Don't make me go through those files again. Argh. That is a potential causal factor for "Angina Gluteous Maximus".
Win2k and those certificate issues, and usb2 "landmines" were a tough nut to crack, so-to-speak.
Had to go through it all file by file, double checking sha1 hashes versus .cat files & certificates and all that jazz.
You might have a hard time believing that a significant portion of their drivers do not play well on multiple operating system major iterations. zawakened, and others, have noted this a while ago. See: … 719#p53719
"Even the WHQL certification for Win2k of the newest files are bogus for non-updated media, at least. All those newer files are seen as non-WHQL."
Also, the bigger the Security Catalog, the longer it takes to process which is not so bad when you have few, yet if they were all the latest (again), it would (& did) take noticeably longer for Windows to process drivers. see: … 123#p57123
(see … 135#p58135 for last NT5 revision of chipset drivers)
Weren't there at least a couple of Vista drivers in what you sent there? I cannot yet confirm, though strongly suspect.
As for the existing set in the current [Nightlies] of MassStorage & Chipset; it works, doesn't it? 
I would like to reintroduce the DP_MassStorage-IntelIDE pack & default to PCIIDE in main pack, though.
If you do spot individual driver update possibilities, certainly by-all-means-necessary, point them out.
Last edited by TechDud (2014-10-27 13:59:55)