hehe.. we get unnofficial testers reporting on test versions, and they start helping us by helping those with same problem.
(And, by GOD, Krige had to be shown the lights, but he learns this quite fast..).
Compare the results like a scientist would.
If you can use same Same hardware, and if on this hardware there were NO problems with officially released DriverPacks, and there are issues with a new testpack testbuild we want to KNOW.
Of course we want to know about issues about officially released DriverPacks, and we want to know what you did to fix the issue (which driver you used to solve the issue, a link to it..)
I have often said I like to use the NOOB approach.
When I have to test a DriverPacks testpack, I run a live test on a testplank I know I had issues with.
It goes live with an autopartition, autoformat, and 22 minutes later I know about 'holes' or "whole".
after I see 'whole", do not think I don't look further. I run the testplank through tests (but I don't always use hibernation.. I don't buy laptops for testing. I test on the hardware I have available and I kept quite a few difficult 'crapola' motherboards to test on.
((which means I am in breach of an agreement. We asked the testers they do NOT personally invest in testing materials..))
The answer was 42?
Kind regards, Jaak.