Global Update!
Changes to the Drivers Installer Assistant [2.8.16 - Stable Beta]
[ADDED] Added a new mode of parsing inf-files. The regime is based on the algorithm BadPointer - analysis using the regular expression RegExp.
This mode provides faster processing of inf-files. Also possible inclusion sorting displayed in the data file for the HWID.
[ADDED] Added a new block configuration - "Creating a Database Driver" These settings control the operating modes of parsing inf-file.
In the settings you can change the parameters of processing duplicate HWID, and also choose a processing mode inf-files: by Romeo91 or by BadPointer.
In the ini-file all the settings are stored in the section [DevParser]
[ADDED] The database driver when processing inf-file is added to the new box-section, into which is placed in a section which was found HWID. For example, INTEL.MFG.NTX86.5.1
This section analyzes the program for compatibility of the current driver and the chosen OS.
Thus, the program does not offer to install the driver unsuitable, for example, placed in a folder by mistake.
Accordingly, the corrected tooltips and tables. Unfortunately clues were even longer.
[ADDED] When you create a database driver in the directory with the database driver file is created DevDBVersions.ini, which recorded version of the database.
This version will read the program and in case of discrepancy of the program and version of the database, message will be issued a badge with this package will remain as "Database not available".
[ADDED] Added check for return code program 7-zip (2 - Fatal error, 7-Command line error, 255 - User stopped the process)
If there are errors in your program, then the message and work with this archive is suspended.
[ADDED] Added a new item in the popup menu button driver package - "Test data driver package in the program 7-zip"
[ADDED] If you run the program did not find the tab with the necessary drivers (setup "Operating System"), you have a message.
For only available mode of a database driver, all functions of the installation will be blocked.
[ADDED] On the Tools menu - Added new item "Update information on all packages.
Which causes the system to initialize the search for new devices, then the program collects data and updates the data on all packages.
This functionality can help when, after installing the drivers, the system could be new devices, but the program they are not yet aware, and therefore offers no drivers for installation.
[ADDED] When you save the program settings, you are prompted to restart the program.
[FIXED] Fixed objects overlap, if the number of tabs on one line was less than the total number of tabs.
[FIXED] Fixed a bug where the program will not run if configured count of tabs was less than 3.
[CHANGED] Optimized native mode parser inf-files. The rate of work increased by an average of 7-15%, depending on the configuration of your computer.
[CHANGED] In the default settings:
for 1 tabs [OS_1] display values:
Ver = 5.0; 5.1; 5.2
Ver = 5.1;5.2
for 3 tabs [OS_3] exhibited values:
Ver = 6.0;6.1
Name = Vista\7\Server 2008\Server 2008 R2 x64
Ver = 6.0
Name = Vista x64
For those who use the default program settings, it is recommended to delete the file Settings.ini and run the program again.
[CHANGED] On the main form of control is replaced by Checkbox, for better readability and to correct errors display on some systems.
[CHANGED] At the stage of collecting information on the computer the basic form of the program is blocked. This is done in order to remove a window appears with the buttons "Switch to" and "Retry", if at this stage you are applying to the program.
[CHANGED] If the displayed option "Hide the tab ...", the width of each tab is calculated from the total count of va tabs. Now the width to fit the width of the window.
[CHANGED] Removed a few frames at the main elements of the form, the general perception of the form should improve.
[CHANGED] Updated Program System Information Viewer to version V4.11
[CHANGED] program DevManView updated to version V1.10
[CHANGED] program DoubleDriver updated to version V4.1.0
[CHANGED] Fixed minor translation errors.
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Last edited by Romeo91 (2010-08-16 23:03:57)
It's not as bad as it seems, but not as good as it could beMy Site My Forum Donate Project