Topic: [REQ] Monitors - Like, how 'bout an update, eh?
The Monitors Third Party DriverPack needs a refresh and it's folder structure is appalling.
As an example;
should be;
...a reduction of 8 characters. Compound that by a minimum of at least 50 other folder infractions like that and you could potentially save over 400 characters from the 4096 limit.
Third Party DriverPack webcam is another that I just finished that could have it's folders aggressively renamed to shave precious characters. I just don't have the time.
ok, I'll do what i'm able & report back ASAP. I have some family commitments to take care of over the next few days, forgive the lag time.
I'll make notes of any folder path changes, so as to avoid my own confusion, and to assist in creation of a changelog for a release candidate.
It is good have you give me direction; i wouldn't have more than a clue of where to properly begin.
A good place to start would be reading: (which links back to first)
Have fun with it. Once it becomes like work, it's no longer fun.
Thank you for the direction. I will have fun, i repair monitors. Wish i could use EDID code names.
Plan A: - fix structure as per instruction
Plan B: - testing phase
Plan C: - add support for more LCD's/Plasmas, possible seperate CRT pack, perhaps?
The thing to remember is that the folder structure does NOT have to indicate what the manufacturer is. You can include .txt files to explain the folder contents (like I do in DriverPack Graphics C\A).
For the next round of main NT5 releases, I think I'll really aggressively hit the folder structure. It'll look ugly, but it must be done.
I understand, the next DP_Monitor pack is meant to be 11.08, not 11.09.
DP_Monitor_wnt5_x86-32_100711.7z is the latest, i gather?
These drivers supply resolution & horizontal-frequency limits (should the VGA cable not include pins 12 & 15 for the I2C bus - the best cables include pin-9 (+3.3 or +5V) enabling Windows EDID comm with AC disconnected from the Display). The driver sometimes includes a color-matching profile.
I wonder about the interoperability with Vista-7 that you have encountered previously. Is it a case that the drivers that DO work in Vista-7 are already there, & those that work for both are included in the NT5 pack?
I guess, I don't know, I never use it.
OK, 'be aggressive' in folder size, that will save trouble later.
Sorry about this 'stilted' conversation. I edit my posts in an attempt to keep my # of post down. I find that it helps me to keep a 'running-tally' on whatever topic that i'm trying to research, & relay info.
Would 'D\3\M\' be an acceptable folder path name, if not how about 'D\3\Mo\' (Molybdenum)
The thing to remember is that the folder structure does NOT have to indicate what the manufacturer is. You can include .txt files to explain the folder contents (like I do in DriverPack Graphics C\A).
For the next round of main NT5 releases, I think I'll really aggressively hit the folder structure. It'll look ugly, but it must be done.
The 'Manufacturer' in the driver may rarely be the manufacturer of the panel, itself, anyway. I would like to conform to ChangeLog/Contents convention established, previously. How do i ensure credit is given to those that have written, previously? I see 'by - mindwarper' in the Info.txt, there are likely more, including you, Mr_Smartepants.
Would 'D\3\M\' be an acceptable folder path name, if not how about 'D\3\Mo\' (Molybdenum)
No, refer to the tutorials I linked above on Third Party DriverPacks building.
This Should be the new layout:
------+B = Broadband Pack
------+BT = Bluetooth Pack
------+H = Human Input Device Pack (aka HID)
------+M = Modem Pack
------+Mo = Monitor Pack
------+P = Printer & Phone Packs
------+S = Scanner Pack
------+T = TV Pack
------+TS = Touch Screen
------+U = USB Pack
------+V = Virtual Pack (aka VMware)
------+W = WebCam Pack
------+X = Misc PackAlthough instead of using D\3\Mo (Monitor), I suppose we could use D\3\D (Display). That might help a bit.
Oh, and including contributor names in parenthesis is acceptable (Mr_Smartepants).
'\D\3\D\' it is. I see that i'm crediting, mindwarper, compstuff & (Mr_Smartepants), is this list accurate & complete? I don't want to ruffle anybody's corn-flakes!
I'll likely need to use a 2-character notation for the Manufacturer folder name, already have 27 folders, even with adding 0-9 numbers into the equation, that would make 36 main folders, max.
If i include lower-case letters, i guess that would make 62 combos in a 1-char mfg. folder name.
How does this look?
Ac - Acer
Be - Belinea
E - Eizo
G - Gateway
H - Hansol
HP - HP/Compaq
I - IBM,Lenovo
Ii - Iiyama
IQ - ImageQuest
L - Lenovo ThinkPad
Me - Medion
M - Mitsubishi
No - Nokia
P - Philips
Pr - Proview
S - Samsung
So - Sony
V - ViewSonic,OptiQuest
Last edited by TechDud (2011-08-29 17:24:41)
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