 GB in XP. I left about half a gig free on the ramdisk for temp files, browser cache, and so forth. "
Thank you for joining the forum, Vipriel.
edit: Consider checking out some of the latest RC's/Nightlies in the
"Windows 2000, XP and Server 2003 DriverPacks (wnt5_x86-32)" forum section.
For example: http://forum.driverpacks.net/viewtopic.php?id=6623
Send in some test results, and you could become a member of the Testing Team and access the latest Graphics packs nearing completion.
If anyone can confirm that stamandster's "FindHWIDS v3.2s" is licensed under Creative Commons, then i will happily upload & make availabe (unless the author objects of course).
edit: I have found no license anywhere for FindHWIDs; neither in nor around it or in this forum. It's coded in AutoIT if that matters. That has a license.
All copyrights retained by stamandster
When he does return, i would advise documenting a proper license for his work in order to protect it from "toolbar bundlers" at least.
Here's hoping that stamandster is alright.
Updated Atheros driver in first post
This is it as far as i know --> http://driverpacks.net/driverpacks/latest
Those are the official releases.
If you want something newer, you will probably have to scour the forums until something newer is officially released.
There is an update function in DP_BASE, yet that is for NT5.
Thank you for joining the Forum!
I apologize, as this info isn't really helpful; perhaps somebody else could speak to this topic?
"- PNP0C31 is related to Trusted Platform Module (See TM\)
*** Ensure appropriate driver is selected by visually checking chip, or risk data."
Found one instance of this issue from years ago:
"Wrong TPM Driver was installed on ThinkPad T500 should have been the one below. It installs Winbond Trusted Platform Module 1.2 instead of the Intel one"
Quoted from: http://forum.driverpacks.net/viewtopic.php?id=3879
Does anyone have one of the models listed on that lenovo page available for testing?
Use a spare drive & backup your keys, or risk data.
"- ThinkPad R400, R500
- ThinkPad T400, T400s, T500
- ThinkPad W500, W700, W700ds
- ThinkPad X200, X200s, X200 Tablet, X301"
Quoted from: http://support.lenovo.com/en_US/detail. … MIGR-70123
edit: Updated first post
Happy belated birthday "Kimo Sabe"!
Here's hoping you get to see the free light show.
I see that Forceware 320.18 has been released here --> http://us.download.nvidia.com/Windows/3 … l-whql.exe
I note that it does include some 7xx series support for XP & in GFeXPerience something called "Virtual Audio" & supposedly an "Audio Server", though i have not yet confirmed that.
What do you think of this release, and it's requirement for Dot NET Four & GFeXPerience in order to install the updater cheche?
BTW, the cavalry is coming!
updated with latest VIAlabs USB 3.0 Controller/Hub drivers
here --> DP_Chipset_wnt5_x86-32_1306021.7z edit: link removed - updated
Please start by reading the rules of the forum; specifically, those concerning "ALWAYS include in your post".
That having been said, try one topic up from yours. See the last post. A simple text search through the archives could yield rewards, that is, unless you have integrated Windows Desktop Search.
See the latest DP_MassStorage & DP_BASE too, BTW.
If there is a driver for NT5 for that hardware, it is probably already in either.
If it's in neither, kindly point the way to a functional driver from an OEM/VAR & i'll look to include it.
Intel NT5 USB 3.0 support unfortunately is a no-go, as you probably already know.
Chipset & MassStorage integrated upon a original XP/NT5 disc with DP_BASE, could offer a possibility of installing from a USB 3.0 drive, if you have an AsMedia, Etron, NEC, Renesas, or TexasInstruments USB 3.0 Controller/Hub onboard.
Best of lark to you!
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