Topic: Slipstreaming Is Corrupting UBCD4Win?
I just ran into a problem that now happened on both my notebook and desktop. This is very strange so here goes.
I had to rebuild my boot USB which is when I noticed the issue pop up. I first noticed it in the main menu where a bunch of items are duplicated. See snapshot here: … rslips.jpg
Another problem was during installation of DriverPacks-provided drivers, I would be prompted to insert the Windows XP CD to find the files. All this only happens after I slipstream. UBCD4Win works fine using its base install. I'm only slipstreaming the LAN and WLAN packs normally, but I tried it with others and the same thing happened. This is for a BartPE configuration.
I'm using the latest everything. I've completely removed and cleaned up and reinstalled everything I can think of which led me to try it on another computer which then exhibited the same thing. Ideas? Please let me know if there's more info I can provide.