We don't use drivers from Station drivers they Leak drivers pre-release. We consider them betas since they are not officially released yet. Piracy might be another way of looking at it
. We do like station drivers and keep an eye on them but we don't incorperate any of thier stuff in the DriverPacks. Since they are not officialy released... yet. sometimes you may find a station driver in a nightly but NEVER in a final release from us.
If you can't download it directly from Intel we won't add it
! But we do like to be aware of whats next so as I said we do keep and eye on them...
Thanks for reporting!
We don't need instructions on how to install drivers we have been doing it longer and better than anyone for over six years
Silly boy.
RogueSpear has converted to linux and has abandoned windows, he keeps his forum open as a courtesy but no longer actively contributes to the community, I don't expect you to get any help on that one
Yes. If AHCI compatable drivers are added with DriverPacks then windows will boot from them.
Many of the drivers already included in the DriverPacks are AHCI compliant AND work just fine now.

Some of the AHCI issues have to do with load order...
IE the HWID is the same for both modes but the non AHCI driver is listed first. First come first serve
. Sometimes changing the order of the drivers in the mass ini is all that is required
. Other times we can change the HWIDs listed in the mass ini.
There is no possable way to tell how to fix your issue UNLESS you provide the HWIDs of the offending machine. or at least the HWIDs of the mass storage controller
. Please provide the full output of the RAID section of the HWIDs tool, and indicate which controller you are connected to if there is more than one. (How long have you been here
There is also another known issue, mostly with Nvidia chipsets.
I could probably get a few more drivers to work if I were to mod a few windows files (some registry entries added to the hal) the instructions are on here - posted by both cdob and Galapo. The short story is: The ONLY drivers that do not work are PnP only mode drivers, (has nothing at all to do with AHCI mode, although an affected driver could be an AHCI mode driver) they simply don't support legacy mode (IE text mode). If they don't support text mode then you can't find them from text mode setup. This is a problem with the driver not the integration of the driver. An easy way to tell is to search the drivers inf for "Parameters\PnpInterface,5,REG_DWORD,1", if it contains that line then the following will / may be helpful.
Search the forum for "value = Parameters\PnpInterface,5,REG_DWORD,1"
here is a good example --> http://forum.driverpacks.net/viewtopic. … 158#p32158
Notice they modify the setupreg.hiv in that example with regedit...
That would be an acceptable fix IF I had proof of concept
It would be better if they just had working f6 drivers for us to add 
As Far As I Know there are only one or two of these drivers (It is a very rare case) At least one of them Is Nvidia chipset.
I have been waiting for some time for this problem to show itself to be a real problem, but it does not.
IE a list of affected drivers, and proof that the registry entry does fix it, and whether or not it also affects Win 2k3.
PS if you find working F6 drivers for failed installs simply request them with the HWIDs of the device we will gladly add them 
We always add tested known good drivers from OEM or Manufacturer sites... (station drivers does not count)