As I said KTD has a place in fact it ultimately works PERFECT IF you use it for what it is designed for... It is there to intstall simple external devices like Modems, Monitors, and Printers. Devices that will be attached after the installation. It is there to serve it's purpose. Tools can be used properly or they can be used improperly. It is not the tools fault if it is not used correctly. That is user error. Just because you need a screwdriver this time does not mean you should set all your other tools out for the trash.
I already explained in detail exactly why it is there in my last post, please see the third paragraph... But I have posted it again here. Perhaps this time you will read it.
If you are "installing" from an ODD then the issue can and will be corrected in the DriverPack.
mr_smartepants will likely show up with a test pack for you.
Push installs are not supported... We do have a large following of users who install this way, however they mostly support themselfs. If you are not doing push installs then you should NOT post in the universal imaging forum. You clearly said you were doing so... and was the only info you gave regarding your deployment method.
Again our help is only as good as the info you provide to us... you said you were doing push installs, If that was not correct info. GIGO. (Garbage In Garbage Out) this is exactly why we provide "Read before you post" this clearly falls under #6 "Tell us what you did - Could we try to reproduce your issue ourselves just based on your first post?" here we are at post 5 and we are nearly to the point were we could try to reproduce your issue ourselves.
if you are doing ODD "installs" then your issue is supported and will be corrected. if you are "deploying an image" from an ODD then you need to provide good DETAILS in the Universal imaging forum.
At this point it is not clear if you are installing from an ODD or deploying an image from an ODD. there is a huge difference between the two install methods.
Details are the key and getting them from you has been like pulling teeth. that is not our fault. You using tools correctly or not is also not our fault. You came here to get help and we are doing our best to do so. That is why i told you that you were not using KTD as it was intended. In fact in 999 out of 1000 situations it is not needed at all, however that one in a thousand is signifigant and makes it worth keeping, especially since we have hundreds of thousands of users if not millions. that means there are thousands of users who do in fact need it, the odds you are one of them are slim, as I said. In fact based on what you have told us... which is almost nothing... you probably don't need it at all. However just because YOU don't need it does not mean we should stop what we are doing and remove it from the program ... We did not make DriverPacks BASE as a custom app just for you. Trust me you are far from being our only user. Stop the presses! JuggalotusHeat does not need that lets rewrite the whole project!
You are still giving conflicting info. are you installing windows from an ODD or are you deploying an image from an ODD? what program did you use to take the image? did you create the image in a virtual machine or on live hardware? do you sysprep before imaging? what steps to you take to prep your image? how do you deal with the HAL? are the DriverPacks included in the KTD folder of your image? do you use DPINST?
based on your ability to post for help and based on the research you have done to use BASE and your selection of nLite i seriously doubt that you do know how to image a box properly. In fact i would bet money that you don't.
get your act together and we WILL help you. it's up to you.
No one can help you if you can't provide proper (complete) details the problem.