Ok people I present you with two options.
the first option just uses a bitmap image while extracting and it works
Slight problem is after install the bitmap remains as the desktop background. Easily fixable. (I replace the .bmp at the end of presetup.cmd)
The second option is use a self extracting 7zip archive. It works awsome and displays a progress bar during extraction.
create the self extracting archive with 7zip. (it will now have a .exe extension not .7z)
use the following code in your presetup.cmd file
FOR %%h IN (%CDDRIVE%\OEM\Drivers\*.exe) DO "%%h" x -y -aoa -o"%SystemDrive%"
each archive will extract with it's own progress bar.
To get rid of the cancel button and add a text line, reshack dialog 500 with this code, compile and save. (you can modify the "Extracting My..." line to your desire)
500 DIALOG 0, 0, 170, 30
CAPTION "Extracting"
FONT 10, "MS Shell Dlg"
CONTROL "Extracting My Hardware Drivers", 99, STATIC, SS_LEFT | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 20, 1, 150, 8
CONTROL "Progress1", 1000, "msctls_progress32", PBS_SMOOTH | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_BORDER, 5, 12, 160, 13
I use both methods and it looks awsome.
Sure reshacking the files after creating the archives can be a pain if you have many archives but with some batch files and .res files it becomes easy.
cheers all
Last edited by jaws1975 (2006-11-20 09:13:06)