Topic: UBCD4Win v3.50 and VMSCSI driver...
Hi all, congrats on the integration to date between the driverpacks and UBCD4win... job well done.
I've searched a fair bit, and figured it would be just as good to ask "here" as on the UBCD4win forum... particularly since my preference would be to have the driver bundled into the driver pack just "work".
Prior to v3.50 - I would just drop the files I'd long since gotten from a BartPE plug-in page out there in the ether into the Drivers\SCSIAdapter folder, and without any other modifications, booting a virtual machine from an ISO image built from the project (as late as v3.22) would just "work" - and I would see the virtual disks of the guest OS, and I could go ahead and test all my tools, etc. This no longer works, the driver seems to be ignored.
- WinXPprosp2 ISO image used as source for PE...
- Various VMware Server v1.05 built guest images...
- VMSCSI driver files as follows:
With v3.50, the vmscsi driver (vmscsi.sy_) seems to be included inb the Bâshrat the Sneaky driverpack, just as it had been with the one included with v3.22 - though I think the driver file is actually a bit 'newer' than in the previous build. But the one included with the Bâshrat the Sneaky driverpack back then never worked out of box back then either, though I didn't really care since I could just drop the old driver files under the traditional drivers sub-folder...
With v3.50, it seems the project is relying entirely on the driverpack now - and dropping the filers in the drivers sub-folder no longer works. I imagine that the original UBCD4win/BartPE driver compilation mechanism was grabbing something in the "vmscsi.inf" file that for whatever reason isn't included in the stuff that the driverpack puts in play... but I have no way of guessing what bits are "missing" or how to reinsert them. Here is the content of that inf file...
;This file contains the information required to load the driver for the VMware SCSI Controller
; Copyright (c) 2001 - 2004, VMware, Inc.
Signature="$Windows NT$"
1 = %DSKID1%,,,""
; Files for disk VMware SCSI Controller Installation Disk #1 (SCSIAdapter)
vmscsi.sys = 1,,
ServiceType=0x01 ;KERNEL Driver
StartType=0 ;Boot Time
ErrorControl=1 ;Display Errors
LoadOrderGroup=SCSI Miniport
HKR, "Parameters\Device", "NumberofRequests", %REG_DWORD%, 128
HKR, "Parameters\PnpInterface", "5", 0x00010001, 0x00000001
AddReg = EventLog_AddReg
VMWARE="VMware, Inc."
DEVICE="VMware SCSI Controller"
DSKID1="VMware SCSI Controller Installation Disk #1 (SCSIAdapter)"
I've tried a few screwball things to re-add my known "working" collection of vmscsi files to the v3.50 project to no avail... So my question is two-fold:
1.) Is there "something to do" to get the "VMSCSI_SY_" driver included in the driverpack to actually work and load when booting a v3.50 ISO from a VMware guest image?
2.) Is there some process by which I can keep using the driverpack for everything that IS working, but SEPARATELY add the older vmscsi files that used to work under the Drivers\SCSIAdapter folder in some other manner