I have some ideas there.

urbanriot wrote:

"I did not blue screen if I chose IDE native mode... but it also didn't see the drive."

This seems to indicate that your bluescreen occurred during textmode partitioning.
  I wonder what would happen if an older SATA drive were used.

Have noticed that increase in development since January.
  Does it work with DPs_BASE?

cdob wrote:

"Yes, that's a good idea. "

Truth be told, it was really your idea.  You did pioneer the NT5 plugin, so many years ago.     smile

  Credit must be given to Damnation for his patience in creating & testing txtsetup.oem files for USB3.0 textmode, and making integration possible.  You both did the hard work.

Will avoid WDF drivers at first and conflicting driver names when starting NT6 [Nightlies].

Thank you for the reply, urbanriot!
  Can you provide any details, like when bluescreen occurs, bluescreen code, DriverPacks integrated, HWID's, manufacturer/model, etc.?
    Any info is appreciated.

Note that the Renesas utilities may require a manual install.
  Finisher doesn't seem to like the compatible HWID used in the .Ini.

Has anybody tested DP-integrated AHCI installation on intel 8-series, Asmedia, or Highpoint?
  Looking for any commentary upon intel eSATA devices too, please.
    Any comments are appreciated.

SAD3 would get the job accomplished for now, utilizing DPs_Fnshr post-Setup, would it not?  Perhaps this is something for another topic, though (concerning the various NT6 integration methods to be officially supported, which i'll need to brush up on).

Thanks to nicknomo & Quad, for reporting this.
  Together, everyone accomplishes more!     smile

Thank you, cheche!
That HWID is within ..\D\G\I\1\igxp32.inf though.
   These drivers are not written to work with Server2003, BTW (for any concerned).

Is the HDMI audio mod working?  (DP_Sound\In\3\IntcDA2H.inf)

Oh!  Didn't know for certain that was in the x64 Misc pack.
        Found it in tc30551700d.exe looking for NT5 stuff.

Tried to answer whether HDD Protection devices should have their own separate pack, for the SSD crowd to easily avoid.
  Of course, that is entirely different topic...

The latest NT6 update is available here --> http://support.toshiba.com/support/view … Id=4004910, which is also available directly here.

  Beware all the "new" omnigenerics.

It looks like DPs_Fnshr-assisted installation could take it's cue from thpevm.inf via the HWID *TOS620A, so that installation of the full package is only attempted on Toshiba hardware, if agreed.

Ni hao!  (Hello!)     smile

Use a simple folder name for your source.  No spaces, no special characters.  Keep it simple.

If that is not the crisis, see the "bugtracker" for a possible fix.

If neither fixes the issue, it could be opportunity to fix.

If you have a Creative Labs, Hercules, AuzenTech card or USB device,
or your sound solution    is not yet supported in the current Nightlies,
or if you know of a newer  & better driver your sound requires,
       i need your help.

Please reply here with the type of card you have, and it's HWID.
  You WILL be credited in the upcoming changelogs.     smile

The line that is most telling is "DP_MassStorage_textmode = "no"".     hmm

Do we have confirmation that the latest recent updates to nLite still corrupt source?

I have used nothing but RVMi & DPs_BASE for all integrations & love their stability.

  Avoiding the "OnePiece Updates" means that the install "CD" need not be inserted every time a new device is plugged in!

  Disc install is the only "official" supported method for installation, yet have had great success with WinSetupFromUSB 1.0beta8.  Looking forward to trying the latest WinSetupFromUSB v1.3 (with D-P-M-S.iso disabled, of course).  As i have no eXPerience with the latest, if you eXPerience trouble, use v1.0 beta8, if you must install from USB.  I like it (except on legacy chipsets), as the initial textmode whizzes by, and Setup with 2GB worth of drivers still achieves the Desktop in about a half-hour.

As you can tell, i read TFM a long time ago!     big_smile
   IIRC, nLite is still mentioned there....  yikes

Anonymous on Tue, 10/13/2009 wrote:

"It is highly recommended that you use either nLite or the RyanVM Integrator to integrate all current hotfixes prior to integrating DriverPacks."

might need to be updated to read:

"It is highly recommended that you use the RyanVM Integrator to integrate all current hotfixes prior to integrating DriverPacks."

That is, if the latest nLite still corrupts source.

I wonder...would these USB 3.0 drivers fit better as MassStorage devices, as with NT5?


