The strange thing is that this only happens to SOME users, not to every one. It works just fine for most people, which is why this is one very, very hard bug to isolate and fix...

If you succeed in finding the exact prerequisites for reproducing this issue, please submit it to the bugtracker. It's not sure that this really is a bug, it might be due to a combination of conditions on the host system as well.

pSycho-Y2K wrote:

Not yet, but I'll pick this up tomorrow big_smile

Wow, one fast reply!

And: good!

I'm sure this topic will at least be helpful to some one, so no need to delete it smile

@jtdoom & Helmi: hehe big_smile

@mr_smartepants & jtdoom: good work on the tutorial wink smile

This seems to happen randomly, I have no clue why. I'd blame Windows but that's too easy.

It should not be a permissions issue, since all permissions are removed from the Windows installation files prior to the slipstream. The best guess I have is that your Chipset DriverPack is corrupted, as mr_smartepants suggested. Please retry and let us know.

Does your motherboard happen to have a JMicron SATA controller?

- verify that the CD isn't corrupt by doing a test install in VMWare/VirtualPC
- verify that your memory is ok by using memcheck
- verify that your HDD is ok (no bad sectors) by using a tool provided by the manufacturer of your HDD(s).

@ricktendo: huh? DSPDsblr.exe (Driver Signing Policy Disabler) should force Windows to happily install any driver, signed or unsigned. If you can reproduce this, please submit it to the bugtracker.

Topic moved to 3rd Party DriverPacks forum.

Any progress on this one?

Closed now.

Very nice, mr_smartepants! I wish more people contributed back in the same way you did wink smile Thanks!

Stickied this topic!

EDIT: changed the title a little bit, I hope you don't mind...

Hmmm currently you can't. I'll alter it so that it does not show this in the 7.03 final. Please submit this as a feature request to the bugtracker.

Helmi wrote:
Floppy wrote:

""Installations took at least ten minutes less ""

What Installations, the program itself (VMWare)? or instaling WinXp for testing purpose?

The latter I would assume.
Really, how often do you (re-)install the VM?
Unless it takes several days to do so, that is really negligible.
But if you come to think about how often you (or we at least) install some test version of XP inside the VM, then it actually does matter, even if it's "just" ten minutes less smile

Exactly. Testing in VMWare as follows:

1) create ISO
2) in VMWare control center/admin panel/whatever it's called: right click "reference image", clone it, boot it. Voila. Test install is running.

A Murder of Crows wrote:

on a side note, this should work for any dell inspiron 6000 that uses the x300 cards, not just the 6000D series....i'm not sure how many Inspiron 6000 system models were made, though...i only ran into the 6000 and the 6000D.

now, the changes you are mentioning in the above post, will that affect the pack in a significant way?  should i wait to d/l for a bit?

thank you all again

You could make the changes yourself. Just extract DP Graphics A, make the changes and recompress it using 7-zip.

Please post your DPsFnshr.log so we can see if this is due to not supported HWIDs.

OK, thanks for posting that so fast smile

@DriverPacks Team:

In mobility.inf, change this:

"ATI MOBILITY RADEON X300" = ati2mtag_M22, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5460
"ATI MOBILITY RADEON X300 " = ati2mtag_M24, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_3152

;--- on ASUS notebooks ---
"ATI MOBILITY RADEON X300 (ASUS)" = ati2mtag_M22, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5460&SUBSYS_19521043

;--- on HP ZD 8000 notebook (zorro1) ---
"ATI MOBILITY RADEON X300 (HP ZD 8000)" = ati2mtag_M22, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5460&SUBSYS_3082103C

to this:

"ATI MOBILITY RADEON X300" = ati2mtag_M22, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5460
"ATI MOBILITY RADEON X300 " = ati2mtag_M24, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_3152

;--- on ASUS notebooks ---
"ATI MOBILITY RADEON X300 (ASUS)" = ati2mtag_M22, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5460&SUBSYS_19521043

