I told you before ... dp_install_tool has NOTHING to do with installing drivers DURING windows setup. You could REMOVE dp_install_tool.cmd and windows would install the exact same way... <-read that again [no really read it] We put it on there as a convenience to tech's, they can drop in the install disk and update and older machine by running that script. It's an after thought, a freebee, extra, a perk, Icing on the cake, independent, unrelated, unique, never to be used during windows setup ever. It IS to be used on a RUNNING WORKING system.
You are trying to put a square peg in a round hole. Doesn't work that way.
you said you followed all the directions for SAD... And you probably did them perfect.
but since you updated a POST install tool it did not affect your INSTALL.
You did not update your install, and, I know it is hard to belive, BUT it is not updated. Because you never updated it. It's that simple.
I am sure you worked really hard, but you worked on the wrong thing.
Forget what you know, it does not apply to your current task. (second time i told you this)
I would expect nothing different if you did that correctly one thousand times over...
You built a really nice screen door, NO you can not install it on a submarine. Sorry.
Did you download this image off the net?
Until you understand that integrating drivers into an installation is different than updating drivers on a working system we are not going to be able to go any further in your education.
your failure to understand this simple fact is why your windows 7 lite image fails.
pay attention. Stay on point. (we are not talking about Win7 ATM)
I can't cram ten years driverpacks experience into a post, you need to accept that I have 6000 more posts and Admin status for a reason. Been there done that got the t-shirt. I can bet money on your next mistake and nobody would take that bet
you are doing fairly well so far you got the first half right. answering questions, asking fair questions, you are polite.
the second half of the process here is; now you need to listen, carefully, apply what is given (test advised action) and report back. (Do NOT deviate from specifically given instructions, at least not until I have granted you "the right to run with scissors"... or you are successful)
RANT wrote:Bomb expert on radio to field tech. "Cut the red wire"
Field tech {muttering to self} "Old f*ck don't know sh*t"
first half good, second half bad... work on that second half