(18 replies, posted in Windows 7 Discussion)

Please make an XP test disc with the latest Nightlies, if you agree, and relay any issues remaining so the final chapter can be written & those packs "published".  MassStorage & Sound need the most attention.
  Then we can all attack the NT6 packs together, T.E.A.M!

Together Everyone Achieves More!

I look forward to working with you and learning together.     smile

... as soon as we can get some confirmation of remaining issues on NT5 packs, i would love to start on NT6!

Has anybody tried DP_Graphics_B_wnt5_x86-32_1401181\D\G\I\1\igxp32_dp.inf Intel HD Graphics Haswell - 4th Gen. Core mod  {DriverVer=09/29/2013,}, for instance ???

Is that thpdrv.inf which sadly uses the HWID of *?

Toshiba wrote:


Would that be an example of an "omnigeneric" HWID?
  Supergeneric's, eat your SHA1-signed heart out!

Jolly good show, Toshiba.     hmm


(6 replies, posted in News)

Thank you, to all DriverPacks contributors from over the past 10 or so years...     smile

Drought now, fires soon if not now, mudslides to follow in spring perhaps.
  Not boding well for food production too in SoCal.
    Other areas also feeling the pinch.

xdrfox wrote:

"The Neverending Deluge: Pacific Heat + Fixed Jet Stream Parks Anomalous January Cyclone Lingling Over Philippines For Two Weeks"
http://robertscribbler.wordpress.com/20 … two-weeks/
   quoted from:  http://optimalprediction.com/wp/cesium- … ment-21233

Will go through once more & roll-back intel chipset drivers where an older version exists.
  Those damn Security Catalog files have every single HWID from all .Inf's included.
     No wonder setup takes much longer since they were included in nightlies, long ago.     hmm

for DriverPacks folder:
DP_Graphics_A_wnt5_x86-32_1401181.7z - 117.45 MB   BB24C55735A704701862DE1B00A9E9AD6C006D69
DP_Graphics_B_wnt5_x86-32_1401181.7z - 224.52 MB   592C5BF15AC58DF11345BA8559008090165DC21D
DP_Graphics_C_wnt5_x86-32_1401181.7z - 260.13 MB   3AF2DAD5562B8659369B2A1BF64B2E8EF2B24E85

for 3rd party DriverPacks folder:
DP_Graphics_ATi_Runtimes_wnt5_x86-32_1310151.7z - 21.0 MB   81b4fcc8e3d2f112b780fc82b38377bc0a1314ba*
DP_Graphics_ATi-Hydravision_wnt5_x86-32_1401181.7z - 12.71 MB   11506C801884F6F8BF4DC9EC4AEDF456A04497F2
DP_Graphics_ATi-Legacy_wnt5_x86-32_1312081.7z - 118.71 MB   a8d189246d1b0d48dd3c0ce7e1785629b54089d2
DP_Graphics_ATi_OpenCL-vc2k10_wnt5_x86-32_1312081.7z - 10.39 MB   4cd10c4ac8ff83995b759584afb9afb8e1d97d6b
DP_Graphics_ATi-TV_wnt5_x86-32_1310291.7z - 8.45 MB   e40bba47ecd213387f8fe6e71825ae78b8ebccd7
DP_Graphics_Intel_Runtimes_wnt5_x86-32_1312071.7z - 34.32 MB   860b02399667d7eb81a18d2197e064723118c275
DP_Graphics_Languages_wnt5_x86-32_1401181.7z - 78.58 MB   E5C7032594ED3397CCCFE38B7132645D832ABE64
DP_Graphics_nVidia_GFxp-upd-NET4_wnt5_x86-32_1401181.7z - 100.72 MB   CF51BD3BE92BC8402D0BFFFC03D1C983CD723F7B
DP_Graphics_PhysX_wnt5_x86-32_1401181.7z - 26.04 MB   787025CABC48E9D10FDF36BC3446374CE07F7B1E
DP_Graphics_PhysX-Legacy_wnt5_x86-32_1310271.7z - 18.5 MB   7e5df14e2c44335ed3a60e5591ea68f07175b730
DP_Graphics_USB_wnt5_x86-32_1401181.7z - 23.93 MB   CDC65794CB122CE00026F8E4959F59B39B8FC5E1 *

edit: links removed - updated or reposted below

* Note:  DP_Graphics_External_wnt5_x86-32 has been renamed to DP_Graphics_USB_wnt5_x86-32

Note that if you use SAD3 to install these drivers, create a file called ATICCC.ins and put it in your root folder, if you wish the latest ATi/AMD Catalyst Control Center to be installed.
  Also, don't attempt install from your Desktop, the path-length will be too long for successful installation.
    Enjoy.     smile

Updated to include RealTek cameras, and a couple of updates for Babyboy.

