Topic: Graphics ATI widescreen requests (post requests here)
If your notebook/laptop widescreen monitor resolution is not natively supported in the Graphics DriverPacks, and you don't feel comfortable making the modifications yourself using my tutorial here, then please post your requests in this thread and I'll try to get them implemented in the next driverpack. You will be requested to TEST the changes added to the new Driverpack. If you are unwilling to test the new changes, your requested changes will NOT be added to the main Driverpack.
When making your requests, please provide the following information:
Manufacturer and model #:
Website of manufacturer support page: (so I can verify proper resolution support)
HWID of graphics chipset:
Screen resolution requested:
Manufacturer/model#: Gateway M505
Website: … 64nv.shtml
HWID: PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_4E50&SUBSYS_206117C0&REV_00\4&13B9B28C&0&0008: ATI MOBILITY RADEON 9600/9700 Series
Resolution: 1280x800 60Hz
Last edited by mr_smartepants (2007-06-15 18:58:26)

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