I am pleased to see that Microsoft did not leave the super generics in..
In fact, not a single generic..

When I mentioned that IDT sigmatel was a troublemaker I had read some articles @ technet.. (it was about service packs and drivers..)
Now I see they took action.


(5 replies, posted in DriverPack Sound)

fixed it by using zero for mirror choice.


(5 replies, posted in DriverPack Sound)

they are there, but .. sad

LAN 805 was released a few minutes ago.
(let's hope the servers do not choke up again..)
Lan 805 could be downloaded.

sound A and B also got released, but the CDN has not synched on them yet.
They are there, but I got a 404...

Hi Dan
I downloaded that file and added the driver in \i4\
(I looked if it were possible to merge, and see there are some specific settings and extra REGISTRY settings that are not same when compared to the intel reference drivers.)

I4\ hwids were then pruned

we have no driver with this specific HWID.


Welcome to DriverPacks.
I shall have to assume this is a problem in DriverPack LAN 805.


(14 replies, posted in DriverPack Chipset)


I will try to explain this..
The 8.04 release of graphics A had added 174.74 in folder \N2 and it had the "unified Nvidia" 169.21 in folder \N1.

The release before that was 8.02, and it did not have a folder \N2 because folder \N1 was all that was needed..
We had a unified original Nvidia release since sept 2007 (7.09 release)

So, here comes 174.53... I was looking at that one and its mobile version because I wanted to upgrade \N1, and that combo had a massive list of supported devices, so I want that tested separately. (and that version has something I will have to undo... Like I say, it is a TEST version..)
I did not upload that immediately, and two days later I get the instructions to make the ATI files.
So I do ATI as well, and upload the testpack with the two filesets.
They work for me on older cards.

That's all there is to it.
Oh, it is funny sometimes. Because you made me look I decided I make me a little experimental for my own use..
(a unified combo.)

a next upload can be expected in a day or so.
That should include \N2 and some fixes.

DriverPacks can not stream into an ISO (or image)

it could still be caused by deamontools.. Do not copy with deamontools.
Windows ctrl+A (select all) ctrl+C (copy) and then CTRL+V (paste) or "select all" and drag & drop works just as well.


(63 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)

old links pulled
There are also Release Candidate packs for sound A 805a and sound B 804a, and there is that first trial for graphics A 805.

welcome to DriverPacks.
Can you please link to the driver?
We can spend the time we would need to search for it on improvements.

let us suppose you want to free  up 17Mb and remove the control panel in \SMA3.
(changelog says; \SMA3 control Panel was added (dolivas). SFX installer was requested and Mr. Smartepants built it).

You un7zip DriverPack Sound B and want to find that file, with the intent to remove it.
You would have to edit DriverPack Sound B.ini and remove the section calling that file if you do.

exc_count        = 1
exc_1_tagFiles    = 2
exc_1_tagFile1    = "%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\smwdm.sys"
exc_1_tagFile2    = "%DPSROOT%\D\S\SMA3\sma3.exe"
exc_1_+hwids    = 0
exc_1_-hwids    = 0
exc_1_+infFiles    = 1
exc_1_+infFile1    = "%DPSROOT%\D\S\SMA3\smwdmCH5.inf"
exc_1_-infFiles    = 0
exc_1_commands    = 1
exc_1_command1    = "%DPSROOT%\D\S\SMA3\sma3.exe"

Editing DriverPacks can be done, and the FAQ linked to in my signature has hints which actually apply to all packs, so I won't repeat all that...
I may add a post to that topic, though. smile

you must have noticed I entered the filesize in bytes after the hash in the changelogs recently.

wait a minute..
Deamon tools.
You don't have the source copied into a virtual CD I hope.
The source copy must be on Hard disk.

I don't think 804h2 makes a difference in this one with the VIA controller, because there is no changes in the VIA sections between 804f and 804h2.


(13 replies, posted in Other)

The INF files can be in chinese, and the HWID info will still show.

Hi Samlab,
I don't ming seeing reports on testfiles some team members uploaded, but you ought to be aware they are for testing. When we see reports on them, we can improve on them.
A fix we need to get tested can backfire, and not all testfiles are made by the same person, so there may be different approaches tested for same issues. (some files were with some experimental work and deviate from the standard DriverPacks.)

graphics A 805_nightly is the first, and you see it is 18Mb smaller than the release.
That is not abnormal.


