You could try the latest nightly or Release Candidate for now.
[ReleaseCandidate] DP_MassStorage_wnt5_x86-32_1304-1305
They utilize {DriverVer=11/06/2010,} for that particular AHCI controller. You will likely find that you need to edit the .Ini as you have previously noted.
The latest non-public (until now) nightly has VirtualBox support built-in via the "Red Hat, Inc. VirtIO SCSI Controller for VirtualBox" aka "viostor", yet it is thusfar untested in such an environment AFIK. That HWID is "PCI\VEN_1AF4&DEV_1001&SUBSYS_00021AF4&REV_00".
Here, give it a go, if you like. Note that i have not built a corresponding "D-P-M-S.iso" from it, nor do i have time to do so. Also, there are other "Virty" bits included in the other two packs, thanks to dekdeck for providing the relevant link.
DP_Chipset_wnt5_x86-32_1306231.7z] - 7.06 MB 16eaae921836c63f88e4e1bae6c6a8d459677350
DP_MassStorage_wnt5_x86-32_1306202.7z - 9.18 MB a9922b31453aec34d46bdea5eb5a916f4f03589c
DP_LAN_wnt5_x86-32_1306181.7z - 9.97 MB f903139a98e175fa4d68918ae2b408009402e5ed
edit: links removed. updated via link above, etc.
If i understand the intent of Chenall's "D-P-M-S.iso", is that it is meant for NT5 install discs that do not have DriverPacks integrated with DP_BASE. It is also out-of-date with the current nightlies. I have updated it in step with the current RC. You will find it at the bottom of the aforementioned post. Your application of it is intriguing...
One question i would pose concerning VirtualBox, if i may, is what support is there for USB 3.0 controllers?
I know it would be handy for someone such as Damnation for testing NT5 installs from such controllers.
Also, could you please edit the name of this topic to indicate that it concerns a Virtual environment, not real hardware, so that readers are not possibly mislead.
Thank you for joining the forum! Any feedback is appreciated. 
Last edited by TechDud (2013-06-26 09:58:25)