;--- on Dell Inspiron 6000D notebook (A Murder of Crows) ---
"ATI MOBILITY RADEON X300 (Dell Inspiron 6000D)" = ati2mtag_M22, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5460&SUBSYS_20031028

;--- on HP ZD 8000 notebook (zorro1) ---
"ATI MOBILITY RADEON X300 (HP ZD 8000)" = ati2mtag_M22, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5460&SUBSYS_3082103C
Helmi wrote:
Bâshrat the Sneaky wrote:

The reason for stickying this topic is simple: Virtual PC 2007 is completely free. And it's less limited than VMWare player. That alone should be enough IMO.

That, and the reason I provided linkage to the other two is so that users still have a free choice what to pick smile

The best is usually to test as many as possible and then choce whatever you like best!

True smile

I was first using the previous VPC. Then I tried VMWare and I've never looked back. Installations took at least ten minutes less (35->25 minutes or something in the order of that), which is quite some boost IMO!

mr_smartepants wrote:

I am working on my own catalyst driverpack modded for mobility use.  The ATI website here lists graphics chipsets and vendors supported by the official catalyst suite.  If your vendor and chipset is not listed (both listings are required) then the official catalyst suite won't install without modification.

The DH modtool modifies several INF files that WILL BREAK the catalyst suite for anything other than a mobility chipset.  Because of that, it's highly unlikely that Bâshrat the Sneaky and the crew will include modded files in the main Graphics_A driverpack.
There are limitations with building a 3rd party driverpack because the DPBase won't let you set the option for the CCC in a 3rd party driverpack.  I'm working my pack based on modifying Bashrat's Graphics_A pack for my own use.  If I get it working properly, I may upload it to Rapidshare or another site (with Bâshrat the Sneaky approval of course).

There are several other files you need to modify for proper widescreen display.  If I can find the online tutorial, I'll post it later.
For widescreen support, you have to manually edit two INF files in 2KXP_INF folder (CX_*****.INF, I can't remember offhand).

If I get this working right, I may post a tutorial since the one I found a year ago is very hard to find (can't find it now).

In fact we DO. Check D\G\A\1 for the "mobility.inf" file. By using an extra .inf file, we don't break the WHQL signing on the original driver files!

The TS said it was a X300 Mobile. Currently these X300 Mobiles are supported by the mobility.inf file:

"ATI MOBILITY RADEON X300" = ati2mtag_M22, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5460
"ATI MOBILITY RADEON X300 " = ati2mtag_M24, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_3152

;--- on ASUS notebooks ---
"ATI MOBILITY RADEON X300 (ASUS)" = ati2mtag_M22, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5460&SUBSYS_19521043

;--- on HP ZD 8000 notebook (zorro1) ---
"ATI MOBILITY RADEON X300 (HP ZD 8000)" = ati2mtag_M22, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5460&SUBSYS_3082103C

Could the TS please post his HWID? Then all we have to do is add his HWID to this list and we're done smile TS, check my sig for a tool to get your HWIDs. Or simply post your DPsFnshr.log file.

1) F6 works, DriverPacks not, although same files used
2) You commented out ALL (!!!) other text mode mass storage drivers that were slipstreamed, same problem.

Please confirm this.

The reason for stickying this topic is simple: Virtual PC 2007 is completely free. And it's less limited than VMWare player. That alone should be enough IMO.

I'm sorry, but this bug will not be fixed very soon, as I have absolutely no clue as to why this is happening. I will try to narrow it down further the next few days though.

Strange. Should be a permissions issue. txtsetup.sif is probably read-only, but the BASE actually resets all file permissions before starting a slipstream. But obviously that has failed, could you retry with an account that has administrator privileges?


(2 replies, posted in Feature Requests)

BartPE support is in the works.

P.S.: Those who donated can track the progress in the Testing Team forum.

Your internet security suite is probably blocking HTTP referers, which will cause this warning.

You should use sysprep to achieve that wink And if you are already using it, then you are doing it as clean as you can wink smile