DP_WebCam_wnt5_x86-32_1401261.7z - 79.52 MB   7892910D79FD543E3743ACCBEE777EE20D181FD0

*edit:  link removed - updated below

Realtek CardReader drivers all updated, including an exception to include "content protection" compatibility.
  Lenovo Power Management also updated.

DP_Misc_wnt5_x86-32_1401271.7z - 16.19 MB   B68E84C4CC8298123543782565B4B4AFD0E49EC8

*edit:  updated below.

updated Realtek WiFi

DP_WLAN_wnt5_x86-32_1401191.7z - 43.71 MB   B76C15C33A947319C9C497D4688518A699BFD67A

changelogs still on my "round-tuit" list.

Here is a screenshot of Thesycon's DP Latency Checker:
AtherosWiFi - Off vs On.PNG
It is amazing how enabling that Mfg's WiFi registers terrible latency in Thesycon's proggy.

edit: link removed - updated below

Realtek USB3.0 GB LAN updated
[DP_LAN_wnt5_x86-32_1401261.7z - 11.19 MB   9CFB6FAD2BC1A733BD658C2777985B43A3ED465D

edit:  link removed; updated below

If you are "old and slow", then a retired snail is faster than i!
  Perhaps you have simply forgotten more than most people have ever learned.
    If your forgotten knowledge could speak, it might quote the late Douglas MacArthur.
       "I shall return."

DP_MassStorage_wnt5_x86-32_1401282.7z - 10.24 MB   631C688225BBCC0832D3974E9DC157B2DE4C7C7C     smile
* - edit: link removed - updated near last post in this topic

for 3rd-party folder, if integrated with DPs_BASE:
DP_MassStorage_intelide_wnt5_x86-32_1401191.7z - 57.13KB   9B4D73B3B23C4DBB3EF769F5C98847E72CBAC1FB
DP_MassStorage_intel-pciide_wnt5_x86-32_1401191.7z - 58.12KB   C4A05B04963293D2B3E14BF2CA97F8E309BEE074
{pciide now includes test driver for intel eSATA}
* - edit: links removed - deprecated

(added usbmonitor utilities for NEC/Renesas USB 3.0 controllers, which seem very similar to that for AMD USB 3.0 controllers;
   mvxxmm, mv61xxmm & mv64xxmm removal included - by fearless if no Marvell controller found;
      HighPoint driver global updates;
        ASmedia driver v2.01 included - scsiport & storport;
           Intel 8-series support tentatively added - awaiting feedback;
there's probably more, but i have forgotten ... hmm ... see changelog for complete list)

Updated Chipset DriverPack with latest Fresco Logic USB3 driver
   and now automatic AMD SB7xx-SB9xx USBFilter installation - except in Virtual environments

DP_Chipset_wnt5_x86-32_1401261.7z - 24.76 MB   C4EF2415FF035636A703E3D613E9338DACA1C89F     big_smile

edit:  link removed - updated near topic end

Groeten Meneer Babyboy!  Hoe gaat het?

"It was very cold Lately in your neighborhood!"

No, not really.  Average temperature has been about 1 degree Celsius over the last few weeks.
East of the Rocky Mountains have been battered by the cold.

Last week, Yellowknife (Yukon Territory) was actually warmer than Tallahassee (Florida), as noted that day on TV!!!     yikes

Much has been made in the media about the "Polar Vortex", yet they completely avoided mention of the "North-Pacific Vortex" which had flung the jet stream in a elongated bow from Siberia south beyond Hawaii, then into Alaska then sharply downward along the Rocky Mountains.

That particular wind pattern has since changed, yet here is a great link which offers a global visualization (thanks to an enenews commenter) for future reference.
http://earth.nullschool.net/#current/wi … ,51.37,390

Here's hoping things warm up in OverFlow's neck of the woods though not too quickly, or flooding may become a new concern.

http://earth.nullschool.net/#current/wi … ,57.98,642
From the above link, it would appear that the North Atlantic is now seeing some turbulent wind patterns.
  Note the small stationary vortex north of Quebec.     hmm

PS:  The WebCam DriverPack has been updated for that model of netbook you reported successful installation upon, Babyboy (from the download page for that model).
http://forum.driverpacks.net/viewtopic. … 954#p56954