Topic: [REQ] Hipoint Rocket Raid 3520 and 3510

some ppl find that they are better then arecas and are on the way to become prety popular (i at least choose 2 of the 3520 instead of the arecas)


Re: [REQ] Hipoint Rocket Raid 3520 and 3510

welcome to DriverPacks.
Can you please link to the driver?
We can spend the time we would need to search for it on improvements.

The answer was 42?
Kind regards, Jaak.

Re: [REQ] Hipoint Rocket Raid 3520 and 3510

np at all ....

3520 and 3510 …

if direct link doenst work then


Re: [REQ] Hipoint Rocket Raid 3520 and 3510

thank you
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Re: [REQ] Hipoint Rocket Raid 3520 and 3510

the 1810a version of rocdketraid, gives a BSOD