(14 replies, posted in DriverPack Chipset)

I looked at DP_Chipset_wnt5_x86-32_805a.7z testfile you found and uploaded a more conventional version..
(it was a testfile, and testfiles can have such result.)

if you want to test, here you go.
http://dev.driverpacks.thesneaky.com/dr … 32_805b.7z

(this chipset file has some updates that go along with intel files we have in testing for mass storage..)
We try to keep old drivers along with newer ones, and you found out for us that some changes in Nvidia files backfired.
I undid those changes.

I will again look at the original arena/hyperion...
(the older driver was requested not so many moons ago...)

We should at least try to keep them.
Sorry about the marvel downgrade. It slipped back in..
804h pulled
mass testfile 804h2 has been uploaded.

testfile chips 805b uploaded.

testfile graphics a 805_nightly uploaded.

I'll try reproduce this..
I don't like putting folders like this in my desktop..  sad

I have used utilityspotlight05.exe for parsing HWIDS of all sorts, but it is not perfect.
It is good.. BUT. For instance, the current nvidia 174.53 will output zero HWIDs.
I also found out it had missed 10 folders from the 270 WLAN once had.
BUT, it is much better than nothing, and it provides more than the driverinfinforeader I use.
http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/maga … 60991.aspx

I adapted the inf-inforeader somewhat.

:: ********************************************************************************

:: dragdrop_inf_reader.cmd for use with DriverInfInfo.vbs

:: ********************************************************************************

:: ********************************************************************************
:: Clear all environment variables
:: ********************************************************************************
@echo off
set CLASS=
set QUIET=
set HELP=

:: ********************************************************************************
:: Set environment variables for DriverInfInfo.vbs switch values
:: Commemt out a line to not use a switch
:: ********************************************************************************
@ECHO off
Echo Create Comma delimited CSV HWID lists from INF files.
echo This script overwrites a previous output if it were not renamed.
echo Bail out if you have to save an older file.
echo Drag extracted Driver folders from Windows Explorer into Dos-box
echo (or, Type a valid path to that folder. (eg C:\DriverPacks\extracted.)
set /P DPS_INF=
if not exist %DPS_INF% goto nonvalid

set FOLDER=/folder:"%DPS_INF%"
set OUTPUT=/format:CSV

set QUIET=/q
:: set HELP=/?

:: ********************************************************************************
:: Execute DriverInfInfo.vbs
:: ********************************************************************************
echo on

for WLAN I adapted the SED_scanner we once used for reading out PCI only
It reads USB and PCI now.. it still also sorts and removes the dupes.
I once made me versions for the SED scanner for monitor and sound (modem) but misplaced those files..
It is also drag_drop.

@ECHO off
Echo Create Comma delimited CSV HWID lists from WLAN INF files spotlight cannot properly process.
echo This script removes previous CSV lists if they were not renamed.
echo Hit ESCAPE if you have to save older files first.
echo Drag extracted Driver folders from Windows Explorer into Dos-box
echo (or, Type a valid path to that folder. (eg C:\DriverPacks\NEW\WLAN.)
set /P DPS_INF=
if not exist %DPS_INF% goto nonvalid

Echo on 	
del WLAN-dump*.csv 2>&1>nul

FOR /F "delims=" %%f in ('dir /b /s "%DPS_INF%\*.inf"') DO (

 FOR /F "delims=" %%B in ('type "%%f" ^| sed -n "/PCI\\\VEN/p" ^| sed "s/.*\(PCI\\\VEN_[0-9A-Za-z&_]*\).*/\1/g"') DO (
echo %%f,%%B >> "WLAN-dump.csv"


FOR /F "delims=" %%f in ('dir /b /s "%DPS_INF%\*.inf"') DO (

FOR /F "delims=" %%B in ('type "%%f" ^| sed -n "/USB\\\VID/p" ^| sed "s/.*\(USB\\\VID_[0-9A-Za-z&_]*\).*/\1/g"') DO (
echo %%f,%%B >> "WLAN-dump.csv"


::sort file
sort "WLAN-dump.csv" /o "WLAN-sorted.csv"

::remove duped lines
type "WLAN-sorted.csv" | sed "$!N; /^\(.*\)\n\1$/!P; D" >> "WLAN-sorted-nodupes.csv"

'like you' ...
(those that give feedback)

testfile 804h has this new intel file.